Generate SVG images with interactive areas to display geographic data
Generate SVG images with interactive areas to display geographic data. Map-reporting is available for both Node.js and the browser: either generate SVG files on the server or let it build an SVG inside any div-like HTML element.
Low resolution static preview:
Click here for a high resolution interative example. The scale is clickable.
This library was developed at Benbria, it's a great place to work and they actively contribute to open source software.
npm install map-reporting
bower install map-reporting
<script type="text/javascript" src="map-reporting.min.js"></script>
var mapReporting = require("map-reporting");
svg = mapReporting.generateMap(config, zones).toString();
mapReporting.generateMap(config, zones).toDOM(container);
// or
document.getElementById("mydiv").innerHTML = mapReporting.generateMap(config, zones).toString();
is a reference or the id (string without the '#') of the element in which the SVG will be generated
map-reporting seamlessly handles multiple maps on the same page, in any combination of inlined, linked and generated-on-the-fly. It doesn't pollute the page's JavaScript or CSS.
is an object with the following structure:
"width":800, // SVG file width
"height":700, // SVG file height
"width":800, // Background bitmap width
"height":531, // Background bitmap height
"x":0, // Background bitmap top left corner x
"y":160, // Background bitmap top left corner y
"saturation":1.0, // Background bitmap color saturation (0 to 1)
"url":null, // Put the URL of the background image here, or null to ignore
"base64":"/9j/4AAQSkZJRg..." // Put the base64 encoded JPG or PNG of the background image or null to ignore
"x":10, // Dashboard top left corner x
"y":10, // Dashboard top left corner y
"width":480, // Dashboard width
"height":150 // Dashboard height
"initial":"green", // Scale default color: "green" or "blue"
"alternate":"blue", // Scale second color: "green" or "blue"
"width":240, // Scale width
"height":20, // Scale height
"x":500, // Scale top left corner x
"y":10, // Scale top right corner y
"showNumbers":false // Show numbers on the scale
"threshold":70, // Values above the threshold are considered good
"showIDs":true, // Show the zone IDs. Doesn't work for "raw d-coordinates"
"value":"Satisfaction: ", // The value's label in the dashboard
"link":"View data", // Link text, null to disable
"defaultNoSelect":"Nothing selected" // Default dashboard text
"styling":{} // Embedded CSS customizations. See the Styling section of this README for syntax
is an array of objects with the following structure:
{"ID":"A", "link":"", "name":"Aisles", "coordinates":"[97,157];[370,157];[370,355];[97,355]", "value":0},
{"ID":"B", "link":"", "name":"Checkout", "coordinates":"[182,384];[182,411];[361,411];[361,384]", "value":15},
{"ID":"C", "link":"", "name":"Medical", "coordinates":"[31,231];[75,231];[75,379];[152,379];[152,411];[31,411]", "value":30},
{"ID":"D", "link":" ingredients", "name":"Raw ingredients", "coordinates":"[76,64];[615,64];[615,134];[76,136]", "value":45},
{"ID":"E", "link":"", "name":"Bakery", "coordinates":"[381,157];[438,157];[438,234];[567,234];[567,255];[438,255];[440,414];[381,414]", "value":60},
{"ID":"F", "link":"", "name":"Produce", "coordinates":"[453,157];[615,157];[617,315];[584,315];[584,223];[453,224]", "value":75},
{"ID":"G", "link":" meals", "name":"Prepared meals", "coordinates":"[453,265];[565,265];[565,321];[618,321];[618,436];[585,436];[585,417];[453,417]", "value":90},
{"ID":"H", "link":"é", "name":"Café", "coordinates":"[368,424];[406,424];[406,468];[449,468];[449,453];[502,453];[502,495];[368,495]", "value":""}
All the fields are strings except for value
ID must begin with a letter ([A-Za-z]) and may be followed by any number of letters, digits ([0-9]), hyphens ("-"), underscores ("_"), colons (":"), and periods (".").
Value must be between 0 and 100. To indicate lack of data, enter -1 or an empty string.
Enter the coordinates of each zone in a clock-wise order.
Drawing a rectangle is as easy as [x1,y1];[x2,y2];[x3,y3];[x4,y4]
Each coordinate is separated by ;
If a zone is made of 2 distinct parts, separate each part by ;;;
. Look at Zone 8 for an example of a multipart zone.
There's 2 types of advanced coordinates: arcs and pies.
is a point anywhere on the arc.
The arc will be a half-ellipse drawn from the start point to the end point, passing through the specified third point.
A pie is a circle (or part of a circle) drawn from the start point to the end point with the specified center point.
It's also possible to simply enter raw SVG path "d-attribute" code instead of using the syntax described above.
Example of "d-attribute code": ``M 899 359 L 1061 358 L 1061 373 A 24.5 25 -90 0 1 1061 422 L 1061 437 L 899 437 L 899 425 A 27 19 -90 0 0 899 371 Z```
The maps can be further customized with CSS.
The default values in can be overriden with a <style>
tag in your HTML page. Every map is part of the class .mapReporting
It is also possible to embed CSS into the SVG itself by passing a JSON object having the following structure into config.styling
"#myselector .abc" : {
"stroke" : "#00FF00",
"stroke-width" : 3
"path .thisisanotherselector" : {
"some-key" : "somevalue"
Example 1
"value":"Satisfaction: ",
"link":"View data",
"defaultNoSelect":"Nothing selected"
{"ID":"A", "link":"", "name":"Aisles", "coordinates":"[97,157];[370,157];[370,355];[97,355]", "value":0},
{"ID":"B", "link":"", "name":"Checkout", "coordinates":"[182,384];[182,411];[361,411];[361,384]", "value":15},
{"ID":"C", "link":"", "name":"Medical", "coordinates":"[31,231];[75,231];[75,379];[152,379];[152,411];[31,411]", "value":30},
{"ID":"D", "link":" ingredients", "name":"Raw ingredients", "coordinates":"[76,64];[615,64];[615,134];[76,136]", "value":45},
{"ID":"E", "link":"", "name":"Bakery", "coordinates":"[381,157];[438,157];[438,234];[567,234];[567,255];[438,255];[440,414];[381,414]", "value":60},
{"ID":"F", "link":"", "name":"Produce", "coordinates":"[453,157];[615,157];[617,315];[584,315];[584,223];[453,224]", "value":75},
{"ID":"G", "link":" meals", "name":"Prepared meals", "coordinates":"[453,265];[565,265];[565,321];[618,321];[618,436];[585,436];[585,417];[453,417]", "value":90},
{"ID":"H", "link":"é", "name":"Café", "coordinates":"[368,424];[406,424];[406,468];[449,468];[449,453];[502,453];[502,495];[368,495]", "value":""}
Example 2
"value":"Satisfaction: ",
"link":"View data",
"defaultNoSelect":"Nothing selected"
{"ID":"1", "link":" Desk", "name":"Lobby/Front Desk", "coordinates":"[727,262];[979,261];[979,332];[934,318];[727,318]", "value":5},
{"ID":"2", "link":" Desk", "name":"Tour Desk", "coordinates":"[979,261];[1234,261];[1234,318];[1024,318];[979,332]", "value":10},
{"ID":"3", "link":"'s Lounge", "name":"Player's Lounge", "coordinates":"[727,318];[823,318];[823,425];[727,425]", "value":15},
{"ID":"4", "link":" & Sauna", "name":"Gym & Sauna", "coordinates":"[979,206];[1234,206];[1234,261];[979,260]", "value":25},
{"ID":"5", "link":" Gift Shop", "name":"Pocomania Gift Shop", "coordinates":"[727,425];[823,425];[823,480];[727,480]", "value":30},
{"ID":"6", "link":" Window Restaurant", "name":"Bay Window Restaurant", "coordinates":"[1137,318];[1234,318];[1234,481];[1137,481]", "value":35},
{"ID":"7", "link":" Carlyle Restaurant", "name":"The Carlyle Restaurant", "coordinates":"[405,300];[592,300];[546,328];[546,381];[451,381];[451,328];[405,300]", "value":40},
{"ID":"8-10", "link":" & Sunset Bar", "name":"Nibbles & Sunset Bar", "coordinates":"pie[[449,382],[367,312],[403,355]];pie[[360,288],[375,280],[356,259]];pie[[383,303],[403,299],[403,355]];[449,325];;;[546,325];pie[[592,299],[546,383],[592,355]]", "value":45},
{"ID":"9", "link":" Window Bar", "name":"Bay Window Bar", "coordinates":"[1086,318];[1139,318];[1139,481];[1086,481]", "value":50},
{"ID":"11", "link":" Pool", "name":"Freshwater Pool", "coordinates":"[899,359];[1061,358];arc[[1061,373],[1061,422],[1086,397.5]];[1061,437];[899,437];arc[[899,425],[899,371],[918,398]]", "value":60},
{"ID":"12", "link":"", "name":"Whirlpool", "coordinates":"arc[[899,371],[899,425],[918,398]];arc[[899,425],[899,371],[878,398]]", "value":65},
{"ID":"13", "link":" Beach", "name":"Public Beach", "coordinates":"[0,521];[1104,521];[1389,648];[1389,918];[0,918]", "value":69},
{"ID":"14", "link":" Room", "name":"Treatment Room", "coordinates":"[727,206];[979,206];[979,261];[727,261]", "value":70},
{"ID":"15", "link":" & Wedding Centre", "name":"Entertainment & Wedding Centre", "coordinates":"[569,425];[678,425];[678,464];[569,464]", "value":75},
{"ID":"16", "link":"", "name":"Amphitheatre", "coordinates":"[459,217];[535,217];[591,300];[403,299]", "value":80},
{"ID":"17", "link":" Court", "name":"Shuffleboard Court", "coordinates":"[334,436];[450,436];[450,464];[334,464]", "value":85},
{"ID":"18", "link":" Court", "name":"Volleyball Court", "coordinates":"[81,390];[214,390];[214,463];[81,463]", "value":90},
{"ID":"19", "link":" Tennis Court", "name":"Lighted Tennis Court", "coordinates":"[70,283];[218,283];[218,352];[70,352]", "value":95}