Pacote de funções utils para aplicações Manto Sistemas BR
A collection of utility functions for various tasks including date manipulation, string formatting, random value generation, REST API utilities, and more.
You can install the package using npm:
npm install manto-util
Below are examples of how to use the different modules and functions provided by this library.
Date Utilities
import { dateUtils } from 'manto-util';
// Example usage
const formattedDate = dateUtils.DateTimeSQL();
String Conversors
import { conversorUtils } from 'manto-util';
// Example usage
const formattedCpf = conversorUtils.formatCpf('12345678901');
Random Value Generators
import { generatorsUtils } from 'manto-util';
// Example usage
const randomColor = generatorsUtils.randomColor(5);
REST API Utilities
import { restUtils } from 'manto-util';
// Example usage
const isSuccess = restUtils.isSucess(200);
General Utilities
import { utils } from 'manto-util';
// Example usage
const guid = utils.genGuid();
Browser Fingerprint
import { fingerprint } from 'manto-util';
// Example usage
const fingerprint = fingerprint.browserFingerprint();
Modules and Functions
Date Utilities
- DateTimeSQL: Formats the current date and time as a SQL datetime string.
- DateNowSQL: Formats the current date as a SQL date string.
- brDate: Converts a date string in 'yyyy-MM-dd' format to a Date object.
- brDateTime: Converts a datetime string in 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss' format to a Date object.
String Conversors
- formatCpf: Formats a CPF string.
- formatCnpj: Formats a CNPJ string.
- clearString: Clears a string by removing all non-digit characters.
Random Value Generators
- randomColor: Returns a color from the predefined colors array based on the given index.
- setOpacity: Sets the opacity of a hex color.
- randInt: Generates a random integer between the specified min and max values.
REST API Utilities
- isSucess: Checks if a response code indicates a successful response.
- isSucessR: Checks if a request is successful.
- normalizeNull: Normalizes an object's null values to empty strings.
- normalizeEmpity: Normalizes an object's empty string values to null.
- normalizeKeys: Normalizes keys in an array of objects by replacing dots with spaces.
- getReponseError: Gets the error message from an Axios error.
- getBToken: Gets a Bearer token object for authorization headers.
General Utilities
- genGuid: Generates a new GUID.
- notEmpity: Checks if a value is not empty.
- formatCurrency: Formats a value as currency (BRL).
- formatCurrencyNoMask: Formats a value as currency without the mask.
- formatPercent: Formats a value as a percentage.
- formatStock: Formats a value as stock with six decimal places.
- clearString: Clears a string by removing all non-digit characters.
- removeStr: Removes certain characters from a string based on the provided configuration.
- isFilledArray: Checks if an array is filled.
- readFileAsDataURL: Reads a file as a Data URL.
- getFromS3: Gets the full URL of an image from S3.
- getImgFromS3: Gets the full URL of an image from S3 (images bucket).
- getBase64: Converts a file to a base64 string.
- hexToRGB: Converts a hex color code to an RGB or RGBA string.
- toFixedNumber: Converts a number to a fixed-point notation.
- diasDaSemana: Object mapping days of the week.
- convertViewData: Converts view data based on provided keys.
- standardizeEndpoint: Standardizes an endpoint object.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.