OpenAPI client for manticoresearch-ts
Manticore TypeScript client
❗ WARNING: this is a development version of the client. The latest release's readme is
Compatibility Table
| manticoresearch-typescript | Manticore Search | Node | Compatibility |
| ------------------------------ | ----------------------------------- | ------------------- | -----------------------|
| manticoresearch-ts-dev
| dev
(latest development version) | Node 18 or newer | ✅ Fully Compatible |
| 6.0.0 or newer | 7.0.0 or newer | Node 18 or newer | ✅ Fully Compatible |
| 6.0.0 or newer | 4.2.1 to 7.0.0 | Node 18 or newer | ⚠️ Partially Compatible|
| 3.3.1 to 6.0.0 | 6.2.0 or newer | Node 18 or newer | ✅ Fully Compatible |
| 3.3.1 to 6.0.0 | 4.2.1 to 6.2.0 | Node 18 or newer | ⚠️ Partially Compatible|
| 1.0.x to 3.3.1 | 4.2.1 to 6.2.0 | Node 18 or newer | ✅ Fully Compatible |
npm install manticoresearch-ts
Getting Started
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following typescript code:
import * as Manticoresearch from "manticoresearch-ts";
(async () => {
try {
const serverConfig = new Manticoresearch.ServerConfiguration("http://localhost:9308", {})
const config = Manticoresearch.createConfiguration({
baseServer: serverConfig,
indexApi = new Manticoresearch.IndexApi(config);
searchApi = new Manticoresearch.SearchApi(config);
# Perform insert and search operations
await indexApi.insert({"index": "products", "doc" : {"title" : "Crossbody Bag with Tassel", "price" : 19.85}});
await indexApi.insert({"index": "products", "doc" : {"title" : "microfiber sheet set", "price" : 19.99}});
var search_query = new Manticoresearch.SearchQuery()
search_query.query_string = "@title bag"
var search_request = new Manticoresearch.SearchRequest()
search_request.index = "products"
search_request.query = search_query
var query_highlight = new Manticoresearch.Highlight()
query_highlight.fields = {"title":{}}
search_request.highlight = query_highlight
var search_response = await
console.log("The response of SearchApi->search:\n")
# Alternatively, you can pass all request arguments as JSON strings
search_response = await{"index": "products", "query": {"query_string": "@title bag"}, "highlight": {"fields": ["title"]}});
console.log("The response of SearchApi->search:\n")
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error response:", JSON.stringify(error));
Full documentation on the API Endpoints and Models used is available in docs folder as listed below.
Manticore Search server documentation:
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- Manticoresearch.IndexApi | bulk | POST /bulk | Bulk table operations Manticoresearch.IndexApi | delete | POST /delete | Delete a document in a table Manticoresearch.IndexApi | insert | POST /insert | Create a new document in a table Manticoresearch.IndexApi | partialReplace | POST /{table}/_update/{id} | Partially replaces a document in a table Manticoresearch.IndexApi | replace | POST /replace | Replace new document in a table Manticoresearch.IndexApi | update | POST /update | Update a document in a table Manticoresearch.SearchApi | autocomplete | POST /autocomplete | Performs an autocomplete search on a table Manticoresearch.SearchApi | percolate | POST /pq/{table}/search | Perform reverse search on a percolate table Manticoresearch.SearchApi | search | POST /search | Performs a search on a table Manticoresearch.UtilsApi | sql | POST /sql | Perform SQL requests
Documentation for Authorization
All endpoints do not require authorization.