Find properties that are best mangling candidates.
A small command-line utility to find properties that are good candidates for mangling or removal.
Mangling (compressing by shortening names) of properties can be tricky.
Properties of built-ins, properties that may be referenced from external code
and properties that are accessed using obj[var]
and other dynamic constructs
cannot be mangled. However, usually shortening just a couple of properties can
give most of the possible size saving.
To see what may be worth mangling run the script on your optimized bundle:
mangle-what bundle.js
This will give you a table such as:
property occurrences overhead (bytes) overhead (% total)
------------------ ----------- ---------------- ------------------
relativeTime 1572 17292 12.20
displayName 1629 16290 11.49
other 3145 12580 8.87
future 1572 7860 5.54
relative 1048 7336 5.17
parentLocale 506 5566 3.93
past 1572 4716 3.33
pluralRuleFunction 249 4233 2.99
locale 761 3805 2.68
one 1135 2270 1.60
In this particular case (of a small React-ish app), mangling the first 9 properties reduced the minified (non-gzipped) bundle size from 833 kB to 752 kB, that is by about 10% of its overall size. Mangling and removing a couple more properties (in essence getting rid of unneeded pieces of locale data) brought that down to 546 kB, for a total saving of 34%.
To print more or less properties:
mangle-what --count=5 bundle.js
To exclude some properties from the statistics:
mangle-what --ignore=past future other bundle.js
By default a number of built-in and DOM properties are ignored. A list maintained by Uglify is used for that. To allow all properties to be accounted for:
mangle-what --no-ignore-default bundle.js
Mangling properties
How to actually mangle the properties depends on the build setup, for instance with bare Uglify:
uglifyjs bundle.js \
--mangle-props \
--mangle-regex='/^(displayName|relativeTime)$/' \
--output smaller-bundle.js
Or with Webpack:
plugins: [
new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({
mangle: {props: {regex: /^(displayName|relativeTime)$/}}
Removing properties
You may want to try babel-remove-props. In .babelrc
plugins: [
['transform-remove-props', /^(displayName|relativeTime)$/]
Unlike usual Babel transforms this one is best run on the bundled code,
possibly using a second pass.
One full setup example can be found in this projects's webpack-config-js.
npm install --global mangle-what