A configurable API framework
Configurapi allows developers to develop APIs easily, without worrying about the majority of the underlying details.
Configurapi requires a folder /handlers witin the project which contains the handlers referenced in the config.yaml.
Example Config
This is an example of a basic API config file. An API can have events and modules, events refer to http request name and are formatted by '{http-request-method}_path. The available methods for the events are list, get, patch, post, and delete.
Every name refers to an http request type and path, and every policy refers to an exported handler. Policies also allow parameters to be passed in, which will be passed into the handler when executed.
Modules allow imported handlers from other libraries, for example if handler is created within a library and exported, it can be referenced in an event policies.
#Handler Example This is a basic handler example.
In this example there is a param which can be passed, this would be passed in the policy for example with config:
Events have the fields correlationId, params, id, query, headers, body, request, payload, identity and response.
If this.complete() is called inside of a handler, it will return at that handler, without going to the next.
this.continue() called inside of a handler will go to the next handler.
Identity allows handlers to store user identity credentials, and can be passed down to preceding handlers.