A tool for quickly scaffolding an app with Magic authentication baked-in!
🪄 make-scoped-magic-app
A tool for quickly scaffolding an app with Magic baked-in!
🚀 Usage
Getting started with the interactive scaffolding tool is easy. Just run the following command in your preferred shell:
npx make-scoped-magic-app
Follow the interactive prompts to customize your project. Done! ✨
Programmatic API
also supports a programmatic API, so you can generate boilerplate codes with Magic built-in from your own NodeJS scripts.
import makeScopedMagicApp from 'make-scoped-magic-app';
await makeScopedMagicApp({
template: 'hello-world', // Same as --template, -t
projectName: 'my-app', // Same as --project-name, -p
branch: 'master', // Same as --branch, -b
// The same, arbitrary data you can pass to a template via CLI flags.
data: {
publishableApiKey: 'pk_live_...',
npmClient: 'yarn',
See npx make-scoped-magic-app --help
for information about the available options. In general, most CLI flags map to camel-cased properties in the configuration given to makeScopedMagicApp({ ... })
For more information, you can print help text including template-specific options using npx make-scoped-magic-app --help --template [i.e.: hello-world]