Utility to generate a color theme from a few colors
Given 3 input colors, create a full palette of colors in light mode and dark mode.
Follow this process for making color themes:
- Basic palette -- you provide 3 colors: light, dark, and accent color
- Full palette -- adds more colors interpolated between the original 3, such as intermediate grays and lighter and darker accent color
- Theme -- assigns colors from the palette to various named roles on a page: page text, button border color, etc etc.
- Styles -- makes actual CSS rules using the theme colors.
A "palette" is a set of colors that have not been assigned roles yet.
We start with a user-provied BasicPalette which only has 3 colors:
type ColorHexString = string; // like "#ff9900"
interface BasicPalette {
gr6: ColorHexString, // background (white, in light mode)
gr0: ColorHexString, // text (black, in light mode)
ac3: ColorHexString, // accent color
That's expanded into a FullPalette with more in-between colors:
interface FullPalette {
// a perceptually-uniform gradient between light and dark
gr6: ColorHexString, // background (white, in light mode)
gr5: ColorHexString,
gr4: ColorHexString,
gr3: ColorHexString, // middle gray
gr2: ColorHexString,
gr1: ColorHexString,
gr0: ColorHexString, // text (black, in light mode)
// variations on the accent color
ac4: ColorHexString, // lighter
ac3: ColorHexString,
ac2: ColorHexString, // darker
A "theme" is a set of colors that have been assigned specific jobs on the page such as text, page background, button border, etc.
export interface Theme extends FullPalette {
card: ColorHexString, // brightest background (in light mode)
page: ColorHexString, // medium background
link: ColorHexString, // colorful link text
faintText: ColorHexString, // gray text
text: ColorHexString, // darkest text
// gray button
quietButtonBg: ColorHexString,
quietButtonBorder: ColorHexString,
quietButtonText: ColorHexString,
// colorful button
loudButtonBg: ColorHexString,
loudButtonBorder: ColorHexString, // or 'none'
loudButtonText: ColorHexString,
textInputBg: ColorHexString,
textInputText: ColorHexString,
textInputBorder: ColorHexString, // or 'none'
// the raw palette colors are here too, inherited from FullPalette:
gr6: ColorHexString, // background (white, in light mode)
gr5: ColorHexString,
gr4: ColorHexString,
gr3: ColorHexString, // middle gray
gr2: ColorHexString,
gr1: ColorHexString,
gr0: ColorHexString, // text (black, in light mode)
ac4: ColorHexString, // accent color lighter
ac3: ColorHexString, // accent color
ac2: ColorHexString, // accent color darker
Finally, Styles are actual CSS rules. You will want to write your own, but an example is provided in example-styles.ts
// example; make your own
let makeStyles = (theme: Theme): Styles => ({
sPage: {
color: theme.text,
sCard: {
background: theme.card,
color: theme.text,
padding: 10,
borderRadius: 5,
boxShadow: '5px 15px 20px -5px rgba(0,0,0,0.17)',
sLoudButton: {
background: theme.loudButtonBg,
color: theme.loudButtonText,
borderRadius: 10,
padding: theme.loudButtonBorder === 'none' ? '8px 13px' : '10px 15px',
margin: '2px 5px',
fontWeight: 'bold',
display: 'inline-block',
border: theme.loudButtonBorder === 'none' ? 'none' : '2px solid ' + theme.loudButtonBorder,
Example usage
import {
} from 'make-color-theme';
// Start with your basic colors, maybe picked by the user.
let basicPalette = {
gr0: '#222222', // text
gr6: '#ffffff', // background
ac3: '#775500', // accent
// Normalize it to light mode, no matter how it started off.
// (Light mode means the background, gr6, is brighter than text, gr0)
if (!paletteIsLight(basicPalette) {
basicPalette = invertBasicPalette(basicPalettte);
// expand to a full gradient of colors
let fullPalette = makeFullPalette(basicPalette);
// assign them to roles on the page, and make light and dark versions
let { lightTheme, darkTheme } = makeLightAndDarkThemes(fullPalette);
let myTheme = lightTheme;
// make your actual CSS styles
let loudButtonStyle = {
background: theme.loudButtonBg,
color: theme.loudButtonText,
// ... etc
// this part is up to you
Palette functions
// "light mode" means text (gr0) is dark and background (gr6) is bright.
// toggle a palette between light and dark mode
invertBasicPalette(p: BasicPalette) => BasicPalette
invertFullPalette(p: FullPalette) => FullPalette
// check if a palette is light or dark
paletteIsLight(p : BasicPalette | FullPalette) => boolean
// ensure that a palette is specifically in light mode or dark mode,
// no matter how it starts off
forceBasicPaletteToLightMode(p: BasicPalette) => BasicPalette
forceBasicPaletteToDarkMode(p: BasicPalette) => BasicPalette
forceFullPaletteToLightMode(p: FullPalette) => FullPalette
forceFullPaletteToDarkMode(p: FullPalette) => FullPalette
Color math
Some of these color functions use a different representation for colors: an object with r
, g
, and b
Convert between that format and regular hex strings:
type ColorRGB = {
// floats between 0 and 1
r: number,
g: number,
b: number,
cToHexString = (c: ColorRGB) => string // like "#ff9900"
cFromHexString = (s: ColorHexString) => ColorRGB | null
Linear interpolation between colors:
// "t", a float between 0 and 1, controls the interpolation.
// as color objects
cLerp(c1: ColorRGB, c2: ColorRGB, t: number) => ColorRGB
// as hex strings
cLerpStr(c1s: ColorHexString, c2s: ColorHexString, t: number) => ColorHexString
Compute the perceptual luminance and contrast ratio as defined by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.
luminance(c: ColorRGB): number // between 0 and 1
contrastRatio(c1: ColorRGB, c2: ColorRGB): number // between 1 and 21