Export anonymized traffic flow information from email archives
Email Flow Information Export
Mailfix is a command-line tool for exporting anonymized flow information from email archives. The primary intent is to assemble personal datasets for statistical and social network analysis.
Email flow information is exported in CSV format, with each row consisting of the following fields:
id: the email message identifier, unique within the mailbox
date: the date and time
type: the recipient type, either
sender: the anonymized sender
receiver: the anonymized receiver
An example dataset can be found on kaggle.
Supported formats
Mailfix can currently export flow informations from:
GMAIL accounts
IMAP accounts
Apple Mail on Mac OS X (successfully tested on version 11.2)
Email flow information is extremely sensitive and, in order to preserve your and your contacts' privacy, it should never be shared in clear.
Mailfix supports deterministic anonymization that can be controlled by
providing a secret phrase through the --secret
Anonymization will map domains consistently, but not user names:
$ mailfix map [email protected]
[email protected]
$ mailfix map [email protected]
[email protected]
$ mailfix map [email protected]
[email protected]
Anonymization is enabled by default with a pre-defined secret (that should be changed); it can be disabled by providing an empty string.
Mailfix requires node.js and can be installed
with npm
$ npm install -g mailfix
Quick Start
Export from an IMAP account
$ mailfix flow -p imap -H -o /tmp/imap-flow.csv
? Username: imapuser
? Password: [hidden]
domain anonymization produced 0 conflicts
address anonymizazion produced 0 conflicts
$ head /tmp/imap-flow.csv
1,2006-05-05T09:09:11.000Z,to,[email protected],[email protected]
1,2006-05-05T09:09:11.000Z,to,[email protected],[email protected]
1,2006-05-05T09:09:11.000Z,to,[email protected],[email protected]
Export the "All Mail" folder from Gmail
$ mailfix flow -p gmail --gmail-filter 'All Mail' -o /tmp/imap-gmail.csv
Authorize access by visiting this url:
? Enter the code from that page here: 4/AADV636PXBDv-oGnF6vXoT82ry-uJVB_L5Eo1M7V9Qjt0JV4kZWbPb4
domain anonymization produced 0 conflicts
address anonymizazion produced 0 conflicts
$ head /tmp/gmail-flow.csv
26,2010-07-14T09:17:56.000Z,cc,[email protected],[email protected]
26,2010-07-14T09:17:56.000Z,cc,[email protected],[email protected]
26,2010-07-14T09:17:56.000Z,cc,[email protected],[email protected]
Export the local Apple Mail archive
$ mailfix flow -p mac -o /tmp/mac-flow.csv
domain anonymization produced 0 conflicts
address anonymizazion produced 0 conflicts
$ head /tmp/mac-flow.csv
45,2016-09-28T08:20:35.000Z,cc,[email protected],[email protected]
46,2016-09-30T07:47:44.000Z,to,[email protected],[email protected]
46,2016-09-30T07:47:44.000Z,to,[email protected],[email protected]
Command-line Options
$ mailfix -h
Usage: mailfix <command> [options]
mailfix flow [options] Export flow information from an email archive
mailfix map <address> Map an email address to its anonymized form
--secret, -s The secret for email address anonymization
[string] [default: "quite a boring secret"]
--output, -o Write data to file [string]
--save-mapping, --mapping, -m Write anonymization mapping to file [string]
--user-words The number of words for anonymization of
address usernames [number] [default: 4]
--domain-words The number of words for anonymization of
address domains [number] [default: 3]
--provider, -p The mailbox provider
[string] [choices: "mac", "imap", "gmail"]
--mac-index The index file path for "mac" provider
[string] [default: "~/Library/Mail/V5/MailData/Envelope Index"]
--imap-host, -H The IMAP server host [string]
--imap-port The IMAP server port [number] [default: 993]
--imap-tls Enable TLS on the connection with the IMAP
server [boolean] [default: true]
--imap-filter, --gmail-filter Only fetch in mailboxes matching the given
regular expression [string]
--imap-invert, --gmail-invert Invert filter matching [boolean]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
-v, --version Show version number [boolean]