Mailberry Forms components to be used on a ReactJS/NextJS project
Mailberry Forms library to use together with form builder
How to use it
Basic usage
Snippet Option:
<MailberryForm formId='01HN40RQ***************' thanksMessage='Thanks for sub!' format='SNIPPET' formContainerStyles={{ backgroundColor: 'aliceblue' }}>
<h2 style={{ textAlign: 'center' }}>Hello world!</h2>
<p>I'm a description!</p>
<hr />
<MailberryForm.FieldError />
<MailberryForm.EmailInput fieldStyles={{ wrapper: { backgroundColor: 'red' }}} label='Email' required />
<MailberryForm.TextInput fieldStyles={{ wrapper: { backgroundColor: 'red' }}} label='Last name' required={false} />
<MailberryForm.TextInput fieldStyles={{ wrapper: { backgroundColor: 'red' }}} label='Age' required />
<MailberryForm.Submit submitStyles={{ button: { width: '100%' } }} text="Subscribe" />
Popup Option:
thanksMessage='Thanks for sub!'
type: 'TIME',
value: 5,
formContainerStyles={{ backgroundColor: 'aliceblue' }}
<h2 style={{ textAlign: 'center' }}>Hello world!</h2>
<p>I'm a description!</p>
<hr />
<MailberryForm.FieldError />
<MailberryForm.EmailInput fieldStyles={{ wrapper: { backgroundColor: 'red' }}} label='Email' required />
<MailberryForm.TextInput fieldStyles={{ wrapper: { backgroundColor: 'red' }}} label='Last name' required={false} />
<MailberryForm.Submit submitStyles={{ button: { width: '100%' } }} text="Subscribe" />
Components Description:
MailberryForm component
The MailberryForm component is the main component of the library. It has the following props:
- formId is the id of the form you want to use
- thanksMessage is the message that will be shown after the form is submitted
- format is the format of the form, it can be 'SNIPPET' or 'POPUP'
- formContainerStyles is the style of the form container
- showAt is only useful when the format is POPUP. This prop is an object with the following props:
- type is the type of the showAt, it can be 'TIME' or 'SCROLL'
- value is the value of the showAt, if the type is 'TIME' it is the time in seconds, if the type is 'SCROLL' it is the percentage of the scroll i.e 0.5, where 0.5 is 50% of the scroll
- MailberryForm format SNIPPET render a form within a div(div form container > form).
- MailberryForm format POPUP it renders a the form within a div three times(div overlay > div modal container > div form container > form).
Simple Components
- MailberryForm.Description is a ReactNode and it can be used to add the header and description if you want
- MailberryForm.Submit is a component to add a submit button to the form, has the following props:
- text is the text of the button
- submitStyles is an object with the styles of the submit button. The object has the following keys:
- buttonStyles is the style of the button
- buttonWrapperStyles is the style of the button wrapper. The buttonWrapperStyles is used to wrap the button.
- MailberryForm.EmailInput is a component to add an email input to the form
- MailberryForm.TextInput is a component to add a text input to the form
- MailberryForm.NumberInput is a component to add a number input to the form
- MailberryForm.DateInput is a component to add a date input to the form
- inputStyles is an object with the styles of the label, input and their wrapper. The object has the following keys:
- wrapperStyles is the style of the input and label wrapper(div > label + input)
- labelStyle is the style of the label
- inputStyle is the style of the input
- inputStyles is an object with the styles of the label, input and their wrapper. The object has the following keys:
Error Messages
- MailberryForm.FieldError is a component that displays the error message if some of the inputs are invalid.
Note for the mantainers
In order to use this library in mode local after to make git clone and npm install, follow this steps: Consider my-app as the project name and my-library as the library name.
- npm link 'path_to_my-app/node_modules/react' from my-library, to use the same react version and avoid lint errors.
- Try using it npm pack over npm link, to create a tarball and install it in my-app.
- Is already to be tested.
- Every change in my-library needs to be updated rebuilding npm run build, npm pack and then uninstall and install it again in my-app.