a light weight building 3D model generator
一个用于生成轻量化建筑模型的 JS 库 a JavaScript library for generating Lightweight Building Model
Magiz 在轻量化的数据结构、生成逻辑、渲染效率、跨平台等方面都有优化,适合在web端展示城市级尺度的模型场景。 Magiz has been optimized for lightweight data structures, generation logic, rendering efficiency, and cross platform capabilities, making it suitable for displaying city level model scenes on the web.
须知 Notice
目前还是 esm
打包的 测试版,全部功能可用,但仅包含了几个基础样式,文档也仅针对核心功能,后续再完善。
At present, it is still a beta version bundled as esm
, with all functions available, but only a few basic styles, and the documentation is only for the core functions, which will be further improved in the future.
演示 Demo
将建筑大师柯布西耶设计的马赛公寓转换成参数化样式 Convert the Marseille apartment designed by famous architect Corbusier into a parametric style
1917栋参数化建筑的城市场景 The urban scene of 1917 parameterized buildings
案例 Example
打开并编辑 ./example/index.html
Open and edit ./example/index.html
to view the generated model.
Magiz的功能依赖于Three.js,需要先通过importmap导入three.module.min.js Magiz's functionality relies on Three.js, which requires importing Three.module.min.js through an importmap first
<script type="importmap"> { "imports": { "three": "" } } </script>
functions<script type="module"> // Magiz 的核心功能 // core functions of Magiz import { PLAN, STYLES, styles } from '../dist/magiz.module.min.js' // 一些即插即用的 Three.js 基本功能 // Some basic Three.js functions ready to use import WEB3D from '../dist/web3D.module.min.js' // 初始化 three.js 场景 // init three.js scene const web3D = new WEB3D('#magiz') // 设置镜头。许多Three.js对象被绑定为属性。 // setup camera. many Three.js object are bounded as attribute, 50, 100) // 初始化建筑平面对象 // init a building plan object const plan = new PLAN({ params:{ style: 'Random', height: 24, floorHeight: 3, elevation: 9, seed: 0, matchSpacing: 2, }, loops: [ [ [0, 0], [80, 0], [80, 30], [0, 30], ], ] }) // 初始化用于缓存生成结果的全局变量 // init a global var to cache data generated const data = { colorMap: [], models: [] } // 将生成的模型数据缓存到全局变量 // generate model data to global var plan.toModel(data, styles, { x: 0, y: 0 }) // 利用全局变量渲染场景 // use global var to render scene web3D.refresh(data, { grayScale: false, showEdge: true }) </script>
参数说明 Params Description
new PLAN({ params, loops })
params: { // 指定建筑样式名称 // name of building style style: 'Blocks'|'Random'|'S0'|'S1'|'S2'|'S3'|'S4'|'S5' // 指定建筑高度 // total height of building (m) height: number // 指定建筑层高 // floor height of building (m) floorHeight: number // 指定建筑标高 // elevation of building (m) elevation: number // 指定随机数种子,0表示完全随机 // init seed with a number. 0 means to init seed randomly seed: number // 指定拟合平面的矩形宽度 // set width of rectangle to match a plan shape (m) matchSpacing: number } // 3 阶数组以支持包含孔洞的平面 // 3 level array to enable holes in polygon loops: [x: number, y: number][][]
web3D.refresh(data, params)
params: { // 开关渲染模型颜色 // toggle model colors grayScale: boolean // 开关渲染模型边线 // toggle model edges showEdge: boolean // 如果一次生成输入了多个平面,设为真 // turn this on if generating multiple plans inplace: boolean } // 用于缓存 web3D.refresh(...) 生成结果的全局变量,以便多次生成 // global var to cache data for mutiple call of web3D.refresh(...) data: { // 缓存多次生成后的全部颜色值 // caching all generated color values colorMap: string[], // 模型数据 // model data models: rawBuilding[] } type rawBuilding = { // 暂时无用 // unavailable info: { floorArea: number, floors: number }, // 重置平面中心到原点后的平面相对坐标点 // relative points after reset center of plan to origin points: [x: number, y: number][][], // 原平面的中心点 // real center of plan center: [x: number, y: number], // 如果一次生成输入了多个平面 (params.inplace=true),该值为该平面相对于全部平面的中心的中心点 // center related to the center of multiple plans, for params.inplace=true centerRelative: [x: number, y: number], // PLAN 对象的参数引用 // params ref of PLAN instance params: params, // 将平面长边对齐X轴时的弧度 // radian to align the longest edge of plan to x-axis rotate: number, data: { // instancedMesh数据:默认材质的立方体 // instancedMesh data:box with basic material box: rawData, // instancedMesh数据:玻璃材质的立方体 // instancedMesh data:box with glass material boxGlass: rawData, // instancedMesh数据:默认材质的坡屋顶 // instancedMesh data:sloping roof with basic material sloping: rawData, // instancedMesh数据:玻璃材质的坡屋顶 // instancedMesh data:sloping roof with glass material slopingGlass: rawData, }, } type rawData = { // 包含多个16位变形矩阵的数组 // 4x4 Matrices in array matrices: number[][], // data.colorMap 中的序号,多个序号表示随机颜色 // indexs in data.colorMap. mutiple indexes means random color colors: string[] }[]
其他信息 More info
Author: 周 曦 website: E-mail: [email protected] Wechat: Ketchup