Command-line manager for
Beyond magical. magixjs
MagiXJS allow you to create the most advance webapps ever built. Combined with Coffeescript, MagiX get ride of HTML/CSS and Javascript allowing you to create webapps only using one language and one framework. It is easy to learn and will push your next project to new heights.
npm install -g magixjs
magix about
- About Magix.
magix create [type]
- Allow you to create a project.
- Type: [app, playground]
ex: magix create app
magix launch [dir] [port]
- Launch a local server to help you code an orb project.
magix build [project dir] [env]
- Build your project.
- magix build production ** Optimize your project for a production environement (merge files, minify..).
magix clean [project dir]
- Clear the build of a project.
magix watch [project dir]
- Observe change on a project and compile on the fly.
- Note: when doing a 'magix launch' you do not need to do an 'magix watch'
ex: magix watch
Create your first project:
magix create demo
Magix: Project created successfully.
cd orb-demo
magix launch
Create production version of your project
(Will create copy of your project that will be minified and optimized)
magix clean
magix build production
About magix projects
- You code using COFFEESCRIPT.
- No HTML, no CSS, no javascript required.
- No need for anything else out of the box.
- To create a class, create a new file and write:
Extends View
this.background = red
this.didAppear = ->
say 'hi'
.. Instead of the traditional 'class' keyword
One class per file
Classes are auto imported by default. To import classes manually, add a '!' at the very beggining of you file. Then:
Import 'MyFirstView', ->
log 'imported'
In case you are wondering, 'log' is the print method, short and cool ;)
log 'something :P'
Documentation / help
To find help visit:
Created by Etienne Pinchon (@etiennepinchon)