The simple LLM scripting library to create complex Chat chains for your users
🪄 Magic Prompt
The world's first text-based scripting library for creating complex LLM chat flows in your TypeScript App - no coding for the end-user is required!
⚠️ Experimental Status: This project is currently a proof of concept and in experimental stage. Use with caution in production environments.
🤝 Contributing
We welcome contributions and ideas to improve this library!
🌟 Overview
Magic Prompt is a library that lets you create AI chat flows using simple text-based scripting. No Python, no complex programming - just intuitive text commands to build powerful conversational experiences.
You can use Magic Prompt to build simple templates with Variales or to build complex chain of thoughts prompting.
✨ Key Features
- Text-Based Scripting: Create complex chat flows using simple, intuitive syntax
- No Programming Required: Design advanced chat patterns without coding knowledge for the end-user
- Powerful Control Flow: Use blocks, variables, functions, and jump markers
- Memory Management: Optional you can use the Built-in variable and state management (in-memory)
- Flexible Integration: Works with various LLM providers. Depends on your implementation
- Loop & Condition Support: Create interactive, dynamic conversations
🚀 Quick Start
- Install Magic Prompt:
npm install magic-prompt
- Create your first chat flow:
{{#function name=generate_question output=actual_question}}
You will create random questions.
Create a question.
{{#block name=ask_question execute_on_start=generate_question}}
🔧 Core Concepts
Chat Blocks
Define conversation segments with specific roles and purposes:
Greet the user professionally.
Store and manage state throughout your conversation:
{{#set user_name=response}}
{{#role=assistant}}Hello {{user_name}}!{{/role}}
Variables can also be set by the user from the Chat or programmatically. They are handled in the Chat-Session-Store in a key-value store.
Create reusable conversation patterns:
{{#function name=validate_answer output=is_correct max_tokens=1}}
Check if the answer is correct.
You will respond only with "yes" or "no".
Jump Markers
Control conversation flow:
{{#block condition_next_checker=validate_answer condition_next_value="yes" next=my_next_block}}
📚 Documentation
...more documentation will follow soon...
Block Arguments
Blocks can be configured with the following arguments:
name="my_block" # Optional: Unique identifier (auto-generated if not provided)
next="next_block" # Optional: Name of the next block to execute
condition_next_value="yes" # Optional: Value to check for conditional next block
condition_next_checker="fn" # Optional: Function name to check condition
execute_on_start="fn1,fn2" # Optional: Comma-separated functions to run before block
execute_on_end="fn3,fn4" # Optional: Comma-separated functions to run after block
clear_on_start=true # Optional: Clear chat history before block (default: false)
clear_on_end=false # Optional: Clear chat history after block (default: false)
max_tokens=1000 # Optional: Maximum tokens for LLM response
output="variable_name" # Optional: Variable to store LLM response
memory="memory_name" # Optional: Array variable to accumulate responses
allow_open_chat=false # Optional: Allow free-form chat (default: false)
allow_user_skip=true # Optional: Allow user to skip block (default: false)
allow_user_next=false # Optional: Allow user to jump to next block (default: false)
Function Arguments
Functions can be configured with the following arguments:
name="my_function" # Optional: Unique identifier (auto-generated if not provided)
output="variable_name" # Required: Variable to store function output
memory="memory_name" # Optional: Array variable to accumulate outputs
Callback Block Arguments
Callback blocks are special blocks for handling user input:
role="assistant" # Required: Role for the callback (usually "assistant")
content=var_name # Optional: Variable that will be the message content
variables=var1,var2 # Optional: Variables that will be given back to the user from the store
answer_variables=var1,var2 # Optional: Comma-separated variables that the user can return to his next prompt
possible_triggers=next,skip # Optional: Comma-separated list of possible triggers that the user can use
🌟 Why Magic Prompt?
- Simplicity: Write complex chat flows in plain text
- Flexibility: Adapt to any conversational use case
- Power: Create sophisticated flows without programming
- Maintainability: Easy to read, modify, and share
- Integration: Works with popular all* providers