A list of cool projects made in Romania.
Made in Romania
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A list of cool projects made in Romania.
- JavaScript
- Java
- C#
- C
- C++
- ActionScript
- Go
- Haskell
- Lua
- Objective-C
- Perl
- Python
- Ruby
- Rust
- Scala
- Shell
- Swift
- TeX
- VimL
- AutoHotkey
- D
- Language agnostic
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍
--- | --- | --- | ---
| @mishoo/UglifyJS2 | JavaScript parser / mangler / compressor / beautifier toolkit | :arrow_upper_right:
| @IonicaBizau/git-stats | :four_leaf_clover: Local git statistics including GitHub-like contributions calendars. |
| @IonicaBizau/scrape-it | :crystal_ball: A Node.js scraper for humans. | :arrow_upper_right:
| @Aluxian/Facebook-Messenger-Desktop | Bring to your OS X, Windows or Linux desktop. | :arrow_upper_right:
| @skidding/cosmos | DX tool for designing truly encapsulated React components. | :arrow_upper_right:
| @victorstanciu/dbv | Database version control, made easy! | :arrow_upper_right:
| @skidding/dragdealer | Drag-based JavaScript component, embracing endless UI solutions | :arrow_upper_right:
| @flaviusmatis/simplePagination.js | A simple jQuery pagination plugin. |
| @cthackers/adm-zip | A Javascript implementation of zip for nodejs. Allows user to create or extract zip files both in memory or to/from disk |
| @alessioalex/ClientManager | Sample application built with Backbone, RequireJS and Twitter Bootstrap on the client and Node.js (Express.js, Mongoose) on the server. |
| @ghinda/jotted | Environment for showcasing HTML, CSS and JavaScript, with editable source. | :arrow_upper_right:
| @IonicaBizau/image-to-ascii | :floppy_disk: A Node.js module that converts images to ASCII art. | :arrow_upper_right:
| @IonicaBizau/medium-editor-markdo… | :pencil: A Medium Editor extension to add markdown support. | :arrow_upper_right:
| @IonicaBizau/cli-github | :smile_cat: A fancy GitHub client for command line. | :arrow_upper_right:
| @stefangabos/Zebra_Datepicker | A super-lightweight, highly configurable, cross-browser date picker jQuery plugin. | :arrow_upper_right:
| @piatra/kreator.js | slide tool interface for reveal.js |
| @Aluxian/electron-superkit | :zap: An Electron starter kit with super powers. :zap: |
| @IonicaBizau/youtube-api | :video_camera: A Node.JS module, which provides an object oriented wrapper for the YouTube v3 API. |
| @IonicaBizau/github-stats | :chart_with_upwards_trend: Visualize stats about GitHub users and projects in your terminal. |
| @icflorescu/iisexpress-proxy | A simple local proxy for accessing IIS Express from remote machines. |
| @IonicaBizau/ghcal | :calendar: See the GitHub contributions calendar of a user in the command line. |
| @IonicaBizau/web-term | :tv: A fullscreen terminal in your browser. |
| @flaviusmatis/easyModal.js | A minimal jQuery modal that works with your CSS. |
| @skidding/flatris | Flatris is demo app for Cosmos, built using React components. | :arrow_upper_right:
| @ghinda/acornmediaplayer | Accessible and easily customizable HTML 5 media player, as a jQuery plugin. | :arrow_upper_right:
| @IonicaBizau/electronify | :construction_worker: The simplest way to build Electron apps. |
| @Aluxian/nwjs-starter | :zap: NW.js starter project powered by Gulp. :zap: |
| @ghinda/angular-meditor | Simple floating text editor for Angular, inspired by Medium. | :arrow_upper_right:
| @skidding/aufond | A résumé for the modern age | :arrow_upper_right:
| @skidding/react-component-play… | Minimal frame for loading and testing React components in isolation. |
| @stefangabos/Zebra_Dialog | A small, compact, and highly configurable jQuery plugin for creating modal dialog boxes, meant to replace native Java Script “alert” and “confirmation” dialog boxes. | :arrow_upper_right:
| @IonicaBizau/github-calendar | :bar_chart: Embed your GitHub calendar everywhere. | :arrow_upper_right:
| @skidding/react-component-tree | Serialize and reproduce the state of an entire tree of React components. |
| @mihaisucan/PaintWeb | Online painting application | :arrow_upper_right:
| @IonicaBizau/json2md | :pushpin: A JSON to Markdown converter. | :arrow_upper_right:
| @IonicaBizau/github-labeller | :rabbit2: Automagically create issue labels in your GitHub projects. |
| @IonicaBizau/git-stats-importer | :chart_with_upwards_trend: Imports your commits from a repository into git-stats history. |
| @alessioalex/airpair-nodejs-mista… | Top 10 Mistakes Node.js Developers Make - Airpair article (sample code) | :arrow_upper_right:
| @serbanghita/formToObject.js | Plain JavaScript method to convert a HTML form (fields and values) to JavaScript (multidimensional) object. |
| @danburzo/every-street | Drawing every street in Romania using OpenStreetMap data, Node.js and SVG | :arrow_upper_right:
| @IonicaBizau/repository-downloade… | :open_file_folder: Downloads all your repositories from BitBucket and GitHub locally |
| @alessioalex/Nodetuts | All the files needed for the episodes & some node.js tests of my own | :arrow_upper_right:
| @IonicaBizau/gif-cli | :o: Gif animations in your terminal! |
| @alessioalex/dynroute | Node CLI tool for dynamic DNS using Route53 |
| @IonicaBizau/emojic | :joy: Emoji in your Node.js command line apps. |
| @IonicaBizau/github-profile-langu… | :tv: Create a nice pie chart with the user's programming languages from their GitHub profile. | :arrow_upper_right:
| @flaviusmatis/flexibleArea.js | A jQuery plugin that dynamically updates textarea's height to fit the content. |
| @igstan/ajax-file-upload | Ajax file upload using pure JavaScript | :arrow_upper_right:
| @stefangabos/Zebra_Tooltips | A lightweight and highly configurable jQuery plugin for creating simple but smart and attractive tooltips. | :arrow_upper_right:
| @IonicaBizau/namly | :package: A tool for helping you to choose npm package names. |
| @stefangabos/Zebra_Pin | A lightweight and adaptive jQuery plugin for pinning any element to the page or to a container element | :arrow_upper_right:
| @alessioalex/mastering_express_co… | Source code for the book "Mastering Web Application Development with Express" | :arrow_upper_right:
| @IonicaBizau/node-is-there | :negative_squared_cross_mark: A library to check if a file or directory exists in a given path. |
| @IonicaBizau/idea | :bulb: A lightweight CLI tool and module for keeping ideas in a safe place quick and easy. |
| @IonicaBizau/ | :scroll: A site to provide an easy way to show licenses and their human-readable explanations. | :arrow_upper_right:
| @IonicaBizau/nodeice | :moneybag: Another PDF invoice generator |
| @IonicaBizau/node-cli-box | :rat: A library to generate ASCII boxes via NodeJS | :arrow_upper_right:
| @stefangabos/Zebra_Accordion | A tiny (3KB minified) accordion jQuery plugin. | :arrow_upper_right:
| @IonicaBizau/git-url-parse | :v: A high level git url parser for common git providers. |
| @IonicaBizau/gh.js | :rocket: Tiny GitHub API wrapper for server and client. | :arrow_upper_right:
| @IonicaBizau/learning-nodejs | :book: An example-based Node.js tutorial. | :arrow_upper_right:
| @IonicaBizau/webcam-snow | :tiger: An application that uses the web camera and the hand movements changing the snow direction in the page. Happy New Year! :-) |
| @IonicaBizau/node-color-it | :art: Flat colors for your Node.js strings. |
| @eek/rangestepper | A jQuery plugin that creates a highly css style-able snappable range input |
| @stefangabos/Zebra_TransForm | A tiny jQuery plugin for replacing checkboxes, radio buttons and select boxes. | :arrow_upper_right:
| @IonicaBizau/typpy | :v: A better typeof for JavaScript. |
| @skidding/github-issue-templat… | BDD Issue Template for Github (with Chrome Extension) |
| @ghinda/righttasks | Browser extension that puts your Google Tasks in a sidebar in Gmail. | :arrow_upper_right:
| @serbanghita/jQuery-Chess | Chess chessboard and rules made in jQuery |
| @skidding/chrome-imdb-ratings | Chrome extension for displaying IMDB ratings in listings |
| @eddyb/wiREd | web interface for Reverse Engineering and decompilation |
| @alessioalex/treeIt | Convert your JavaScript objects to HTML, no additional hassle and NO tags involved. |
| @eddyb/node-mcsmp | |
| @alessioalex/is-binary | Detects if a file is binary based on its content. |
| @skidding/cosmos-example | Example of loading components and fixtures using Cosmos. |
| @icflorescu/aspa-express | ASPA-Express is an Express/Connect module to use web assets packaged by ASPA |
| @serbanghita/jQM-dynamic-popup | Lightweight jQuery Mobile plugin based on the popup() method that allows creation of dynamic popups. |
| @flaviusmatis/plugins | A collection of javascript plugins |
| @serbanghita/jquery-plugins | jQuery plugins made by Serban |
| @eek/json-to-jsdoc | The official repository for JSON to JSDoc converter. |
| @igstan/sublime-text-icons | Adobe Photoshop utility script to generate Mac OS X document icons for Sublime Text 2 |
| @stefangabos/Zebra_Cookie | An extremely small (~500 bytes minified) jQuery plugin for writing, reading and deleting cookies. | :arrow_upper_right:
| @ghinda/actos-soundmenu | Actos SoundMenu plasmoid for the KDE Plasma Desktop, controlling sound volume and music playback. | :arrow_upper_right:
| @icflorescu/ | | :arrow_upper_right:
| @skidding/play | Agnostic frame-skipping animation library |
| @skidding/react-data-fetch | A good-enough data fetching mixin for React components. |
| @alessioalex/dev-error-handler | HTTP error-handling middleware that displays syntax highlighted source code. |
| @skidding/react-querystring-ro… | Bare router for React components, using query string as props. |
| @ghinda/bizcardmaker | | :arrow_upper_right:
| @tudorconstantin/expense-tracker | expense |
| @ghinda/actos-dashboard | KWin script for managing windows, apps and activities, for the KDE Plasma Desktop. | :arrow_upper_right:
| @alessioalex/try-json-parse | Just like JSON.parse(), except that it doesn't throw an error for invalid JSON, it just returns null |
| @alessioalex/generic-middleware | Like Connect/Express middleware, but you can use it for everything. |
| @igstan/jbig2.js | Under development JavaScript implementation of the JBIG2 specification. | :arrow_upper_right:
| @danburzo/appseeds | A toolkit of library-agnostic components for modern JavaScript applications: State Manager, Pub/Sub, Lambda. | :arrow_upper_right:
| @igstan/conway-js | Conway's Game of Life in JavaScript. Sources from a code retreat event | :arrow_upper_right:
| @eddyb/gearbox-node | |
| @alessioalex/get-folder-size | Get the size of a folder by recursively iterating through all its sub(files && folders). |
| @ghinda/bluetooth-fxos | |
| @alessioalex/pump-chain | A module that glues pump and bubble-stream-error to make life easier when piping streams internally and returning an outer stream. |
| @alessioalex/app-title | Node module that will setup the process.title for your application automagically |
| @mcorlan/atabsplitter | A simple web app for splitting a restaurant bill | :arrow_upper_right:
| @icflorescu/textdiff-patch | Apply lean text diff delta patches created by textdiff-create. |
| @icflorescu/textdiff-create | Create lean text diff deltas. |
| @adrianolaru/generator-staticsite | Creates an Assemble boilerplate project with built-in support for SASS (with Bourbon and Neat), CoffeeScript and an optimized build. |
| @mihaisucan/mozilla-patch-queue | The patch queue I use with mercurial for all the work I do for Mozilla. |
| @alessioalex/pkg-builder | Install your app's NPM packages programatically. |
| @adrianolaru/gibberish | Fake, non-sense, random JavaScript data. |
| @igstan/jSpec | Platform agnostic JavaScript BDD framework |
| @mcorlan/InfiniteTLChartJS | A simple chart with infinite scrollable timeline |
| @alessioalex/Cls | An interface for classical object oriented programming in JavaScript. |
| @alessioalex/inject-html | Node module for injecting HTML code before or after the body
tag into the response. |
| @alessioalex/git-grep | Easily search a git repo in a Node streamy way (by shelling out to git-grep(1)). |
| @alessioalex/LogIt | Logging library for Node.js, store independent, inspired by jog and tracer. |
| @alessioalex/bubble-stream-error | Bubble errors from sub-streams to a master stream. |
| @alessioalex/nice-error | Node.js module for making errors loggable / readable / serializable etc. |
| @mihaisucan/workspace-jetpack | Workspace extension as a Jetpack addon. see |
| @alessioalex/Presentations | Presentations |
| @piatra/dragDrop | drag and drop in browser with upload to nodejs server |
| @piatra/webpayments-marketpl… | implementation of a Web Payments marketplace |
| @alessioalex/git-tree | Stream the content of a git tree object by shelling out to git-ls-tree(1) |
| @skidding/react-animation-loop | React mixin for running a callback at 60fps with frame skipping |
| @skidding/hacker-comments | A browser hack for hackers |
| @ignatandrei/MVC4Microformats | |
| @igstan/hom.js | Higher-order messages in JavaScript using proxies |
| @alessioalex/git-count-commits | Get the total number of commits for a repo and a specific revision by shelling out to git. |
| @adrianolaru/webpack-config | Webpack boilerplate config for projects using react, babel, sass |
| @alessioalex/npm-dep-chain | Get all the NPM dependencies for a module / set of modules (goes down the stack, for all the subdependencies etc) |
| @alessioalex/git-blame | Shelling out to git blame in a streaming Node fashion. |
| @alessioalex/npm-republicate | Replicate an NPM module (along with its deps) from registry A to registry B (by publishing it && its deps). |
| @alessioalex/parallelize | control flow library for parallel async functions; it invokes the callback with the aggregated results or an error |
| @alessioalex/split-transform-stre… | A combination of through2 and split with a straightforward interface. |
| @victorstanciu/cssloader.js | A vanilla JavaScript component for dynamically loading and unloading CSS files |
| @cthackers/jClass | jClass is a Java Script library that allows you to write highly object-oriented style code. |
| @alessioalex/spawn-to-readstream | Make child_process.spawn behave like a read stream, emit error event with full message (and not emit 'end' event wrongfully). |
| @flienteen/tmd-chrome-extension | | :arrow_upper_right:
| @mihaisucan/Mozilla-Developer-To… |… | :arrow_upper_right:
| @skidding/mode | A node.js web framework for real-world applications |
| @alessioalex/git-authors | List all authors that have contributed to a git project in descending order, based on the number of commits. |
| @cronco/lightsout | Discarded code for some small experiment with the lights out logo. |
| @igstan/xul-commander | |
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 --- | --- | --- | --- | @alexo/wro4j | New project location is: | | @decebals/pippo | Micro Java Web Framework: | :arrow_upper_right: | @eugenp/REST-With-Spring | The "REST With Spring" Classes: | :arrow_upper_right: | @decebals/pf4j | Plugin Framework for Java (PF4J) | | @vladmihalcea/flexy-pool | FlexyPool adds metrics and failover strategies to a given Connection Pool, allowing it to resize on demand. | | @vladmihalcea/hibernate-master-cla… | Hibernate Master Class is an advance course of one of the most popular JPA implementation | | @vladmihalcea/vladmihalcea.wordpre… | Source code for | :arrow_upper_right: | @rombert/desktop-maven-notifi… | Desktop Notifier for Maven | | @eugenp/spring-security-oaut… | | | @eugenp/spring-security-regi… | | | @vladmihalcea/high-performance-jav… | The High-Performance Java Persistence book code examples | | @rombert/Maven-Recipe--RPM-Pa… | Maven Recipe: RPM Package | :arrow_upper_right: | @octa-george/Android-GreenDao-Sam… | working with data stored in SQLite using greenDao | | @rcosnita/eCommerce-RBAC | This project intends to provide a security system implementation fully compliant with RBAC standard. This security system is modeled starting from eCommerce applications security requirements. | | @MihaiBalint/TimisoaraPublicTrans… | An Android App that scrapes public transport information (times/connections) and shows it on your Android. | :arrow_upper_right: | @adrcotfas/Goodtime | Productivity app for Android | :arrow_upper_right: | @eugenp/reddit-app | | | @devsprint/jersey-netty-contain… | Netty based container implementation for Jersey | | @cosminstefanxp/Restaurant-Table-Ord… | The project consists in an Android application that can be used by employees in a restaurant to handle the clients, their orders and can help them easily find free tables or place orders. This is only a demo application, created mainly for proof of proper user-mobile interaction. | | @rombert/gwt-dispatch-sample | Sample GWT-dispatch project | :arrow_upper_right: | @cosminstefanxp/University-Managemen… | The project is a huge one and consists of a university management system, that handles everything from user-management (students/teachers/secretaries), to curriculum management (adding/editing/deleting subjects, teachers, teaching activities), schedule management, exam scheduling, grading system. | | @eugenp/java-stackexchange | Java Stackexchange 2.1 API | | @rombert/Maven-Recipe---GWT-d… | Sample code for… | :arrow_upper_right: | @vladmihalcea/db-util | Db Utilities | | @eugenp/selenium | selenium | | @kovacshuni/koauth-samples | Example applications for how to use the KOAuth library. | | @aismail/PredatorWS | Predator Web Service | | @aismail/AndroAR | Android Augmented Reality, based on the AndroRemote project | | @aismail/mrts | Map-Reduce for Time Series | | @rombert/projecteuler | Solutions for project euler | :arrow_upper_right: | @BoldijarPaul/Tic-Tac-Toe-Android-… | This is a simple Tic Tac Toe game made using libGDX as a live wallpaper for android. | | @eugenp/spring-hypermedia-ap… | | | @alexo/pngtastic | Github mirror of pngtastic java open source project (slightly modified - using maven build system instead of ant) | :arrow_upper_right: | @devsprint/addressbook | REST Service that use Protocol Buffer data representation and Netty as transport. | | @octa-george/Android-Twitter-Logi… | using twitter4j and gradle | | @eugenp/stackexchange2twitte… | Tweets the Top Questions from various StackExchange Q&A Sites | | @alexbuicescu/android-workshop | | | @aismail/KinectHacking | Boilerplate code for getting started with Kinect on Java and Linux | | @gpanther/java-nat-sort | Java implementation of the "natural sort" (also known as Alphanum sort) algorithm | :arrow_upper_right: | @rcosnita/rdbms-reduce | This is a distributed reduce exercise for a scenario when resource ids are stored independently of resource details. | | @alexo/diffable | Unofficial mirror of diffable project | :arrow_upper_right: | @BoldijarPaul/itfest-2015-android-… | ITFest 2015 , 7/11/2015 Hackathon , mobile. | | @cosminstefanxp/Weazzer | An Android weather app, that suggests what type of clothes should be worn, based on the current weather temperature and conditions. The app also has the capability of learning the user's preferences, so if one, for example, wears only a T-Shirt at 15 degrees, the app will make better suggestions next time. | | @mihaisoloi/HadoopTDG | Hadoop The Definitive Guide | | @alexo/SAML-2.0 | A mirror of Shibboleth projects svn repository containing SAML 2.0 implementations | :arrow_upper_right: | @rombert/mantis-project-migra… | | | @rombert/email-sender | Dependency Injection showcase - Email Sender App | :arrow_upper_right: | @alexo/less4java | A mirror of the less4java project hosted on google code | :arrow_upper_right: | @rombert/Maven-Recipe---Aggre… | This project shows how to build a single jar out of all the jar-packaged modules. | :arrow_upper_right: | @BoldijarPaul/sda-android-app | Aplicatie android cu tabele de dispersie prin liste inlantuite. | | @adreghiciu/org.ops4j.pax.sham | Pax Sham (OSGi Mocking) | | @mihneadb/Pong | the classic Pong game | | @csoroiu/lambdamatchers | This library implements some hamcrest matchers usable with Java 8 and a set of utility functions built on top of them. |
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 --- | --- | --- | --- | @etishor/Metrics.NET | The Metrics.NET library provides a way of instrumenting applications with custom metrics (timers, histograms, counters etc) that can be reported in various ways and can provide insights on what is happening inside a running application. | | @etishor/CQRSEventSourcingSam… | Sample project built to demonstrate CQRS with Event Sourcing with the help of Jonathan Oliver's EventStore, NanoMessageBus, CommonDomain and StorageAccess projects | | @RoliSoft/RS-TV-Show-Tracker | Keep track of your TV shows with a nice WPF application. | :arrow_upper_right: | @etishor/SerializationTests | Collection of tests for object serialization with various serialization libraries | | @etishor/WCF-Ioc-Nhibernate-S… | Sample project demonstrating the usage of NHibernate with IOC in a WCF context | | @paratechnical/Seringa | Seringa - SQL Injection framework | | @myo/Experimental | Any Experimental (Not Ready For Release) Software goes here. | | @etishor/ConcurrencyUtilities | .NET Concurrency Utilities | | @Therzok/ForkStalkSharp | Stalk the forks for any commits that haven't had pull requests. | | @paratechnical/RadixTree | Radix Tree Implementation | :arrow_upper_right: | @etishor/TestDataGenerator | Utility to fill objects with test data | | @etishor/NHibernate.Caches.Me… | NHibernate Cache provider for Membase | | @vnvizitiu/AOP | This is a repository of AOP techniques | | @chronium/ChronosEngine | | | @chronium/Chronos-VM-2 | The new version of the Chronos Virtual Machine. | | @Cosmin-Parvulescu/Event.NET | A social event planning web application | | @timotei/egp_story | Experimental Gameplay September Entry - Story Game | | @paratechnical/PrefixTreeCSharp | Prefix Tree Implementation in C# | :arrow_upper_right: | @quitrk/MiniDeskTube | YouTube Windows desktop application | | @myo/LeagueSharp | |
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 --- | --- | --- | --- | @DanielPintilei/Cake | Yummy syntax theme for Atom, Brackets, Sublime Text and Visual Studio Code | :arrow_upper_right: | @DanielPintilei/cake-atom-syntax | Yummy syntax theme for Atom | :arrow_upper_right:
:star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 --- | --- | --- | --- | @acasaprogramming/Minimal-Portfolio-wi… | | | @OvidiuCaba/StatisticsRomania | | | @harababurel/homework | collection of lab projects