A list of neat projects made in Bulgaria
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A list of neat projects made in Bulgaria
- JavaScript
- Java
- C#
- C
- C++
- ActionScript
- CoffeeScript
- Go
- Lua
- Matlab
- Objective-C
- Perl
- Python
- Ruby
- Scala
- Shell
- VimL
| :star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 | | ------- | ---- | ----------- | --- | | 2750 | @astoilkov/jsblocks | Better MV-ish Framework | :arrow_upper_right: | | 2025 | @tonytomov/jqGrid | jQuery grid plugin | :arrow_upper_right: | | 1960 | @mgechev/javascript-algorithm… | JavaScript implementation of different computer science algorithms. | :arrow_upper_right: | | 1635 | @mgechev/angularjs-in-pattern… | AngularJS in patterns - this repository provides different look into AngularJS. It contains information where different design patterns are used inside the framework or any AngularJS application. | :arrow_upper_right: | | 1422 | @krasimir/deb.js | Minimalistic JavaScript library for debugging in the browser | | | 1255 | @krasimir/absurd | A JavaScript library with superpowers | :arrow_upper_right: | | 902 | @ttsvetko/HTML5-Desktop-Notifi… | Desktop notifications plugin for Chrome, Safari, Firefox and IE9+ | | | 840 | @krasimir/cssx | CSS in JavaScript | :arrow_upper_right: | | 755 | @astoilkov/console.message | Console messages for cool kids | | | 640 | @mgechev/jscapture | Screen recording and capturing with pure client-side JavaScript. | :arrow_upper_right: | | 461 | @krasimir/gifffer | A tiny JavaScript library that prevents the autoplaying of the animated Gifs | | | 300 | @krasimir/lsbridge | Using local storage as a communication channel | | | 271 | @krasimir/react-webpack-starte… | A template for writing React based ES6 app using webpack | | | 258 | @krasimir/coloor | Image preloading utility | :arrow_upper_right: | | 244 | @mgechev/mk.js | Canvas implementation of basic fighting game which allows multiplayer game over the network. | :arrow_upper_right: | | 232 | @krasimir/atomus | A small utility library for running client-side tests in Node.js environment | | | 188 | @krasimir/webpack-library-star… | Webpack based boilerplate for producing libraries (Input: ES6, Output: universal library) | | | 147 | @mgechev/angular-aop | Library for aspect-oriented programming with AngularJS. | | | 143 | @mgechev/angular-immutable | Simple directive, which allows binding to Immutable.js collections. | | | 135 | @StanAngeloff/zoey | Small, customisable and lightweight framework for developing mobile apps. | :arrow_upper_right: | | 132 | @krasimir/navigo | A simple vanilla JavaScript router with a fallback for older browsers | :arrow_upper_right: | | 123 | @mgechev/js-vnc-demo-project | Demo project for the class Advanced JavaScript at the department mathematics and informatics in Sofia University. | | | 115 | @krasimir/EventBus | Simple JavaScript class for managing events | :arrow_upper_right: | | 114 | @krasimir/bubble.js | Pleasing the DOM event handling | | | 102 | @mgechev/angular-vnc | VNC client implemented with AngularJS and Yeoman | | | 87 | @mgechev/ReactChat | WebRTC chat with ReactJS | | | 85 | @StanAngeloff/lotte | Automated, headless browser testing (using PhantomJS). | | | 85 | @mgechev/angular2-github-app-… | Exercise for building simple Angular 2 apps | | | 81 | @krasimir/react-place | React geo location component based on Google Maps | :arrow_upper_right: | | 78 | @SQ-UI/ng-sq-ui | A flexible and easily customizable UI-kit for Angular | :arrow_upper_right: | | 55 | @mgechev/light-angularjs | Light AngularJS implementation for my slides "Lightweight AngularJS" | :arrow_upper_right: | | 54 | @mgechev/devtools-vnc | VNC client for Chrome Devtools | | | 49 | @mgechev/movement.js | Gesture recognition with JavaScript and HTML5. | | | 39 | @krasimir/react-cssx | CSS in React | | | 30 | @mgechev/versionable-collecti… | Collection optimized for AngularJS 1.x one-way bindings | | | 30 | @StanAngeloff/komodo-html-toolkit | [ABANDONED] A growing collection of tools to help you edit & author HTML/XML documents inside Komodo Edit/IDE | :arrow_upper_right: | | 30 | @mgechev/react-pstate | Persistence of the state of ReactJS component | | | 25 | @krasimir/auxilio | Extension for Google Chrome | | | 24 | @mgechev/plainvm | plainvm allows you to control multiple virtual machines which are distributed among many hosts through your browser. | :arrow_upper_right: | | 23 | @gyoshev/qhint | A routine that runs jsHint tests in qUnit | :arrow_upper_right: | | 22 | @vvasilev-/fullscreener | Easy fullscreen backgrounds with jQuery. | :arrow_upper_right: | | 19 | @krasimir/assets-pack | Clever packing of .css, .less, .js files | | | 18 | @mgechev/ng-tutorial | Platform for AngularJS interactive tutorials | | | 17 | @krasimir/blog-posts | Source files of the articles published on | | | 17 | @krasimir/fluxiny | ~1K implementation of flux architecture | | | 14 | @mgechev/github-contributors-… | Node.js script, which outputs all the contributors for given open GitHub project | | | 14 | @krasimir/chain | Sequencing function calls in JavaScript | | | 14 | @mgechev/ | My personal blog. | :arrow_upper_right: | | 13 | @mgechev/lazy-loading-routes-… | | | | 12 | @ttsvetko/AngularJS-Calendar | Simple calendar using angular.js | | | 11 | @StanAngeloff/node-paperserve | Quick and dirty web server from your working directory | | | 11 | @StanAngeloff/komodo-fuzzy-open | [ABANDONED] Quickly locate and open files using fuzzy matching | | | 10 | @krasimir/grunt-absurd | Grunt plugin for AbsurdJS compilation | | | 9 | @krasimir/bit.js | A set of utility functions for JavaScript functions | | | 9 | @krasimir/gulp-absurd | A Gulp plugin for AbsurdJS | | | 9 | @krasimir/css-steal | Given DOM element returns styles applied to it and all its children. | | | 8 | @krasimir/coloor-loader | Webpack loader for Coloor (image preloading utility) | | | 8 | @mgechev/react-drag | Up to date fork of react-draggable | | | 7 | @outbounder/organic-angel | | | | 7 | @mgechev/jqcarousel | A carousel gallery | :arrow_upper_right: | | 7 | @astoilkov/preboot | Allows any client-side JavaScript framework (i.e. Angular, React, Ember, etc.) to hook into events before the framework is loaded. | | | 7 | @RStankov/controldepo-3-widget… | A collection of widgets | :arrow_upper_right: | | 7 | @mgechev/blobreader | Simple interface for reading blobs sequentially | | | 7 | @gyoshev/cuttle | Find the color transition function between two colors | :arrow_upper_right: | | 7 | @gkostadinov/Instagram-Color-Sear… | A color-based search for Instagram using Imagga's API. Python version. | | | 6 | @mgechev/image-editor | HTML5 image editor | | | 6 | @outbounder/organic-archconsole | | | | 6 | @outbounder/node-thequest | little realtime mass multiplayer online game in nodejs | :arrow_upper_right: | | 6 | @StanAngeloff/komodo-refacto | [ABANDONED] Refactor your code! | :arrow_upper_right: | | 6 | @RStankov/playground | My playground for various javascript/css/ruby and other ideas | | | 6 | @nikoladimitroff/thralldom | 3d action game written in Typescript (or a big a pile of bullshit, who knows) | | | 6 | @mgechev/angularjs-resource | Source code for my blog post about the $resource service | :arrow_upper_right: | | 6 | @mgechev/angular2-github-app | Sample Angular 2 application, which communicates with the GitHub API | | | 6 | @mgechev/benchpress-angularjs… | Benchpress benchmarks for using AngularJS with immutable data | | | 5 | @mgechev/angular2-ngc-rollup-… | Simple build for "Hello world!" Angular 2 application with ngc and rollup. | | | 5 | @mgechev/js-vnc-classroom-sho… | Showcase of the JavaScript VNC client for classroom applications | | | 5 | @RStankov/BackToScriptaculous | A backward lib between scriptaculous and scripty2 | :arrow_upper_right: | | 5 | @mgechev/physics-engine | Building the physics engine from the book in JavaScript (hopefully) | | | 5 | @kdankov/cinema | An easy to use Interface page to Sofia's most popular cinemas | :arrow_upper_right: | | 5 | @outbounder/organic-stem-skeleto… | Cell with predefined dna for development of backend api, frontend client and/or both. | | | 4 | @nikoladimitroff/SusiParser | Parses Susi and stuff | | | 4 | @outbounder/organic-webcell | organic implementation of webcell organelles | | | 4 | @StanAngeloff/turbovision-html5 | HTML5 UI framework based on Borland TurboVision '92 | :arrow_upper_right: | | 3 | @skylamer/eqs | An earthquakes monitoring web app | :arrow_upper_right: | | 3 | @astoilkov/jscore | A JavaScript core | | | 3 | @outbounder/componentjs | module enabling component based html/js development (flex like style) | | | 3 | @krasimir/queue | Short JavaScript implementation of queue | | | 3 | @krasimir/hackerify | Stubbing Browserify modules | | | 3 | @iproduct/course-fullstack-rea… | | | | 3 | @kunev/noCommentBG | chrome plugin for hiding comments on bulgarian news sites | | | 2 | @krasimir/eslint-plugin-cssx | CSSX plugin for ESLint | | | 2 | @krasimir/hazard | Producing UI with CSS in JavaScript! The next because-we-can thing :japanese_ogre: | | | 2 | @krasimir/less-compiler | Watch and compile your .less files automatically | | | 2 | @StanAngeloff/node-ytremote | Get lazy, watch YouTube on the PC using your mobile device as a remote control. | | | 2 | @outbounder/simpleui-techbrowser | | | | 2 | @krasimir/babylon-plugin-cssx | CSSX plugin to Babylon so it understands CSS in JavaScript | | | 2 | @ivo-/tekken | PDF tests generator right in your browser | | | 2 | @RStankov/talks-code | Demo code from my talks | | | 2 | @ivo-/tween.js | Simple tween class. It just does the math. | | | 2 | @pivanov/photoshop-scripts | | | | 2 | @gyoshev/js13kgames-2013 | Competition entry for js13kgames 2013 | | | 2 | @gkostadinov/ | | |
| :star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 | | ------- | ---- | ----------- | --- | | 1174 | @geftimov/android-pathview | Android view with both path from constructed path or from svg. | | | 788 | @geftimov/android-player | Android animation when entering new screen. | | | 511 | @ogrebgr/android_volley_examp… | Project with examples how to use the new Volley networking framework | | | 369 | @geftimov/android-patternview | Pattern view for android.That one using lock or unlock. | | | 102 | @geftimov/android-viewpager-tr… | A collection of view pager transformers | | | 91 | @pveentjer/Multiverse | Software Transactional Memory Implementation for the JVM | :arrow_upper_right: | | 59 | @asual/lesscss-servlet | LESS Servlet - Runtime handling and optimization of less.js resources | :arrow_upper_right: | | 55 | @dumbledore/AlbiteREADER | A feature-rich e-book reader for the Java Mobile platform. Currently works with txt, xhtml and epub files. Supported features include touch scrolling, images, styling and multilingual hyphenation, on-touch dictionaries, units converter, table of contents. Uses the Droid Serif font through it's own font implementation scheme. | :arrow_upper_right: | | 48 | @asual/summer | Summer - The HTML5 Library for Java and Scala | :arrow_upper_right: | | 43 | @geftimov/android-draggable-vi… | [Deprecated] Android view pager with drag an drop between pages | | | 32 | @geftimov/hadoop-map-reduce-pa… | Hadoop Map-Reduce Design Patterns | | | 20 | @albogdano/elasticsearch-river-… | Amazon SQS river plugin for ElasticSearch | | | 18 | @pveentjer/Hazelblast | | | | 13 | @groupsky/generator-android | Yeoman based android scaffolding | | | 12 | @groupsky/nexus4-call-fixer | A fix to no audo problem with nexus 4 and cyanogenmod 11 | | | 7 | @pveentjer/hazelcast-actors | hazelcast-actors | | | 7 | @martin-g/wicket-gae-demo | Wicket 1.5 running on Google AppEngine | | | 7 | @martin-g/wicket-atmosphere-te… | An experiments with | | | 7 | @dumbledore/Planetarium | A simple simulation of the Solar system using Java's Graphics2D | | | 7 | @geftimov/android-email | [Deprecated] Android library for sending emails. | | | 6 | @ianp/rvsnoop | TIBCO Rendezvous monitoring tool. | :arrow_upper_right: | | 6 | @dumbledore/FlypadJoystick | A simple Java interface to PPJoy. | | | 6 | @wastedabuser/samsung-iap | Adobe AIR native extension for Samsung's in-app purchases API 2.0 | | | 6 | @geftimov/android-birthday-vie… | [Deprecated] Android view that enables you to set birthday | | | 5 | @geftimov/android-progress-tex… | Set progress in a textview | | | 5 | @kaloyan-raev/chitanka4kindle | Читанка за Kindle | | | 5 | @martin-g/wicket-cassandra-dat… | An implementation of org.apache.wicket.pageStore.IDataStore (Apache Wicket 1.5.x) that stores pages in a cassandra cluster. | | | 5 | @TodorBalabanov/TwentyEightForAndroi… | Twenty-eight(28) card game, which is very popular in parts of South Asia. The original project can be found at: | | | 3 | @wastedabuser/OpenIAB-air | Adobe AIR native extension for the OpenIAB project | | | 3 | @geftimov/android-components | All components (views, utils, etc.) | | | 3 | @geftimov/java-algorithms | Welcome to Algorithms | :arrow_upper_right: | | 3 | @ogrebgr/dagger2_migration_mi… | How to migrate missing inject from module with complete = false from Dagger 1 to Dagger 2 | | | 3 | @dumbledore/AlbiteDictionaryBuil… | The official tool for building dictionaries for the AlbiteREADER. | | | 3 | @TodorBalabanov/booming-games-simple… | | | | 3 | @Gpetkov/UserAgentRepository | | | | 2 | @dumbledore/AlbiteUnits | A simple java API for converting various physical units. Suitable for J2ME devices, too, but then add the source java files to the j2me package, as the class files are build with jdk 1.6 | | | 2 | @martin-g/single-page-instance | A demo app that uses a single page instance per page type -… | | | 2 | @dumbledore/AlbiteCharacterDecod… | AlbiteStreamReader provides the ability to read characters from encodings, not supported natively supported by Java's InputStreamReader. It works in J2ME, too. | | | 2 | @kaloyan-raev/eclipse-license-mana… | License Management Tools for Eclipse (Prototype) | | | 2 | @alexstanoev/IceAuth | Lightweight authorization plugin for Bukkit | :arrow_upper_right: | | 2 | @groupsky/Contacto | Address book application | | | 2 | @pveentjer/brooklyn-hazelcast-a… | Actors framework on top of Hazelcast 3.x | | | 2 | @dumbledore/AlbiteZIP | Implementation of in Java Mobile using FileConnection through the AlbiteRandomReadingFile API and the sources from GNU's Classpath | |
| :star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 | | ------- | ---- | ----------- | --- | | 106 | @flextry/Telerik-Academy | Course exercises | Telerik Academy 2013/2014 | Martin Nikolov | :arrow_upper_right: | | 65 | @darind/samplemvc | A sample ASP.NET MVC 2.0 project structure | | | 16 | @vladislav-karamfilov/Bloggable | Hiqh-quality blog system | | | 9 | @Filkolev/SoftUni | Contains all homework and exam problems from the curriculum of Software University. | | | 4 | @mihayloff/programming-basics-m… | | | | 4 | @ligaz/MicroModels | Paul Stovell's MicroModels | :arrow_upper_right: | | 3 | @ivivanov/TelerikAcademy | C#, CSS3, HTML5, JS, ASP.NET, WCF, WPF, XAML, ... | | | 3 | @vladislav-karamfilov/CSharp-Playground | Small projects in C# programming language | | | 3 | @KonstantinSimeonov/Studying-with-Pesho-… | random interesting and not so interesting stuffs | | | 3 | @KonstantinSimeonov/CSharp-OOP-Teamwork | | | | 2 | @ligaz/ms-days-2009 | Slides and demos from MS Days 2009 talks | | | 2 | @mihayloff/programming-basics-j… | Creating custom content for the lectures of the course Programming Basics @ Software University | | | 2 | @KonstantinSimeonov/GnomUi | Mini-framework for Console UI with C# | |
| :star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 | | ------- | ---- | ----------- | --- | | 3 | @lyuboraykov/petrol | HackFMI5 project | | | 2 | @sis0k0/sCOOLbry | Library management system | :arrow_upper_right: | | 2 | @panev/submotion | for science, you monster | | | 2 | @ralinc/ | Now deprecated in favor of the new version. | |
| :star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 | | ------- | ---- | ----------- | --- | | 16 | @fire1/DuplicateElement | jQuery plugin for duplicating fields with buttons (create/remove) | | | 3 | @scriptex/animated | css and jquery animations on scroll | |
| :star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 | | ------- | ---- | ----------- | --- | | 81 | @gfto/toybox | The goal of the Toybox project is to create simple implementations of all the important Linux command line utilities. This repo is mirror of the official git hosted @ It is synced with toybox repo every 6 hours. The development is done on the mailing list: [email protected]. Post patches there. | :arrow_upper_right: | | 71 | @gfto/oscam | OSCam is an Open Source Conditional Access Module software. This repo is mirror of oscam SVN and my development area. The repo is synced with Oscam SVN every six hours. | :arrow_upper_right: | | 51 | @Irdroid/Irdroid | Universal infra-red remote control for Android | :arrow_upper_right: | | 38 | @gfto/tsdecrypt | tsdecrypt reads and decrypts CSA encrypted incoming mpeg transport stream over UDP/RTP using code words obtained from OSCAM or similar CAM server. tsdecrypt communicates with CAM server using cs378x (camd35 over tcp) protocol or newcamd protocol. | :arrow_upper_right: | | 29 | @gfto/dvblast | DVBlast is a simple and powerful MPEG-2/TS demux and streaming application. This repository is mirror of official repo at git:// and my personal development tree. | :arrow_upper_right: | | 17 | @gfto/mptsd | mptsd receives mpegts streams from udp/multicast or http and combines them into one multiple program stream that is suitable for outputing to DVB-C modulator. It is tested with Dektec DTE-3114 Quad QAM Modulator and it is used in production in couple of small DVB-C networks. | :arrow_upper_right: | | 16 | @gfto/bitstream | biTStream is a set of C headers allowing a simpler access to binary structures such as specified by MPEG, DVB, IETF, etc. This repository is mirror of official repo at git:// and my personal development tree. | :arrow_upper_right: | | 13 | @infraredbg/Lenovo_A820_kernel_k… | Proton kernel for KitKat | | | 9 | @gfto/tomcast | tomcast reads mpeg transport streams over http or udp (multicast or unicast) and outputs them to chosen multicast group. Basically a simple http2multicast daemon designed to work 24/7. | | | 8 | @stefansaraev/snmp-swraid | snmp-swraid | | | 8 | @koue/httpd | FreeBSD port of OpenBSD httpd | | | 7 | @gfto/libtsfuncs | libtsfuncs is a library for mpeg PSI parsing and generation. | :arrow_upper_right: | | 5 | @stefansaraev/mproxy | mproxy | | | 5 | @profglavcho/mt6577-kernel-3.10.6… | | | | 5 | @gfto/libfuncs | libfuncs is collection of code (list, queue, circular buffer, io, logging, etc.). | :arrow_upper_right: | | 5 | @gfto/tsdumper2 | tsdumper2 reads incoming mpeg transport stream over UDP/RTP and then records it to disk. The files names are generated based on preconfigured time interval. | :arrow_upper_right: | | 5 | @gfto/videohubctrl | videohubctrl can be used to control Blackmagic Design Videohub SDI router device over the network. | | | 3 | @infraredbg/Lenovo_A820_kernel_p… | | | | 3 | @amidabuddha/saga-ics-crc-3.0.16 | Kernel 3 for HTC Desire S | | | 3 | @Irdroid/Irdroid-WiFi | Irdroid WiFi to Infrared adapter firmware source code | | | 3 | @infraredbg/Lenovo_A820_kernel_p… | | | | 2 | @infraredbg/android_device_lenov… | CM11 device tree for Lenovo A820 | | | 2 | @Irdroid/Irdroid-WiRF433 | Single Board Linux Computer, Designed by Hardwate Group Ltd. | | | 2 | @Irdroid/SerialWebProxy | HTML5 WebSocket to Serial proxy | OpenWrt packages | :arrow_upper_right: | | 2 | @koue/slowcgi | FreeBSD port of OpenBSD slowcgi | | | 2 | @profglavcho/mt6735-kernel-3.10.6… | | | | 2 | @danielng01/iris-colors-lite | Iris colors lite is not Iris. This is open source project for blue light reduction and software brightness started from strach and different from the Iris core | :arrow_upper_right: |
| :star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 | | ------- | ---- | ----------- | --- | | 568 | @onqtam/doctest | The lightest feature-rich C++ single-header testing framework for unit tests and TDD - docs: | :arrow_upper_right: | | 33 | @Hual/SA-MP-Plus | A client modification for GTA:San Andreas that uses SA-MP's plugin SDK to interact with the SA-MP server and add new features | | | 16 | @SymbolixDEV/Patchs | Wow Cores , Websites , Scripts , Patches , Programs , SQL - ALL IN ONE | :arrow_upper_right: | | 10 | @Hual/SAMPSON | SAMPSON - A JSON plugin for SA-MP | | | 10 | @kamend/Kinect-Cloth | Cloth Physics + Kinect | :arrow_upper_right: | | 8 | @kamend/Superformula3d | A simple Superformula implementation | | | 7 | @ironsteel/iconv-android | Iconv lib with android build scripts. | | | 7 | @savage309/HPC2015 | | | | 6 | @kamend/InstancingExample | OpenGL Instancing with Openframeworks example | | | 4 | @ironsteel/tinyxml-android | tiny xml for android | | | 4 | @kamend/kNN_ShapeMatch | Simple Shape Matching with kNN and OpenCV using Openframeworks and ofxCv | | | 4 | @anrieff/trinity | Simple raytracer in C++11 for the FMI raytracing course | | | 3 | @nayyden/openUberShader | University project - a try to create an open uber-shader written in glsl | | | 3 | @kingofthebongo2008/vitosha | simple project | | | 3 | @ironsteel/gles2-experiments | Android native activity experiments | | | 3 | @Hual/JC2MP-Query | Some JC2-MP server query snippets | | | 3 | @AlexanderDzhoganov/torrentstream | Streaming torrent client | | | 3 | @SymbolixDEV/Core | Curse of Doom Fun || NOT PLAYABLE !!! | | :arrow_upper_right: | | 3 | @Rolice/libwebsocket | Experimental C++ WebSocket Server Library | | | 2 | @nayyden/ZVector | University Project 2D Vector Drawing Program | | | 2 | @Hual/QBinder | QBinder - An open-source Windows keybinder, coded in C/++, using the WINAPI | | | 2 | @AlexanderDzhoganov/Game-of-Life | Very simple CUDA-based implementation of Conway's Game of Life (first CUDA project, here be dragons!) | | | 2 | @kamend/TwitterParticles | | | | 2 | @ironsteel/QtOME | Material editor for Ogre3D written in Qt | |
| :star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 | | ------- | ---- | ----------- | --- | | 8 | @funluiji/AS3-starling-touch-s… | this starling scrollbar let's you scroll anything easily in your projects. just initialise a starling.extensions.ClippedSprite and set it as the content for the scrollbar class. | :arrow_upper_right: | | 2 | @katzarsky/BitStream | Bit stream implementation. Written in ActionScript (AS3). | |
| :star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 | | ------- | ---- | ----------- | --- | | 18 | @orlin/statica | gulp harp | | | 8 | @astrolet/ | | :arrow_upper_right: | | 5 | @astrolet/eden | this ephemeris does essentially node | :arrow_upper_right: | | 3 | @astrolet/archai | animating the cosmos, by definition and from a human use case condition / perspective | :arrow_upper_right: | | 2 | @astrolet/upon | varied reference frame | :arrow_upper_right: |
| :star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 | | ------- | ---- | ----------- | --- | | 308 | @preslavmihaylov/todocheck | A static code analyzer for annotated TODO comments | | | 6 | @blaskov/go-whois | Simple Go module for interaction with WHOIS servers | | | 6 | @momchil-atanasov/go-whiskey | A game engine written in Go | | | 2 | @gaspiman/cosine_similarity | Implementation of the Cosine similarity in Go (Golang) | | | 2 | @momchil-atanasov/go-data-front | A Go library for reading Wavefront 3D model resources (OBJ, MTL). | |
| :star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 | | ------- | ---- | ----------- | --- | | 4 | @meganukebmp/Soul-Shift | | | | 3 | @MIUI-Bulgaria/MA-XML-5.0-BULGARIAN | MIUIv5 XML BULGARIAN TRANSLATION BY MIUI.BG | :arrow_upper_right: | | 2 | @dvdvideo1234/GearAssemblyTool | Gmod tool for meshing gears. | |
| :star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 | | ------- | ---- | ----------- | --- | | 3 | @nikolovd/pps | | |
| :star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 | | ------- | ---- | ----------- | --- | | 41 | @ptfly/XcodeKit | Duplicate / Remove current line or selection in Xcode 5 | | | 31 | @supudo/SNIndexedScroller | Custom indexed scroller | | | 4 | @tparkerpp/Uber-Clone-App | Uber Clone App in Swift | | | 4 | @ptfly/AirPlayMe | Mac OS X application that will scan your Movies/TV Shows library and play them through on your AppleTV | | | 2 | @tuparev/SoftwareEtudes | | | | 2 | @tparkerpp/CandyCart | WooCommerce app | | | 2 | @tparkerpp/cleverGarry | Prototype in Swift | |
| :star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 | | ------- | ---- | ----------- | --- | | 16 | @ddmitov/perl-executing-brows… | Minimalistic HTML framework for Perl 5 desktop applications | | | 12 | @pshangov/miril | Miril - Static Content Publishing | :arrow_upper_right: | | 9 | @urandom/p2js | IWL Perl To Javascript converter | :arrow_upper_right: | | 9 | @urandom/iwl | IWL - perl web widget library | :arrow_upper_right: | | 6 | @pshangov/perldoc-vim | Perldoc viewer for vim with syntax highlighting | | | 3 | @harry-bix/mojo-mysql5 | Pure-Perl non-blocking I/O MySQL Connector | :arrow_upper_right: | | 3 | @pshangov/html-formfu-manual | HTML::FormFu Manual | | | 3 | @pshangov/catalyst-model-formf… | Cached forms with Catalyst and HTML::FormFu | | | 3 | @urandom/darkness-e17 | Darkness theme for E17 | :arrow_upper_right: | | 3 | @pshangov/data-asobject | Data::AsObject - Easy OO access to complex perl data structures | :arrow_upper_right: | | 2 | @pshangov/moosex-params | MooseX::Params - Advanced parameter validation for Moose | | | 2 | @pau4o/easy-virtualbox-menu | Simple tool to manage your VirtualBox machines. | | | 2 | @korikori/A-Scanner-Darkly | A simple and lightning-fast scanner for cpanel server stats written in bash, awk, and perl. | |
| :star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 | | ------- | ---- | ----------- | --- | | 3371 | @erusev/parsedown | Better Markdown Parser in PHP | :arrow_upper_right: | | 585 | @RoumenDamianoff/laravel-sitemap | A not so simple sitemap generator for Laravel | :arrow_upper_right: | | 323 | @erusev/parsedown-extra | Markdown Extra Extension for Parsedown | | | 252 | @erusev/base | Simpler Database Intaractions in PHP | | | 213 | @RoumenDamianoff/laravel-feed | A simple feed generator for Laravel | :arrow_upper_right: | | 99 | @RoumenDamianoff/laravel-assets | Assets manager for Laravel | :arrow_upper_right: | | 90 | @ivantcholakov/starter-public-editi… | A PHP application starter, based on CodeIgniter | | | 81 | @ivantcholakov/codeigniter-phpmaile… | A CodeIgniter compatible email-library powered by PHPMailer | | | 47 | @ivantcholakov/gibberish-aes-php | A PHP port of Gibberish AES javascript encryption library, | | | 47 | @RoumenDamianoff/laravel-disqus | Disqus API library for Laravel | | | 39 | @ivantcholakov/Codeigniter-Gravatar | Gravatar Library for Codeigniter | | | 31 | @nikolov-tmw/multilingual-wp | A new plugin for multilingual content in WordPress | | | 21 | @RoumenDamianoff/ci-feed | A simple feed generator for CodeIgniter | :arrow_upper_right: | | 19 | @ivantcholakov/starter-public-editi… | A PHP application starter, based on CodeIgniter | | | 17 | @RoumenDamianoff/ci-sitemap | A simple sitemap generator for CodeIgniter | :arrow_upper_right: | | 15 | @ivantcholakov/codeigniter-restserv… | A temporary repository for testing… | | | 15 | @VanTanev/EqualNestBehavior | A Propel behavior designed to handle Equal Nest relations | | | 14 | @narfbg/SimpleEncryption | Simple Encryption for PHP | | | 13 | @antitoxic/.fuelphp-phpstorm-wo… | Workaround for the PHPStorm inability to pick classes on FuelPHP framwork | | | 8 | @mraiur/music-player | A very lightweight directory based music player. Listing directories( artists ) and subdirectories( albums ). Making song playlist('s). Much TODO. | | | 7 | @VanTanev/dmMediaUploadifyerPl… | Diem plugin that adds multiple file upload to the media module in the admin app | | | 4 | @ivantcholakov/http_build_url | PHP fallback function http_build_url() | | | 4 | @brutalenemy666/wp-utils | :notebook: Some handy scripts for WordPress. | | | 4 | @narfbg/ci4stuff | Document drafts and alpha quality code that may or may not go into CI4 | | | 4 | @ivantcholakov/codeigniter-utf8 | UTF-8 string support for CodeIgniter based on Kohana's implementation. | | | 3 | @brutalenemy666/carbon-image-library | :construction: Integration of WP Thumb with functions similar to the ones in WordPress . (In development) | | | 3 | @brutalenemy666/scripts | :notebook: | | | 3 | @brutalenemy666/design-patterns | :notebook: Sample code for several design patterns and practices. | | | 3 | @ivantcholakov/codeigniter-registry | Registry library for CodeIgniter | | | 2 | @brutalenemy666/carbon-admin-columns… | A way to add, remove and manage columns from WordPress administration screens. | | | 2 | @VanTanev/ncPropelChangeLogBeh… | A fork of the symfony plugin ncPropelChangeLogBehaviorPlugin | | | 2 | @RoYaLBG/JavascriptClassGener… | Code generation tool for basic Javascript OOP via prototypes | | | 2 | @wildalmighty/KZPMailClearing | This is a simple class that simulates the work of KZPMailClearing.exe | | | 2 | @EmanuelaMollova/BudgetTracker | Application which helps you track your expenses. | | | 2 | @ivantcholakov/codeigniter-user-age… | User Agent Helper Functions | |
| :star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 | | ------- | ---- | ----------- | --- | | 51 | @IlianIliev/ubuntu-fabric-and-dj… | Fabric script for server setup, creation and deployment of Django projects #Under construction | | | 40 | @mignev/shiftpi | ShiftPi is the easiest way to work with 74HC595 shift registers on your Raspberry Pi in Arduino style :) | | | 21 | @IlianIliev/django-for-prototypi… | | | | 13 | @IlianIliev/Simple-Site-Checker | Check the links in your website XML sitemap | | | 4 | @ctmnz/pythonIRC | Simple python irc bot | | | 4 | @jordanjambazov/osqa-gplus | Google+ Sign-In for OSQA | | | 3 | @svilendobrev/fuselage | tag-based semantic file system, in python, over FUSE. Pluggable aspects (parsing or interpretting). Querying and relations between tags/items. Modular architecture, allows different user-ends (fs/webdav/http/..), or backends (sql/rdf/..) | | | 3 | @vladimiroff/asuras | Nothing to see here yet. Move along. | | | 3 | @mignev/configo | The easiest way to use existing JSON, XML or YAML config files from bash shell/scripts | | | 2 | @vladimiroff/dotfiles | My dotfiles goes here | | | 2 | @svilendobrev/timed | bitemporal + unitemporal objects (data or module!) + contexts in python+sqlalchemy, with or without dbcook; +some attempt at history-enabled attributes | | | 2 | @svilendobrev/svd_bin | various tools + libraries, small or big, old'91 or new; most used are: vcs/, qini/ + aliases, filedir/, eee/, and audio-video | | | 2 | @svilendobrev/svd_util | python utulity funcs, classes, small languages, frameworks, scripts. i tend to use most optz, attr, struct, py3, eutf | | | 2 | @svilendobrev/aggregator_sql | automatic aggregating columns in SQLAlchemy / python (SQLAlchemyAggregator) | | | 2 | @marvellouz/fmi-db2 | Course project for DBMS at FMI | | | 2 | @marvellouz/Quaternions | Python class for quaternions | | | 2 | @IlianIliev/Status-Codes-Site | A website returning all possible HTTP status codes and code descriptions. For test purposes. | | | 2 | @ydm/django-sameas | Django application that provides you with an easy-to-use template tag that replicates a block. | | | 2 | @emou/duck | A prototype of a music player written in Python | | | 2 | @mignev/venv | The easiest way to use Python Virtualenv | |
| :star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 | | ------- | ---- | ----------- | --- | | 25 | @valo/maycamp_arena | This is the grading system behind It started as a fork of spoj0, but at the end was almost completely reimplemented. | :arrow_upper_right: | | 10 | @mitio/TrackMe | Real-time GPS tracking system, with social features on top of it. | | | 9 | @kalkov/rails4_client_side_v… | | | | 8 | @mitio/quizzes | A simple Rails 3 app for the "Programming in Ruby" course in the Sofia University | :arrow_upper_right: | | 5 | @underlog/confu | Yet another *fu - this time for rails configuration made easier | | | 5 | @underlog/unpacker | ruby gem for working with archives (relies on system binaries) | :arrow_upper_right: | | 4 | @underlog/shellshot | ruby proxy handling the complexities of system invocations | | | 3 | @mytrile/shorty | Simple URL shortener | :arrow_upper_right: | | 3 | @mitio/programming-at-athlo… | A small and experimental programming course which takes place at Athlon Sofia. | | | 3 | @underlog/tefter | a spare-time may-never-be done project | | | 3 | @valo/rchest | Configuring and running chroot jails made easy with this little ruby library | | | 3 | @mitio/futureiscode | Сайт на кампанията "Бъдещето е код" - турне на ентусиасти, работещи в IT-сферата из училища в страната, с цел популяризиране на програмирането. | :arrow_upper_right: | | 3 | @valo/ember_data_active_mo… | A parser for Her compatible with ember-data's active_model_serializers format | | | 3 | @valo/rprocfs | An easy way to read process details from the proc filesystem | | | 3 | @kirilk/simatic-runner | Simatic data fetcher in Ruby with EventMachine | | | 2 | @underlog/active-forms | Ruby on Rails plugin to ease the pain of repetitive forms creation | | | 2 | @valo/session_dump | A simple plugin to dump client's session data at each request | | | 2 | @edzhelyov/fakey | Foreign keys plugin for Rails, in a better way | | | 2 | @edzhelyov/product_manager | Create and manage different product schema and their instances. | | | 2 | @mytrile/redcar_plugin | redcar_plugin is simple command-line utility to help you install,update and delete redcar plugins | :arrow_upper_right: | | 2 | @mytrile/twitshoes | Twitter client written in Ruby using Shoes | [:arrow_upper_right:](http