A list of neat projects made in Belgium
Made in Belgium
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A list of neat projects made in Belgium
- JavaScript
- Java
- C#
- C
- C++
- ActionScript
- Clojure
- CoffeeScript
- Go
- Haskell
- Lua
- Matlab
- Objective-C
- Perl
- Python
- R
- Ruby
- Scala
- Shell
- Swift
- VimL
| :star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 4372 | @bendc/sprint | A tiny, lightning fast jQuery-like library for modern browsers. |
3988 | @mathiasbynens/jquery-placeholder | A jQuery plugin that enables HTML5 placeholder behavior for browsers that aren’t trying hard enough yet | :arrow_upper_right:
3420 | @luruke/barba.js | Create badass, fluid and smooth transition between your website's pages. | :arrow_upper_right:
2200 | @RobinHerbots/jquery.inputmask | Input Mask plugin | :arrow_upper_right:
2163 | @bendc/animateplus | CSS and SVG animation library |
826 | @pure/pure | PURE Unobtrusive Rendering Engine for HTML | :arrow_upper_right:
757 | @mathiasbynens/he | A robust HTML entity encoder/decoder written in JavaScript. | :arrow_upper_right:
670 | @bendc/uilang | A minimal, UI-focused programming language for web designers. | :arrow_upper_right:
600 | @rubenv/angular-gettext | Gettext support for Angular.js | :arrow_upper_right:
557 | @gillesdemey/Cumulus | ☁️ A SoundCloud player that lives in your menubar. | :arrow_upper_right:
488 | @mathiasbynens/ | source code | :arrow_upper_right:
459 | @boblemarin/Sprite3D.js | Sprite3D.js, a JS library for generating and manipulating CSS 3D transforms |
396 | @bendc/animate | Simple animation library |
380 | @mathiasbynens/ | Web developer tools | :arrow_upper_right:
377 | @mathiasbynens/esrever | A Unicode-aware string reverser written in JavaScript. | :arrow_upper_right:
307 | @tvcutsem/harmony-reflect | ES5 shim for ES6 Reflect and Proxy objects | :arrow_upper_right:
290 | @bendc/anchor-scroll | Smooth and lightweight anchor scrolling library |
218 | @madewulf/ | Interactive map of the origin-destination stocks by country | :arrow_upper_right:
217 | @rubenv/grunt-git | Git commands for grunt. |
216 | @RubenVerborgh/N3.js | Lightning fast, asynchronous, streaming RDF for JavaScript |
214 | @boblemarin/jQuery.eraser | jQuery plugin that makes an image erasable (with mouse or touch movements) | :arrow_upper_right:
197 | @mathiasbynens/jsesc | A JavaScript library for escaping JavaScript strings while generating the shortest possible valid ASCII-only output. | :arrow_upper_right:
175 | @eschnou/ardrone-webflight | Pilot the AR.Drone 2.0 directly from your browser. Extend the application with plugins to add features such as video recording, autonomous flight, face recognition, and more. | :arrow_upper_right:
175 | @mathiasbynens/utf8.js | A robust JavaScript implementation of a UTF-8 encoder/decoder, as defined by the Encoding Standard. | :arrow_upper_right:
150 | @RubenVerborgh/promiscuous | Small and fast promise library for JavaScript | :arrow_upper_right:
144 | @mathiasbynens/regenerate | Generate JavaScript-compatible regular expressions based on a given set of Unicode symbols or code points. | :arrow_upper_right:
131 | @mathiasbynens/grunt-template | This Grunt plugin interpolates template files with any data you provide and saves the result to another file. | :arrow_upper_right:
120 | @mathiasbynens/tpyo | A small script that enables you to make typos in JavaScript property names. Powered by ES6 proxies + Levenshtein string distance. | :arrow_upper_right:
119 | @eschnou/ardrone-autonomy | Provides key building blocks to create autonomous flight applications with the #nodecopter (AR.Drone). | :arrow_upper_right:
118 | @mathiasbynens/emoji-regex | A regular expression to match all Emoji-only symbols as per the Unicode Standard. | :arrow_upper_right:
104 | @mathiasbynens/jquery-visibility | Page Visibility shim for jQuery | :arrow_upper_right:
100 | @bramus/photoshop-google-map… | PS_Bramus.GoogleMapsTileCutter - A Photoshop script that cuts image tiles from any image for direct use with Google Maps | :arrow_upper_right:
98 | @mathiasbynens/base64 | A robust base64 encoder/decoder that is fully compatible with atob()
and btoa(), written in JavaScript. | [:arrow_upper_right:](
97 | [@RubenVerborgh]([**SPARQL.js**]( | A parser for the SPARQL query language in JavaScript |
92 | [@eschnou]([**node-ostatus**]( | An OStatus library for node-js. Implementing webfinger, PubSubHubBub, hcard, atom/json activitystreams and salmon. It serves as the building block of a decentralized social network. | [:arrow_upper_right:](
91 | [@mathiasbynens]([**grunt-zopfli**]( | A Grunt plugin for compressing files using Zopfli. | [:arrow_upper_right:](
83 | [@rubenv]([**node-systemd**]( | Support for running node.js as a socket-activated service under systemd | [:arrow_upper_right:](
82 | [@mathiasbynens]([**regexpu**]( | A source code transpiler that enables the use of ES6 Unicode regular expressions in ES5. | [:arrow_upper_right:](
70 | [@mathiasbynens]([**CSS.escape**]( | A robust polyfill for the CSS.escape utility method as defined in CSSOM. | [:arrow_upper_right:](
62 | [@mathiasbynens]([**jquery-smooth-scroll…**]( | Smooth anchor scrolling plugin for jQuery. | [:arrow_upper_right:](
61 | [@mathiasbynens]([**grunt-yui-compressor**]( | A Grunt plugin for compressing JavaScript and CSS files using YUI Compressor. | [:arrow_upper_right:](
61 | [@mathiasbynens]([**jquery-slideshow**]( | The simplest jQuery slideshow plugin. Evar. | [:arrow_upper_right:](
50 | [@mathiasbynens]([**luamin**]( | A Lua minifier written in JavaScript | [:arrow_upper_right:](
47 | [@mathiasbynens]([**unicode-data**]( | Python scripts that generate JavaScript-compatible Unicode data | [:arrow_upper_right:](
46 | [@rubenv]([**node-apk-parser**]( | Extract Android Manifest info from an APK file. |
46 | [@rubenv]([**angular-select2**]( | Select2 directive for Angular.js |
46 | [@bendc]([**parallax**]( | Layered icons |
46 | [@mathiasbynens]([**…**]( | A robust & optimized ES3-compatible polyfill for the
String.prototype.containsmethod in ECMAScript 6. | [:arrow_upper_right:](
45 | [@mathiasbynens]([**String.prototype.sta…**]( | A robust & optimized ES3-compatible polyfill for the
String.prototype.startsWithmethod in ECMAScript 6. | [:arrow_upper_right:](
42 | [@rubenv]([**angular-gettext-exam…**]( | TodoMVC with angular-gettext added to it. | [:arrow_upper_right:](
40 | [@mathiasbynens]([**node-unicode-data**]( | JavaScript-compatible Unicode data generator. Arrays of code points, arrays of symbols, and regular expressions for every Unicode version’s categories, scripts, blocks, and properties — neatly packaged into a separate npm package per Unicode version. | [:arrow_upper_right:](
39 | [@rubenv]([**angular-debounce**]( | Tiny debouncing function for Angular.JS. |
39 | [@TimGeyssens]([**UmbracoAngularBackof…**]( | Example project showing how to extend Umbraco with a custom tree and edit page using web api and angular |
38 | [@boblemarin]([**FLU**]( | multiuser interactive installation |
38 | [@rubenv]([**grunt-angular-gettex…**]( | Tasks for extracting/compiling angular-gettext strings. | [:arrow_upper_right:](
37 | [@mathiasbynens]([**document.scrollingEl…**]( | A polyfill for document.scrollingElement as defined in the CSSOM specification. | [:arrow_upper_right:](
36 | [@mathiasbynens]([**Array.from**]( | A robust & optimized ES3-compatible polyfill for the
Array.frommethod in ECMAScript 6. | [:arrow_upper_right:](
35 | [@teddykishi]([**DOM-Particles**]( | Create a DOM particle system |
34 | [@mathiasbynens]([****]( | A robust & optimized ES3-compatible polyfill for the
String.prototype.atproposal for ECMAScript 6/7. | [:arrow_upper_right:](
34 | [@mathiasbynens]([**unicode-8.0.0**]( | JavaScript-compatible Unicode data. Arrays of code points, arrays of symbols, and regular expressions for Unicode v8.0.0’s categories, scripts, blocks, bidi, and other properties. |
33 | [@bramus]([**simple-rest-api-expl…**]( | A simple way to showcasing and exploring all endpoints of your RESTful API. | [:arrow_upper_right:](
32 | [@bendc]([**jscss**]( | JavaScript style sheets |
31 | [@eschnou]([**ardrone-panorama**]( | Take 360° panoramic pictures with an ar-drone. |
30 | [@bendc]([**search-filter**]( | Animated search filter plugin |
29 | [@TimGeyssens]([**UIOMatic**]( | Auto generate an integrated crud UI in Umbraco for a db table based on a petapoco poco | [:arrow_upper_right:](
28 | [@gillesdemey]([**node-record-lpcm16**]( | :microphone: Records a 16-bit signed-integer linear pulse modulation code encoded audio file. |
27 | [@rubenv]([**node-autoquit**]( | Automatically quit node.js servers when inactive. | [:arrow_upper_right:](
27 | [@boblemarin]([**TheBox**]( | My Submission to the march 2012 Mozilla DevDerby about CSS 3D
transforms. A simple and interactive 3D scene using Sprite3D.js |
26 | [@mathiasbynens]([**String.prototype.cod…**]( | A robust & optimized
String.prototype.codePointAtpolyfill, based on the ECMAScript 6 specification. | [:arrow_upper_right:](
26 | [@RubenVerborgh]([**HDT-Node**]( | Native bindings for Node.js to access HDT compressed triple files. | [:arrow_upper_right:](
26 | [@doomhz]([**jQuery-Image-Cache**]( | Cache base64 encoded images in modern browser Local Storage with this jQuery plugin. | [:arrow_upper_right:](
26 | [@mathiasbynens]([**unicode-7.0.0**]( | JavaScript-compatible Unicode data. Arrays of code points, arrays of symbols, and regular expressions for Unicode v7.0.0’s categories, scripts, blocks, bidi, and other properties. |
25 | [@doomhz]([**jQuery-Tweaks**]( | jQuery Doom Tweaks plugin to add more handy futures to the framework. | [:arrow_upper_right:](
23 | [@rubenv]([**angular-rt-popup**]( | A better version of the Bootstrap popover, for Angular.JS |
20 | [@TimGeyssens]([**BundlingAndMinificat…**]( | UI layer on top of for Umbraco | [:arrow_upper_right:](
20 | [@rubenv]([**angular-gettext-tool…**]( | Tools for extracting/compiling angular-gettext strings. | [:arrow_upper_right:](
18 | [@rubenv]([**pofile**]( | Parse and serialize Gettext PO files. |
18 | [@rubenv]([**angular-tiny-eventem…**]( | Tiny event emitter for Angular.JS. |
17 | [@luruke]([**adapttext.js**]( | :raised_hands: - AdaptText.js is a dependency free and simple javascript solution capable to fit your text inside the parent element |
16 | [@rubenv]([**connect-body-rewrite**]( | Rewrite request bodies. |
15 | [@RubenVerborgh]([**EyeServer**]( | EyeServer is a server for the EYE reasoner. | [:arrow_upper_right:](
15 | [@eschnou]([**webflight-copterface**]( | A port of the nodecopter copterface as a plugin to the ardrone-webflight environment. |
13 | [@rubenv]([**grunt-mkdir**]( | Create directories with Grunt. |
13 | [@tvcutsem]([**es-lab**]( | Automatically exported from |
13 | [@bramus]([**bramus_cssextras**]( | bramus_cssextras is a plugin for TinyMCE which enables the usage of CSS classes and CSS ids on any HTML element within TinyMCE. Together with an external CSS file, set via the TinyMCE content_css setting, bramus_cssextras bridges the (visual) gap between the content entered through TinyMCE and the actual output | [:arrow_upper_right:](
13 | [@bramus]([**ria-course-materials**]( | Course materials for the course Web & Mobile Development (formerly Rich Internet Applications), part of the Professional Bachelor ICT study programme. | [:arrow_upper_right:](
12 | [@RubenVerborgh]([**RESTdesc-Photo-Examp…**]( | RESTful Web API Description - A sample implementation. This is _not_ the actual RESTdesc method. It is still a working draft at the moment. | [:arrow_upper_right:](
12 | [@pure]([**jstyle**]( | Replace CSS with Javascript |
12 | [@doomhz]([**jQuery-Inplace-Edit**]( | A jQuery plugin for editing text in place. | [:arrow_upper_right:](
11 | [@TimGeyssens]([**UmbracoSinglePageCru…**]( | Sample single page CRUD app built with Umbraco and AngularJS. Making use of the new Umbraco APIs (IPublishedContent, ContentService and UmbracoAPIController). | [:arrow_upper_right:](
11 | [@eschnou]([**node-bignumber**]( | Packaging of Tom Wu Javascript BigNumber & RSA library | [:arrow_upper_right:](
11 | [@bendc]([**dribbbox**]( | Self-hosted Dribbble portfolio. | [:arrow_upper_right:](
10 | [@RubenVerborgh]([**JavaScript-Error-Han…**]( | A collection of various JavaScript error handling techniques. | [:arrow_upper_right:](
10 | [@tvcutsem]([**proxy-handlers**]( | Predefined ECMAScript 6 Proxy handlers |
10 | [@bendc]([**simple-test**]( | Basic testing library |
9 | [@eschnou]([**shoutr**]( | A decentralized social networking platform. | [:arrow_upper_right:](
9 | [@luruke]([**split-in-lines**]( | Take an HTML element with text, and split it in lines. |
8 | [@rubenv]([**mod_rewrite-to-nginx**]( | Apache mod_rewrite rule to nginx rewrite rule convertor |
8 | [@philipdesmedt]([**node.js-chatbox**]( | A very quick chatbox using Node.js and Socket.IO |
8 | [@c3o]([**opencampaign**]( | software for political campaigns |
8 | [@luruke]([**clip-rect**]( | ✂️ - clip-rect is an helper to create painless
clip: rect()` animations with GSAP. |
7 | @RobinMalfait/HoGent-Samenvattinge… | Samenvattingen - Toegepaste Informatica. |
7 | @boblemarin/CSS-Keyframe-Exporte… | CSS Keyframe Exporter for Flash CS6 |
7 | @RubenVerborgh/SPARQL-Parser | Obsolete SPARQL parser based on rdfstore-js, use SPARQL.js instead. | :arrow_upper_right:
7 | @luruke/dev-excuses-chrome | Chrome, please, gimme an excuse! - A little chrome extension that allow you to easily fetch an excuse from… and paste it in your current textarea/input field. |
6 | @gillesdemey/typewrite | :memo: A simple javascript file to simulate text input. |
6 | @bramus/google-maps-polygon-… | Programmatically move a google.maps.Polygon to a new google.maps.LatLng using Google Maps V3 |
6 | @boblemarin/TheFaceBuilder | Mozilla Dev Derby submission for February - Touch Events |
6 | @RubenVerborgh/HTTP-methods-in-Java… | What happens if we model the semantics of HTTP methods in JavaScript? | :arrow_upper_right:
6 | @jslegers/4inarow | Four in a Row |
5 | @RubenVerborgh/tsv-to-json | TSV to JSON converts a list of numbered, tab-separated records with header row to a tree of JSON files. | :arrow_upper_right:
5 | @TimGeyssens/UmbracoPageNotFoundM… | Addon to Umbraco 7 to manage your sites 404 page(s) | :arrow_upper_right:
5 | @g00glen00b/ibm-worklight-angula… | A simple todo-app called YaTa (Yet Another Todo App) with only one goal: to create an IBM Worklight mobile app using AngularJS and the Ionic UI framework. |
5 | @TimGeyssens/UmbracoMVCBackoffice… | Sample app that shows how to extend the Umbraco backoffice using MVC instead of Webforms |
5 | @RubenVerborgh/EyeClient | EyeClient is a browser widget for the EYE reasoner. | :arrow_upper_right:
5 | @gillesdemey/soundcloud-v2 | Client for SoundCloud's API v2 |
5 | @doomhz/jQuery-Carousel | A simple javascript carousel for sliding NOT only images. | :arrow_upper_right:
5 | @RobinMalfait/Assistant | A personal assistant side project. |
5 | @doomhz/jQuery-Doom-Windows | jQuery plugin to display modal windows and alerts. | :arrow_upper_right:
5 | @Wolfr/jquery.extendedinput | jquery.extendedinput plugin |
5 | @gillesdemey/systemdify | :penguin: Automatically create a systemd unit file for your Node application |
5 | @duivvv/gulp-clipboard | A gulp plugin to copy the content of your file to the clipboard |
5 | @Wolfr/jquery.bootstrap.sim… | Very simple jQuery lightbox |
5 | @g00glen00b/meteor-twitter-strea… | With Meteor you can write really cool apps in a few minutes. In this example I'm going to give you a live Twitter feed using the streaming API. |
4 | @RubenVerborgh/AsyncIterator | An asynchronous iterator library for advanced object pipelines in JavaScript | :arrow_upper_right:
4 | @Wolfr/… | This repo shows an example setup to make HTML prototypes with page states and a global menu to navigate between pages. |
4 | @RobinMalfait/StartWithNodeWebkit | Want to start with node-webkit? No problem ! |
4 | @TimGeyssens/EazyD | Eazy d for Umbraco, makes it easier to work with Dictionary Items |
4 | @bramus/jquery_classdata | jQuery ClassData is a jQuery plugin that allows you to access and manipulate data saved in the class property of DOM-elements in a nice and easy to use way. | :arrow_upper_right:
4 | @boblemarin/ArcTween.js | Draw and animate arcs | :arrow_upper_right:
4 | @rubenv/angular-async-series | Apply an action to a set of data serially. |
4 | @jslegers/cascadeframeworkadva… | Cascade Framework integrated with jQuery UI |
4 | @Wolfr/jquery.multiadder | jquery.multiadder plugin |
4 | @amigrave/ringo-mongodb | MongoDB driver for Ringo.js |
3 | @rubenv/point-in-svg-polygon | Determine if an point is inside a polygon |
3 | @doomhz/node-darkcoin | Communicate with darkcoind via JSON-RPC |
3 | @gillesdemey/beer-names | :beer: Get a unique random name that sounds like it could be a beer |
3 | @philipdesmedt/ycappreview | Allows YC applicants to export their YC application into a format used for reviewing. Can be used to share with advisors, YC alumni, friends, family, etc... |
3 | @madewulf/dataviz03 | Code for the Dataviz03 workshop (… | :arrow_upper_right:
3 | @rubenv/angular-optimistic-m… | Optimistically cached models for Angular.JS. |
3 | @TimGeyssens/LookWhosEditingToo | Avoid conflicting edits in Umbraco v7 |
3 | @eschnou/node-o3-xml | NodeJS library for W3C-DOM XML api with XPath and namespaces. It is based on LibXML2 | :arrow_upper_right:
3 | @boblemarin/AnimationEvents | simple utility script that generates constants for CSS animation and transition events |
3 | @g00glen00b/angular-d3-demo | This demonstrative project show you how you could integrate D3.js with AngularJS by defining proper directives. |
3 | @gillesdemey/cli-progress-bar | :clock9: A simple CLI progress bar, inspired by Gauge |
3 | @RubenVerborgh/DataPublicationPlatf… | An example data publication platform following the REST architectural principles | :arrow_upper_right:
3 | @veggiemonk/boilerplate-jspm-mit… | [old] boilerplate jspm, es6, mithril, jsx and sass |
2 | @g00glen00b/spring-marvel-portle… | This project demonstrates a basic portlet application with the data provided by the Marvel REST API as business data. |
2 | @rubenv/grunt-usemin-uglifyn… | Usemin uglify task that reuses existing .min files. |
2 | @RobinMalfait/JavascriptTesting | BDD with Jasmine and coffeescript! |
2 | @RobinMalfait/Lister | List your files |
2 | @RobinMalfait/Laravel-paste | Paste to laravel using Sublime Text 2 |
2 | @rubenv/js-validate | JSHint wrapper + validation profiles |
2 | @doomhz/jQuery-Feedback-Badg… | Floating div placed on the right or left side of the page that doesn't move on pagescroll. When you click on it - you get a feedback form. Works on jQuery javascript library. | :arrow_upper_right:
2 | @doomhz/jQuery-MessageBox-Ha… | A simple handler for textareas to show a counter and default text on empty. | :arrow_upper_right:
2 | @Wolfr/clank-jekyll | Clank starter project (depending on Jekyll) |
2 | @tvcutsem/ProxyArray | Array implementation with ECMAScript Harmony proxies |
2 | @bramus/wmd-course-materials | Course materials for the course Web & Mobile Development, part of the Professional Bachelor ICT study programme. |
2 | @jslegers/crockfordkeyboard | Crockford Keyboard |
2 | @gillesdemey/node_analytics | Node Analytics with Server Sent Events | :arrow_upper_right:
2 | @rubenv/backbone_test | Toying around with Node.js and Backbone.js |
2 | @RubenVerborgh/InnoversityChallenge | Pitch for the Ghent University Innoversity Challenge | :arrow_upper_right:
2 | @luruke/appear-animation | Easily add animation when elements comes in the viewport. |
2 | @boblemarin/WebAudio-API-BeatFad… | |
2 | @philipdesmedt/node-hnsearch | HNSearch API wrapper for Node.JS |
2 | @TimGeyssens/MyFirstBellePropEdit… | A char limit prop editor for Umbraco 7 aka Belle |
2 | @doomhz/jQuery-Hash-Form | Get form values as object. | :arrow_upper_right:
2 | @TimGeyssens/LocatorRazorStyle | Locator package for Umbraco |
2 | @doomhz/jQuery-Doom-Tooltip | Display tooltips and bubbles on your site. | :arrow_upper_right: |
| :star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | 807 | @JeroenMols/LandscapeVideoCamera | Powerful custom Android Camera with granular control over the video quality and filesize, restricting recordings to landscape only. | 413 | @JorenSix/TarsosDSP | A Real-Time Audio Processing Framework in Java | :arrow_upper_right: 404 | @erickok/transdroid | Manage your torrents from your Android device | 271 | @Maescool/Catacomb-Snatch | Mojang's Humble bundle source | 187 | @erickok/RxCupboard | Store and retrieve streams of POJOs from an Android database using RxJava and Cupboard | 154 | @erickok/mimicry | Mimicking grids in Android lists | 139 | @benas/random-beans | Because life is too short to generate random Java beans by hand.. | :arrow_upper_right: 113 | @TheHolyWaffle/TeamSpeak-3-Java-API | A Java 7 implementation of TeamSpeak's 3 server query API. | 105 | @wblut/HE_Mesh | HE_Mesh, a Java library for creating and manipulating polygonal meshes. Aimed primarily at Processing. | :arrow_upper_right: 85 | @JorenSix/TarsosLSH | A Java library implementing Locality-sensitive Hashing (LSH), a practical nearest neighbour search algorithm for multidimensional vectors that operates in sublinear time. | 75 | @benas/unix-stream | Turn Java 8 Streams into Unix like pipelines | :arrow_upper_right: 63 | @benas/jql | Java code analysis and linting with SQL | :arrow_upper_right: 62 | @cbeyls/fosdem-companion-and… | FOSDEM Companion for Android | 56 | @TheHolyWaffle/League-of-Legends-XM… | A Java 7 XMPP API to chat and interact with the League of Legends ChatServers. | 52 | @datablend/fluxgraph | A temporal graph database on top of Datomic | 51 | @erickok/transdroid-search | Cross-app torrent search results provider for Android | 50 | @benas/todolist-mvc | Helping you select a Java MVC framework | 38 | @ChristopheVersieux/SocialStreamFragment | SocialStreamFragment from the Google IO 2012 app. (Credits to Roman Nurik) | 38 | @datablend/blueprints-mongodb-g… | Blueprints implementation on top of MongoDB | 33 | @schaloner/deadbolt-2-java | Idiomatic Java API for Deadbolt 2 | 32 | @schaloner/deadbolt | Authorisation module for the Play! framework | 29 | @vormplus/Processing2-Creative… | Full Source Code "Processing 2, Creative Programming Cookbook". The book I wrote for Packt Publishing in 2012. | :arrow_upper_right: 25 | @JeroenMols/ArtifactoryExample | Example code to upload and use artefacts from Artifactory | 25 | @datablend/gephi-blueprints-plu… | Gephi plugin that allows to import graph data from any Tinkerpop Blueprints-compatible graph implementation | 24 | @francisdb/serviceloader-maven-… | Maven plugin for generating java serviceloader files | 21 | @benas/easy-properties | Java configuration made easy with declarative properties | :arrow_upper_right: 20 | @schaloner/deadbolt-2-java-exam… | Example usages of Deadbolt 2 Java | 20 | @ge0ffrey/optaconf | OptaConf the optimal conference planner | 17 | @JorenSix/TarsosTranscoder | A java wrapper for ffmpeg to transcode audio. | :arrow_upper_right: 16 | @vormplus/colorLib | A Processing library to work with colors. | 16 | @cmoulliard/droolsjbpm-osgi-exam… | drools & jbpm osgi examples running top of Apache Karaf, JBoss Fuse | 15 | @JeroenMols/MethodCountExample | Sample project to shrink huge libraries and reduce their method count. | 15 | @dries007/HoloInventory | Hologram inventory for blocks in MC | :arrow_upper_right: 14 | @schaloner/SociallySecure | An example integration of the SecureSocial and Deadbolt security modules for the Play! framework. | 14 | @datablend/neo4j-sail-test | A Neo4J RDF and Sail test through Tinkerpop | 13 | @JorenSix/Tarsos | Culture independent processing of MIR data | :arrow_upper_right: 12 | @cmoulliard/camel-osgi-servicemi… | Project combining the messaging and OSGI architectures with Camel, JPA, ServiceMix and ActiveMQ. Projet can be deployed on Fuse ESB 4.3.x release | 12 | @datablend/neo4j-spatial-runnin… | Neo4J Spatial hacking for analyzing Garmin running data using Gephi | 12 | @JeroenMols/Legofy | Android library to Legofy any image | 11 | @dries007/TFCraft-NEIplugin | An NEI pluing for TerraFirmaCraft | 11 | @cmoulliard/devoxx-2011-hands-on… | Devoxx-2011-HandsOnLab | 11 | @datablend/neo4j-google-analyti… | Better visualization of google analytics data for the flow between your pages using neo4j and circos | 10 | @cmoulliard/cdi-camel-example | cdi-camel | 10 | @JeroenMols/MockitoExample | Sample project to demonstrate Mockito usage on Android | 10 | @erickok/ratebeer | RateBeer for Android app | 8 | @ge0ffrey/vrp-dataset-generato… | To generate road distance VRP datasets for optaplanner-examples | 8 | @schaloner/concurrent-batch-fra… | An example of implementing batch processing using Akka's Java API. This is an adaptation of an idea from… | 7 | @cmoulliard/camel-aries-blueprin… | | 7 | @mattcasters/pentaho-pdi-dataset | Set of PDI plugins to more easily work with data sets. We also want to provide unit testing capabilities through input data sets and golden data sets. | 6 | @datablend/datomic-back-to-the-… | Example project illustrating the power of the Datomic data and query model | 6 | @datablend/redis-compound-compa… | Compound comparison implemented through redis and lua | 6 | @schaloner/deadbolt-2-core | Common code for Deadbolt 2 | 5 | @vormplus/Timelapse | A timelapse application built with Processing | 5 | @wblut/BUMP2016 | Source code of my BUMP 2016 talk | 5 | @snicoll/scratches | Throwaway projects used for demos and bug reports. | 5 | @schaloner/jsRoutingJava | An example application showing the JavaScript routing support of Play 2 Java | 5 | @schaloner/DistPres | A quick'n'dirty solution for controlling distributed presentations | 5 | @datablend/blueprints-streaming… | Sample project to illustrate how sail inferences can be pushed and visualized in Gephi | 4 | @benas/springbatch-vs-easyb… | A comparison between Spring Batch and Easy Batch | 4 | @cmoulliard/camel-osgi-tutorial | Code of the Camel Tutorial -->… | 4 | @bendem/sql-streams | Painless low level jdbc abstraction using the java 8 stream api. | 4 | @snicoll/presos | Presentations for conferences | 4 | @vormplus/Processing-Month | All examples for the Processing Month series of articles on | 4 | @erickok/RateBeer-Mobile | The Android RateBeer Mobile Application | :arrow_upper_right: 4 | @datablend/mongo-compound-compa… | Project showing the use of mongdb for executing checmical compound similarity algorithms | 4 | @wblut/Reasons2014 | | 4 | @cmoulliard/fuse-workshop-all | fuse-workshop-all | 4 | @dries007/TFCSeedMaker | Terrafirmacraft (v1.x) Seed maker / analyzer | 3 | @cmoulliard/devnation-2014-demos | Camel Demo about Social Network for DevNation 2014 | 3 | @mattcasters/VerticaBulkLoader | Kettle Vertica bulk loader | 3 | @mattcasters/MaxMindGeoIPLookup | The Kettle MaxMind Geo IP Lookup step | 3 | @ChristopheVersieux/ProxiBus | Belgian Buses for Android | 3 | @cmoulliard/training | | 3 | @cmoulliard/security-camel-cxf | Everything about security with Camel & CXF (WS-Security, Spring Security, JAAS, ...) | 3 | @dries007/ItemSearch | This is a fork of… | 3 | @ge0ffrey/santas-stolen-sleigh |… | 3 | @cmoulliard/fuse-days-2014 | Presentations for Fuse Integration Days - 2014 | 3 | @datablend/mongo-compound-compa… | Project showing the use of mongodb for executing checmical compound similarity algorithms. This project demonstrates the use of MongoDB's aggregation framework. | 3 | @dries007/j8051 | 8051 assembler written in Java | 2 | @bendem/OreBroadcast | [BUKKIT] Broadcast the server when you find ores. | :arrow_upper_right: 2 | @vormplus/shapeLib | A 2D shape library for Processing | 2 | @bendem/IrcSockets | Irc + WebSockets = <3 | 2 | @mattcasters/pentaho-starmodeler | Pentaho Data Integration Spoon plugin to help out with the design of new star models | 2 | @bendem/RubikGL | huehuehue | 2 | @bendem/MangaLibrary | A manga library using javafx | 2 | @IraKorshunova/JavaCompiler | tiny Java compiler | 2 | @IraKorshunova/GenMeowth | music generator | 2 | @JeroenMols/TravisCoverallsExamp… | Example code to configure Travis CI and Coveralls | 2 | @cmoulliard/gerrit-create-adminu… | | 2 | @schaloner/Intellijad | Integrate the JAD decompiler into IntelliJ IDEA | 2 | @bendem/DiceyRpg | Irc based rpg game when you kill stuff with dice... | 2 | @dries007/TapeMouse | Tape + Mouse = TapeMouse | 2 | @datablend/yelp-graph | Clustering of yelp businesses based upon checkin data | |
| :star2: | Name | Description | 🌍 | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | 658 | @IgnaceMaes/MaterialSkin | Theming .NET WinForms, C# or VB.Net, to Google's Material Design Principles. | 435 | @maartenba/MvcSiteMapProvider | An ASP.NET MVC SiteMapProvider implementation for the ASP.NET MVC framework. | 178 | @maartenba/GoogleAnalyticsTrack… | GoogleAnalyticsTracker - A C# library for tracking Google Analytics | 133 | @yreynhout/AggregateSource | Lightweight infrastructure for doing eventsourcing using aggregates | 91 | @davybrion/NHibernateWorkshop | Examples that I use for my NHibernate training course | :arrow_upper_right: 85 | @davybrion/Agatha | Agatha Request-Response Service Layer for .NET | :arrow_upper_right: 68 | @nickvane/Magento-RestApi | An async C# client for Magento REST API | 63 | @yreynhout/Projac | A set of projection libraries | 57 | @ToJans/Scritchy | CQRS without plumbing | :arrow_upper_right: 53 | @KevinDockx/JsonPatch | JSON Patch (JsonPatchDocument) RFC 6902 implementation for .NET | 39 | @ToJans/NerdBeers | An app built to demonstrate the awesomeness of NancyFx and Simple.Data, inspired by NerdDinner, backed with AutoTest.Net and MSpec | :arrow_upper_right: 38 | @ToJans/MinimalisticCQRS | CQRS for the lazy *ss | :arrow_upper_right: 32 | @sandrinodimattia/RedDog | Tools to help you build solutions on the Microsoft Azure platform. | 24 | @GeertBellekens/Enterprise-Architect… | Addins and tools for Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect | :arrow_upper_right: 17 | @GeertBellekens/UML-Tooling-Framewor… | Framework for tools and add-ins upon UML Case Tools | :arrow_upper_right: 16 | @XamlBrewer/PullToRefreshListVie… | XAML ListView with pull-to-refresh capability, for Windows 8.1 Universal apps | 16 | @XamlBrewer/Uwp.CoverFlowSample | A port of Silverlight Cover Flow Control to the Universal Windows Platform. | 15 | @Mavamaarten/YoutubeToMp3 | A neat-looking Youtube to mp3 converter written in C# | :arrow_upper_right: 14 | @ToJans/SaasOvation | This is an alternative approach to facilitate DDD using CQRS on a really low level | 14 | @StephaneDelcroix/MobileInception.Inte… | | 14 | @davybrion/nhibernatetraining | | :arrow_upper_right: 11 | @XamlBrewer/UWP-Composition-Radi… | An UWP Radial Gauge Control partially drawn by the Composition API | 11 | @yreynhout/sharptemporalgitalyz… | CSharp Temporal Method Analyzer for git repositories | 11 | @xavierdecoster/ReSharper.RazorExten… | A ReSharper plug-in to highlight suspicious usage of semicolon literals in Razor syntax. | 10 | @davybrion/CircuitBreaker | implementation of… | 10 | @XamlBrewer/UWP-SQLite-Sample | UWP SQLite Sample | 10 | @XamlBrewer/UWP-ImageCropper- | An ImageCropper control for UWP. | 9 | @XamlBrewer/UWP-SplitView-Sample | UWP SplitView Sample | 9 | @nickvane/ServiceStack.Logging… | Adapter for using Serilog as ServiceStack logging | 8 | @sandrinodimattia/EventHubsDemo | Sample real-time log stream with Azure Service Bus Event Hubs | 8 | @ToJans/MVCExtensions | "Ruby on Rails"-like lib for Asp.Net MVC | :arrow_upper_right: 7 | @sandrinodimattia/WindowsAzure-IPAddre… | Restrict access to your Cloud Services based on IP addresses | 7 | @Zepheus/ardrone3-pcap | An ArDrone3 packet sniffer for drones such as Bebop, Rolling Spider, ... | 7 | @XamlBrewer/UWP-AdaptiveTrigger-… | Universal Windows Platforml AdaptiveTrigger Sample | 6 | @sandrinodimattia/WindowsAzure-IISAppl… | Sample application explaining how to use the Application Initialization module in Windows Azure | 5 | @KevinDockx/HttpCache | Marvin.HttpCache is a complete implementation of the RFC2616 Http Caching standard for use with HttpClient, for all .NET Framework platforms (Windows Store, Windows Phone, WPF, WinForms, Console apps). Have a look around for the current status and to know what's yet to be implemented. | 5 | @Zepheus/Zepheus_Fiesta | A Fiesta Emulator Project | 5 | @davybrion/BuildYourOwnDal | Full source of the Build Your Own Data Access Layer series | :arrow_upper_right: 5 | @ToJans/YakShayQRS | Yak Shaving CQRS - Architectural masturbation | :arrow_upper_right: 5 | @JanJoris/Fastlanium | | 5 | @sandrinodimattia/AzureServiceBus.Even… | Samples for the Event Hubs feature in Microsoft Azure Service Bus | 5 | @StephaneDelcroix/SpriteKitDemo | a first playable game using SpriteKit and Xamarin.iOS | 5 | @nickvane/GoogleMusic-Api | C# API for using Google Music features | 4 | @yreynhout/NoBodyToBuild | DDD modeling issue | 4 | @JefClaes/aspnet-webapi-sample… | Code of my session on REST and ASP.NET Web API at the Euricom Tunisia trip. | :arrow_upper_right: 4 | @xavierdecoster/NuGet.Analyze | NuGet extension that provides repository analysis of NuGet package dependencies | 4 | @ToJans/ConfReboot | This is the way I would implement the CQRS guidance project | 4 | @JefClaes/ARealDeveloper | A mini-site written trying out WebMatrix. | [:arrow_upper_right:](http://www.arealdev