A set of misc utilties I find myself repeatedly re-writing between projects.
Collection of utilities I keep repeatedly rewriting across projects.
Examples - most useful methods
(see full docs in lower sections for more details)
cap1LowerRest :: (string) => string
Capitalize first letter, convert rest to lowercase.
cap1LowerRest('aSdF'); // => 'Asdf'
capitalize :: (string) => string
Capitalize first letter. Leave the rest as-is.
capitalize('asdf'); // => 'Asdf'
capitalize('asDf'); // => 'AsDf'
eliminateWhitespace :: (string) => string
eliminateWhitespace(' asdf 123 ff '); // => 'asdf123ff'
switchExpr :: ((cond: any, valueToReturnIfCondTruthy: V)*, defaultValue?: W) => V | W | never;
Function-based switch statement. Takes 2 or more args.
- Args 1, 3, 5, 7, etc. are the conditions, and 2, 4, 6, etc. their corresponding return values.
- On hitting a truthy odd-numbered arg, switchExpr returns the next (even-numbered) arg, then exits.
- If none are truthy, the default value is returned (the last argument - which must be an odd-numbered arg).
- If no default value is present after all conditions returned false, throws an error.
switchExpr(true, 'val1'); // Output: 'val1'
switchExpr(false, 'val1', 'defaultVal'); // Output: 'defaultVal'
false, 'v1',
true, 'v2',
'defaultReturnVal'); // Output: 'v2'
switchExpr(undefined, 'v1', '', 'v2'); // Throws Error
first :: (Array<T|any>) => T|any;
first([1,2,3]); => 1
last :: (Array<T|any>) => T|any;
last([1,2,3]); => 3
matchAny :: (any[]) => (any) => boolean
Search array for value. Returns true if array contains value. Uses simple JSON.stringify for comparison.
matchAny([1, 2, 3])(2);
// => true
matchAny(['a', 6, [1, 2, 3], 'gr'])([1, 2, 3]);
// => true
uuid :: () => string
uuid(); // => 5A42CCCF-6B10-488B-B957-4D1E5A113DA4
uuid(); // => 38259F99-73D5-4EE1-B11F-5D33CE8AD2C6
get :: (Object, string, any?) => any
Safely get the item at the given object path.
const obj = {a: {b: {c: 'value'}}};
get(obj, 'a.b.c'); // => 'value'
get(obj, 'a.b.zzz', 'default value'); // => 'default value'
isBoolean :: (any) => boolean
isBoolean(true); // => true
isBoolean(false); // => true
isBoolean({}); // => false
isFalse :: (any) => boolean
isFalse(true); // => false
isFalse(false); // => true
isFalse('ok'); // => false
isInt :: (any) => boolean
isInt(5); // => true
isInt(-10); // => true
isInt(1.6); // => false
isInt('okok'); // => false
pushIfNew :: (T[], T) => T[]
const arr = [1, 2, 3]
pushIfNew(3); // => [1, 2, 3]
pushIfNew(4); // => [1, 2, 3, 4]
console.log(arr); // => [1, 2, 3, 4]
repeatChars :: (string, number) => string
repeatChars('a', 5); // => 'aaaaa'
repeatChars('aa', 5); // => 'aaaaaaaaaa'
getLangFromURLPathname ::
<T = ('en' | 'fr')>(
string? = location.pathname,
T[]? = ['en', 'fr']
T? = 'en'
) => string
TODO confirm getLangFromURLPathname signature
Example usage:
// With URL
getLangFromURLPathname(); // => 'fr'
// With URL
getLangFromURLPathname(); // => 'en'
// With URL given as param:
getLangFromURLPathname(``, [`en`, `fr`, `sp`]); // => 'sp'
parseQueryParams :: (queryParamsString?: string = => Object
// With URL
parseQueryParams(); // => { hello: 'everyone', gr: 'argh' }
- npm:
npm install --save mad-utils
- yarn:
yarn add mad-utils
- NOTE: the documentation is an extreme work-in-progress.
- Recent versions have considerably changed the design, API, and even structure from earlier ones.
- Considerably more functions are available
- Existing functions have been massively changed (mostly to be more robust & less surprising);
- The library has been split into 3 parts:
- node
- browser
- isomorphic/shared
- consumed by default, and also used by both the node and browser submodules.
- A few exports have been deprecated (such as the parseDate function and ParsedDate type)
- Mostly due to irrelevance (items were taken from my own projects).
- (The docs still remain mostly up to date)
- Broken into 3 sub-modules: node, browser, and isomorphic.
- The node and browser sub-modules each include the entirety of the isomorphic sub-module.
Importing isomorphic (default) submodule
// Import all namespaces, functions, types, etc. from isomorphic submodule
import {m_} from 'mad-utils';
// Import isomorphic namespaces
import {array, json, enum, number, object, query, string, types} from 'mad-utils';
// Import individual isomorphic functions, types, classes, etc.
import {first, isNumberLike, parseQueryParams, castToNum, stringToEnumVal} from 'mad-utils';
- All modules exported from mad-utils provide everything in the isomorphic module.
Isomorphic namespaces
- array
- date
- enum
- error
- func / functionUtils
- json
- locale
- number
- object
- query
- search
- string
- types
- validation
All of the above namespaces are also importable from the NodeJS and Browser modules.
NodeJS submodule
Isomorphic exports, plus exports that will only work in a Node environment, such as:
- Anything using the NodeJS core API.
- Anything requiring file handling.
- Anything based on DOM-free unit testing.
- Anything intended for use with (or relying on) on a browser-unfriendly library:
- e.g. Express, Mocha, Chai.
Will generally crash your application if imported into the browser.
Importing node sub-module
// Import all namespaces, functions, types, etc. from node & isomorphic submodules
import {m_} from 'mad-utils/lib/node';
// Import node (and isomorphic) namespaces
import {file, test, middleware, webpackUtils, nodeError, date} from 'mad-utils/lib/node';
// Import individual node (and isomorphic) functions, types, classes, etc.
import {
} from 'mad-utils/lib/node';
Node-specific namespaces
- file
- middleware
- nodeError
- test
- webpackUtils
- types (expanded to include both isomorphic and Node-specific types)
Browser submodule
- Exports that will only work in a browser environment, or one with a mocked DOM (e.g. JSDom)
- Generally causes errors to throw if used in Node without a special environment set up
- e.g. JSDom, or inclusion of various window mocks/polyfills
Importing browser submodule
// Import all namespaces, functions, types, etc. from browser submodule
import {m_} from 'mad-utils/lib/browser';
// Import namespaces from browser (and isomorphic) submodules
import {dom, types} from 'mad-utils/lib/node';
// Import individual browser (and isomorphic) functions, types, classes, etc.
import {
} from 'mad-utils/lib/node';
Browser namespaces
- dom
- types (expanded to include both isomorphic and Browser-specific types)
Functions, by namespace
More import notes
If using a high-level import (mUtils, m_, __), you can access functions either via their namespaces or directory. E.g.
, __
, and m_
are 'full collection' exports
You can also get them like this if you hate named imports:
import madUtils from 'mad-utils';
const h = madUtils.m_;
Namespace strategy
Inclusive, overlapping namespace strategy used.
Namespaces treated more like keywords than parent types.
- Many functions are included in more than 1 namespace.
The main philosophy behind this API design is to make common functions maximally available.
- Repeatedly checking sifthing through namespaces trying to remember where a function lives is annoying.
- However, having 100s of functions together in a giant namespace with no other form of organization available is also annoying.
- I opted for a compromise, where everything was included in a giant namespace, while also including smaller "sub-namespaces".
- This also has import advantages, since you can opt to pull in as much or as little as you need on each reference to mad-utils, without having to import whole namespaces and pluck individual functions off.
Common types [WIP]
Either a number, or a string that can be parsed to a number
Either a string, or 'Never' (indicating an error threw in the function)
Namespace contents
Namespace: array (isomorphic)
Get items from array by position
first :: (T[]) => T
Return first item in given array
first(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']); // => 'a'
second :: (T[]) => T
Return second item in given array
second(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']); // => 'b'
third :: (T[]) => T
Return third item in given array
third(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']); // => 'c'
last :: (T[]) => T
Return last item in given array
last(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']); // => 'd'
secondLast :: (T[]) => T
Return secondLast item in given array
secondLast(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']); // => 'c'
thirdLast :: (T[]) => T
Return thirdLast item in given array
thirdLast(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']); // => 'b'
first2 :: (T[]) => T[]
Return first 2 items in given array
first2(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']); // => ['a', 'b']
first3 :: (T[]) => T[]
Return first 3 items in given array
first3(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']); // => ['a', 'b', 'c']
last2 :: (T[]) => T[]
Return last 2 items in given array
last2(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']); // => ['c', 'd']
last3 :: (T[]) => T[]
Return last 3 items in given array
last3(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']); // => ['b', 'c', 'd']
firstN :: (T[], number) => T[]
Return first 'n' number of items from given array
firstN(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 2); // => ['a', 'b']
lastN :: (T[], Int) => T[]
Return last 'n' items from given array. Return full array if too many items requested.
lastN(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 2); // => ['c', 'd']
Create array
arrayN :: (length: Int) => undefined[]
Create empty array of given length (integer).
arrayN(3); // => [undefined, undefined, undefined]
splitLines :: (string, {preserveEmptyLines: false}) => string[]
Split large multiline string into array where each line is an item. Removes blank lines by default, unless preserveEmptyLines option is set to true.
'first line' +
'\n ' +
'third line' +
'fourth line'
// => ['first line', ' ', 'third line', 'fourth line']
first line
second line`,
{preserveEmptyLines: true}
// => ['', 'first line', '', 'second line']
Exclude items from array by position
withoutFirst :: (T[] | string) => T[] | string
Remove first character or array item.
withoutFirst([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) // => [2, 3, 4, 5]
withoutFirst('hello'); // => 'ello'
withoutFirst2 :: (T[] | str) => T[] | str
Remove first 2 characters or array items.
withoutFirst2([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); // => [3, 4, 5]
withoutFirst2('abcdef'); // => 'cdef'
withoutFirst3 :: (T[] | string) => T[] | string
Remove first 3 characters or array items.
withoutFirst3([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); // => [4, 5]
withoutLast :: (T[] | string) => T[] | string
Remove last character or array item.
withoutLast([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); // => [1, 2, 3, 4]
withoutLast2 :: (T[] | string) => T[] | string
Remove last 2 characters or array items.
withoutLast2([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); // => [1, 2, 3]
withoutLast3 :: (T[] | string) => T[] | string
Remove last 3 characters or array items.
withoutLast3([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); // => [1, 2]
withoutFirstN :: (T[]|str, number) => T[] | string
Remove first N characters or array items.
withoutFirstN([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 3); // => [4, 5]
withoutLastN :: (T[] | string, number) => T[] | string
Remove last N characters or array items.
withoutLastN([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 3); // => [1, 2]
Array typechecking
isArray :: (T[] | T) => boolean
True if item is an array
isArray([]); // => true
class CustomArray extends Array { }
isArray(new CustomArray()); // => true
Add to or subtract from array
removeMatches :: (any[], any[] | any) => any[]
Return new array with all items in arr2OrItem removed from array1. If array2 is not an array, remove matching item from array1.
removeMatches([1, 2, 3], 2); // => [1, 3]
removeMatches([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, 4]); // => [2, 3, 5]
(arr: any[]) => arr[]
- Return new array with all falsy values in the given array eliminated.
rmAllFalsy([1, 2, 3, false, null, 4, 0, 'asdf', '', 'ok', undefined, 'fine']);
// => [1, 2, 3, 4, 'asdf', 'ok']
Array searching
matchAny: (haystack: T[]) => (needle: T) => boolean
Search an array for a value.
- Returns true if array haystack contains needle.
Note that it uses simple JSON.stringify for array and object comparison
- use something else if deep comparisons are required.
Sane behaviour for matching against null, undefined, NaN, etc.
- e.g. NaN matched against an array with NaN returns true
matchAny([1, 2, 3])(2);
// => true
matchAny(['a', 6, [1, 2, 3], 'gr'])([1, 2, 3]);
// => true
matchAny(['a', 6, null, 'last'])(null);
// => true
Namespace: date (isomorphic)
[TYPE] NumRange0To6
Shorthand for any number between 0 and 6
[CONSTANT] defaultTimestampFormat :: string
String that creates a timestamp in a nice, human-readable format when passed to MomentJS.
YYYY/MM/DD : hh:mm:ss
// => `YYYY/MM/DD : HH:mm:ss`;
isLeapYear :: (year: NumLike) => boolean
Returns true if given year is a leap year. Accepts integers, strings that can be converted to integers, and arrays with a single item, where said item is an integer or string convertable to an integer. Any other input will throw.
isLeapYear(2004); // => true
isLeapYear(2003); // => false
convertDayOfWeekNumToString :: (day: 0..6, abbrev: boolean) => string | never
Converts numeric day of the week to string day of the week. e.g. 0 -> 'Sunday', 6 -> 'Saturday' Args:
- day: number from 0 to 6 for conversion
- abbrev: If true, return the shorthand day names (e.g. 'Mon' vs. 'Monday'). Default: false.
convertDayOfWeekNumToString(5); // => 'Friday'
convertDayOfWeekNumToString(2, true); // => 'Tues'
(timeFormat?: string) => string
- Get the current date, formatted for display in the stream of Express logs to the CLI.
- Args:
- timeFormat?: Optional momentJS timestamp format e.g.
- More info at
- timeFormat?: Optional momentJS timestamp format e.g.
now(); // => 2017/05/28 : 02:51:39
now(`YYYY/MM hh:mm`); // => 2017/02 02:51
isDateLike (exported from types-iso - see below)
Namespace: dom (browser)
getUserAgentString :: () => string
Return raw and unparsed browser user agent string (convenience function)
// => "Mozilla/4.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 7_12_6) AppleWebKit/501.16 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.1010.99 Safari/210.22"
osName :: () => string
Extract name of current user's OS (operating system) from browser user agent string. (Note: Memoizes result - i.e. 1st call to function stores result; all future calls reference stored result).
osName(); // => "Mac OS"
osNameSnakeCase :: () => string
Extract name of OS from browser user agent string, & convert it to snake_case. (Note: memoizes result)
osNameSnakeCase(); // => "mac_os"
browserName :: () => string
Extract name of current browser from browser user agent string. (Note: memoizes result)
browserName(); // => "Firefox"
browserEngineName :: () => string
Extract name of current browser's rendering engine from browser user agent string. (Note: memoizes result)
browserEngineName(); // => "Webkit"
Extract version of current OS from browser user agent string. (Note: memoizes result)
osVersion(); // => "15.9.1"
browserVersion :: () => string
Extract version of current browser from browser user agent string. (Note: memoizes result)
browserVersion(); // => "64.1.5284.259"
browserEngineVersion :: () => string
Extract version of current browser's rendering engine from browser's user agent string. (Note: memoizes result)
browserEngineVersion(); // => "530.12"
Namespace: enum (isomorphic)
- WIP documentation
- WIP documentation
- WIP documentation
- WIP documentation
- WIP documentation
- WIP documentation
Namespace: error (isomorphic)
- WIP documentation
- WIP documentation
Namespace: error (node)
globalActivateCleanStack :: () => void
Remove pointless stacktrace items (node core). Modify the stacktrace length to be unlimited. Effects get applied globally immediately on running the function.
- Affects error handling behaviour for the entire life of the Node process this was run in.
// /\-- This is literally the only way to use it.
Namespace: file (node)
isDir :: (fileOrDirPath: string) => boolean
Returns true if inode (aka file, directory, socket, etc.) at absolute path is a directory.
isDir(path.join(rootPath, 'node_modules')); // => isTrue
wasRunAsScript :: () => boolean
Must always be called like this: wasRunAsScript(path.basename(__filename))
WARNING: has some edge cases (Fixing them is a WIP TODO):
- Will (incorrectly) return true if the current file has the same name as the file that launched the process.
- e.g. if process was launched by [project root]/server/index.js, and wasRunAsScript is run in [project root]/server/api/index.js, it will return true.
- Will not work for filenames with certain characters, such as (, ), [, ], and certain other special regex chars (. and - are OK).
Example (in some-file.js, with process launched via node some-file.js
wasRunAsScript(path.basename(__filename)); // => true
WIP documentation
WIP documentation
WIP documentation
WIP documentation
WIP documentation
endsInDotJs :: (string) => boolean
True if the given string (generally a path) ends in .js
endsInDotJs(`asdf.js`); // => true
WIP documentation
Namespace: function (isomorphic)
switchExpr :: (...(cond: any, retValIfCondTru: V), def?: W) => V | W | never;
Function-based switch statement.
For each pair of args:
- the 1st arg is a condition that passes if truthy.
- the 2nd arg is the value returned if the condition passes.
If no conditions pass, and there was:
- odd number of arguments given, then the final arg given to the function is returned.
- even number of arguments given, an error is thrown.
switchExpr(true, 'val1'); // => 'val1'
switchExpr(true, 'val1', 'defaultVal'); // => 'val1'
switchExpr(false, 'val1', 'defaultVal'); // => 'defaultVal'
switchExpr(false, 'v1', 'condition1', 'v2'); // => 'v2'
switchExpr(false, 'v1', null, 'v2', 'defaultReturnVal'); // => 'v2'
switchExpr(false, 'v1', null, 'v2'); // => [throws error]
switchExpr(false, 'v1'); // => [throws error]
let size = 'large';
size === 'tiny', 8,
size === 'small', 10,
size === 'medium', 12,
size === 'large', 16,
size === 'huge', 20,
// => 16
General syntax:
COND1, val_returned_if_COND1_truthy,
COND2, val_returned_if_COND2_truthy,
loopN :: (number, (...args) => T) => T[]
Run given function the given number of times.
Return results of all runs of the function as an array containing all N return vals.
loopN(2, () => 'return_value'); // => ['return_value', 'return_value']
let i = 0;
loopN(10, () => i++); // => [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
console.log(i) // => 10
loop2 :: ((...args) => T) => T[]
Run given function twice, and return results of both runs of the function as an array.
loop2(() => 'return_value'); // => ['return_value', 'return_value']
loop3, loop4, loop5
See loop2 above, but run the associated number of times
- e.g. loop4 runs 4 the function 4X instead of twice
loop3(() => 'ret_val'); // => ['ret_val', 'ret_val', 'ret_val']
loop4(() => 'ret_val'); // => ['ret_val', 'ret_val', 'ret_val', 'ret_val']
loop5(() => 'ret_val'); // => ['ret_val', 'ret_val', 'ret_val', 'ret_val', 'ret_val']
let i = 0;
loop5(() => i++); // => [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
console.log(i) // => 5
getFnAsArr :: (fn: Function) => string[]
Return a function's source code in nicely spaced array format.
getFnAsArr(() => 'ok')
// => [ 'function () { return \'ok\'; }' ]
function testFn() {
console.log('log 1');
return 'output';
// => [ 'function testFn() {',
// ' console.log(\'log 1\');',
// ' return \'output\';',
// '}']
Namespace: json (isomorphic)
jsonStringifyWFuncs :: (Object) => string
Stringify, while keeping the functions in position by pre-converting them to strings.
jsonStringifyWFuncs({a: 123, b: 'asdf', c: () => 'asdf'})
// =>
'{"a":123,"b":"asdf","c":"function () { return \'asdf\'; }"}'
WIP documentation
Namespace: locale (isomorphic)
commonLangsObj :: Record<string, string>
- Object containing a set of common languages and their common ID codes
- e.g.
{af: 'Afrikaans', en: 'English', ...}
commonLangAbbrevs :: string[]
- Array of common abbreviations for the most common languages
- e.g.
['af', 'en', ...]
commonLangNames :: string[]
- Array of the names of the most common languages
- e.g.
['Afrikaans', 'English', ...]
canadaLangsObj :: Record<string, string>
- Object mapping Canada's official languages to their abbreviations
English, fr:
canadaLangAbbrevs :: string[]
- Array of the abbreviations of Canada's official languages
['en', 'fr']
canadaLangNames :: string[]
- Array of the names of Canada's official languages
['English', 'French']
- Array of variants of English, by locale (codes)
['english', 'en', 'en_ca', 'en_us', ...]
frenchVariants :: string[]
- Array of variants of French, by locale (codes)
['french', 'fr', 'fr_fr', 'fr_ca', ...]
Namespace: middleware (node)
WIP documentation
WIP documentation
Namespace: number (isomorphic)
isInteger :: (any) => boolean
Returns true if given value is an integer.
isInteger(1); // => true
isInteger(232); // => true
isInteger(82.12); // => false
isInteger('232'); // => false
isInteger('asdf'); // => false
(Alias: isInt)
isIntegerLike :: (any) => boolean
Returns true if given value is an integer-like string or integer.
isIntegerLike(232); // => true
isIntegerLike('232'); // => true
isIntegerLike('asdf'); // => false
isInteger(82.12); // => false
isNumberLike :: (any) => boolean
Returns true if given value is a number-like string or number.
isNumberLike(1); // => true
isNumberLike(9267.84); // => true
isNumberLike('1'); // => true
isNumberLike('9267.84'); // => true
isNumberLike('1.2'); // => true
isNumberLike('.2'); // => true
isNumberLike('1.2.2'); // => false
isNumberLike('asdf'); // => false
isNumberLike(true); // => false
(Alias: isNumLike)
uuid () => string
Generate a UUID, in format e.g. 3A0BF2C7-3077-45A0-97ED-EC5F13F127F1
uuid(); // => 'F6779B17-8CD1-409B-A2AA-1FE80CB86654'
uuid(); // => 'B574571F-097A-4ADB-837C-DCE8472C3314'
Namespace: object (isomorphic)
get :: (obj: Object, path: string, default: any?) => any
Safely get the item at the given object path.
- 1st: object to get from.
- 2nd: object path to get value from.
- 3rd: default value (if no value found at given path).
const obj = {a: {b: {c: 'value'}}};
get(obj, 'a.b.c'); // => 'value'
get(obj, 'a.b.zzz', 'default value'); // => 'default value'
assignFrozenClone :: (Object, ...Object[]) => Readonly
Non-mutatively merge all given objects together (like Object.assign) & deep-freeze the result.
const obj = assignFrozenClone({a: 1, b: 2}, {c: 3, d: 4});
// => {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4}
obj.a = 6;
obj.a // => 1
^--- note that it didn't change
deepFreeze :: (Object) => Readonly
Deep freeze given object MUTATIVE! (But still returns original)
const obj = deepFreeze({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4});
// obj = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4}
obj.a = 6;
console.log(obj.a); // => 1
// ^--- note that it didn't change
// Note that it also mutates the object:
const obj = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4};
obj.a = 6;
console.log(obj.a); // => 1
eachPair :: (data: T, fn: (val, key) => any) => T
Run given function on each pair in given object. CURRIED, NON-MUTATIVE.
const arr = [];
const putKeyValPairInArr = eachPair((v, k) => arr.push(k + v));
putKeyValPairInArr({a: 1, b: 2});
console.log(arr); // => ['a1', 'b2']
numKeys :: (Object) => number
Return number of keys in given object.
numKeys({a: 1, b: 2}); // => 2
hasKey :: (Object, string) => boolean
Return true if given object has given key.
hasKey({a: 1, b: 2}, 'a'); // => true
hasKey({a: 1, b: 2}, 'c'); // => false
defineProps :: (obj: I, string, val: any, mutable?: bool) => N & I {Object}
Add {key} with value {val} to {obj}. If {mutable} true, make new prop mutable.
- N (NewKVPair) extends Object = {}
- New key-value pair to add to object.
- I (InputObject) extends Object = {}
- Original input object to mutate (and return).
- obj: InputObject - object to mutate.
- key: string - new key to add to given object (at arg 'obj').
- val: Any - value to assign to new key.
- isMutable: boolean? - if true, make new property mutable. Default: false.
Return value: (InputObject & NewKVPair)
- InputObject with new key-value pair properties merged in.
- Note that it also mutates the original value.
const obj = {a: 'eh', b: 'bee'}
defineProps(obj, 'c', 'sea');
// returns (and new value of obj) :: {a: 'eh', b: 'bee', c: 'sea'}
const obj = {a: 'eh', b: 'bee'}
defineProps(obj, 'c', 'sea');
defineProps(obj, 'c', 'seeeee');
// returns (and new value of obj) :: {a: 'eh', b: 'bee', c: 'sea'}
const obj = {a: 'eh', b: 'bee'}
defineProps(obj, 'c', 'sea', true);
defineProps(obj, 'c', 'seeeee', true);
// returns (and new value of obj) :: {a: 'eh', b: 'bee', c: 'seeeee'}
Namespace: url (isomorphic)
string? = window.location.pathname,
string[]? = ['en','fr'],
string? = 'en'
) => string
Get the currently selected language out of the current URL.
Note: this is a 'rough' method not intended to work in all circumstances.
- You need to be storing the language in the URL for this to work
In Node, default value window.location.pathname gets set to '' if it doesn't exist.
// Assuming we're at URL '':
// => 'fr'
// Assuming we're at URL '':
// => 'fr'
// => 'en'
getLangFromURLPathname('/asdf/123asdfawzu/sp/eiuherg/awzp1', ['en', 'sp']);
// => 'sp'
getLangFromURLPathname('/asdf/123asdfawzu/au/eiuherg/awzp1', ['en', 'fr', 'sp']);
// => 'en'
getLangFromURLPathname('/asdf/123asdfawzu/au/eiuherg/awzp1', ['en', 'fr', 'sp'], 'fr');
// => 'fr'
parseQueryParams :: (queryParamsString?: string = => Object
Convert the current query params into an object.
Note that running it without explicitly passing the queryParamsString works, but can give stale results.
- It will still point to the query params present on initial page load if not explicitly passed.
- Not a problem unless something changes the query params after page load.
Examples (at URL ''
// => {hello: 'everyone', gr: 'argh'}
// => {hello: 'everyone', gr: 'argh'}
lastUrlPath :: (url: string = hrefDef, strict: boolean = true) => string
Get the last path in the given URL, with no / prepended, & query params excluded.
Returns '' if no paths in url.
Sets 'strict mode' to true by default, meaning trailing slashes aren't ignored.
- If one is present, return value becomes ''.
If first param is null or undefined, uses the current page's URL as the url value.
// Assuming we're at URL ''
lastUrlPath(); // => 'home'
// Assuming we're at URL ''
lastUrlPath(); // => ''
lastUrlPath(null, false); // => 'asdf'
lastUrlPath(''); // => ''
lastUrlPath(''); // => ''
lastUrlPath('', false); // => ''
lastUrlPath(''); // => 'asdf'
lastUrlPath(''); // => ''
lastUrlPath('', false); // => 'asdf'
normalizeURLPathname (url: string) => string
Normalize given [url] {string}, converting to this format:
Does the following actions:
- Remove leading & trailing whitespace, and trailing
- Precedes URL with single
- Removes all repeat slashes (e.g.
) - Replace
normalizeURLPathname(``); // Output: ``
normalizeURLPathname(`/asdf/123`); // Output: `/asdf/123`
normalizeURLPathname(` / `); // Output: `/`
normalizeURLPathname(`/////`); // Output: `/`
normalizeURLPathname(`/asdf//123`); // Output: `/asdf/123`
normalizeURLPathname(`asdf`); // Output: `/asdf`
normalizeURLPathname(`/asdf/?key=val`); // Output: `/asdf?key=val`
normalizeURLPathname(` ab//cd/ef///?key=val/ `); // Output: `/ab/cd/ef?key=val`
Namespace: search (isomorphic)
- WIP documentation
- WIP documentation
- WIP documentation
- WIP documentation
Namespace: string ((Alias: str)) (isomorphic)
cap1LowerRest :: (string) => string
Make the first letter uppercase and the rest lowercase.
cap1LowerRest('asdf'); // => 'Asdf'
cap1LowerRest('aSdF'); // => 'Asdf'
cap1LowerRest('This was already cap.'); // => 'This was already cap.'
cap1LowerRest('This Was Already Cap.'); // => 'This was already cap.'
cap1LowerRest('not Already Cap.'); // => 'Not already cap.'
capitalize :: (string) => string
Make the first letter uppercase, and leave the rest as-is.
capitalize('asdf'); // => 'Asdf'
capitalize('aSdF'); // => 'ASdF'
capitalize('This was already cap.'); // => 'This was already cap.'
capitalize('not Already Cap.'); // => 'Not Already Cap.'
removeMatchingText :: (string, string|RegExp) => string
Return copy of string with all instances of substring or regexp (matcherToRm) removed.
removeMatchingText('HeRMlloRM woRMrldRM', 'RM'); // => 'Hello world'
removeMatchingText('RMqwertyRM uioprm', /rm ?/ig); // => 'qwertyuiop'
removeMatchingText('Hello world', 'ASafer'); // => 'Hello world'
replaceAll :: (string, match: string|RegExp, replace: string) => string
Replace all matching strings or regexes in a text segment with given replacement string. All matching strings get replaced.
- 1st arg: string to replace text in
- match: string(s) to replace (replace all matches)
- replace: string to replace matches with
replaceAll('The duck here is the best Jerry! The best!', 'best', 'bees-knees');
// => 'The duck here is the bees-knees Jerry! The bees-knees!'
replaceAll('The duck here is the best Jerry! The best!', /[tT]he best/g, 'OK');
// => 'The duck here is OK Jerry! OK!'
chomp :: (string, charsToChomp: string = '\n\r') => string
Remove all chars in charsToChomp string from end of given string (1st arg).
Defaults to eliminating carriage return and newline (\n\r).
chomp('asdf\n\r\n\r'); // => 'asdf'
chomp('asdf\n \r \n\r', '\n\r '); // => 'asdf'
chomp('\n \ras\ndf\n \r \n\r ', '\n\r '); // => '\n \ras\ndf'
chomp('asdf\r \n', ' \n'); // => 'asdf\r'
- WIP documentation
- WIP documentation
- See docs in search namespace.
- WIP documentation
- WIP documentation
Namespace: test (node)
Create Mocha test that passes if given object exists and is not empty
expectEmptyObject({}); // << will not pass
expectEmptyObject({ a: 1 }); // << will pass
Create Mocha test that passes if given object is empty
expectEmptyObject({}); // << will pass
expectEmptyObject({ a: 1 }); // << will not pass
expectFunctionExists (ALIAS: expectFuncExists)
Create Mocha test that passes if given function exists
const inc = (a: number) => a + 1;
expectFunctionExists({}); // << will not pass
expectFunctionExists(() => null); // << will pass
expectFunctionExists(inc); // << will pass
Namespace: types (Alias: type) (isomorphic)
isDateLike :: (any) => boolean
Return true if arg is a moment or Date instance; or a string, object, or number that moment can parse.
- negative numbers
- strings that parse to negative numbers
- objects with date-irrelevant keys e.g. {year: 1123, bear: 'grizzly'}
isDateLike('1990-12-10'); // => true
isDateLike(moment()); // => true
isDateLike(new Date()); // => true
isDateLike('asdf'); // => false
isDateLike(false); // => false
isBoolean :: (any) => boolean
Return true if arg is a boolean value (either true or false)
isBoolean(false); // => true
isBoolean(true); // => true
isBoolean(Boolean(true)); // => true
isBoolean(''); // => false
isBoolean(0); // => false
isBoolean('true'); // => false
isBoolean(() => true); // => false
- (see array section above)
- True if given item is a number or a string that can be parsed into a number
- WIP documentation
- (see locale section above)
- curried, matcher-first match function
- WIP documentation
- True if 2 given strings' match, with casing ignored.
- WIP documentation
- True if given item doesn't exist, or is a string.
- WIP documentation
- True if given item is an integer
- (see "number" section above)
- True if given item is an integer or string containing an item that can be converted to an integer.
- (see "number" section above)
Namespace: type (node)
WIP documentation
WIP documentation
WIP documentation
WIP documentation
WIP documentation
Namespace: type (browser)
WIP documentation
Namespace: validation (isomorphic)
WIP documentation
WIP documentation
WIP documentation
WIP documentation
WIP documentation
WIP documentation
WIP documentation
Namespace: webpack (node)
WIP documentation
Documentation is a major WIP. TODO More documentation in README. TODO Document special React module.