Sharing enums with a Java Spring Boot back-end.
Sharing enums with a Java Spring Boot back-end.
npm install mad-spring-enum --save
First in your Java project make sure mad-spring-enum can read the enums, via a GET request:
class EnumController {
private final Map<String, Set<String>> registry = new HashMap<>();
EnumController(EnumClassPathScanningCandidateComponentProvider enumProvider) {
.forEach(component -> {
Class<Enum<?>> componentClass = forName(component.getBeanClassName());
registry.put(componentClass.getSimpleName(), stream(componentClass.getEnumConstants())
Map<String, Set<String>> findAll() {
return registry;
* EnumClassPathScanningCandidateComponentProvider is a specialization of {@link ClassPathScanningCandidateComponentProvider}
* that only takes enum values into account.
* Furthermore it overrides the default behaviour of the {@link ClassPathScanningCandidateComponentProvider}
* that checks that the classes that are found on the classpath are non-abstract. By their definition, an
* enum that contains abstract methods or implements an interface is abstract and ignored.
* This does not serve our purpose, hence the specialisation.
class EnumClassPathScanningCandidateComponentProvider extends ClassPathScanningCandidateComponentProvider {
EnumClassPathScanningCandidateComponentProvider() {
addIncludeFilter(new IsEnumFilter());
* Determine whether the given bean definition qualifies as candidate.
* The default implementation checks whether the class is concrete
* but this is does not work for us because an enum is considered abstract
* when it implements an interface or has an abstract method.
* The JavaDoc of the default implementation also states that
* this behaviour can be overridden in subclasses.
* @param beanDefinition the bean definition to check
* @return whether the bean definition qualifies as a candidate component
protected boolean isCandidateComponent(AnnotatedBeanDefinition beanDefinition) {
return beanDefinition.getMetadata().isIndependent();
private static class IsEnumFilter implements TypeFilter {
public boolean match(MetadataReader metadataReader, MetadataReaderFactory metadataReaderFactory) throws IOException {
String className = metadataReader.getClassMetadata().getClassName();
Class<Enum> clazz = Classes.forName(className);
return clazz.isEnum();
Getting started.
We assume you have a working Redux project, if you do not yet have Redux add Redux to your project by following the Redux's instructions.
We also assume that you have redux-form installed via the instructions provided on the website.
First install the following dependencies in the package.json:
- "react-redux": "5.0.3",
- "redux": "3.6.0",
Now add the constraints-reducer to your rootReducer for example:
import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import { EnumsStore, enums } from 'mad-spring-enum';
export interface Store {
enums: EnumsStore
// Use ES6 object literal shorthand syntax to define the object shape
const rootReducer: Store = combineReducers({
export default rootReducer;
This should add the EnumsStore to Redux, which will store the enums from the Spring back-end.
Next you have to configure the enums module:
import { createStore } from 'redux';
import { configureEnums } from 'mad-spring-enum';
export const store = createStore(
// The URL which will provide the enums over a GET request.
enumsUrl: '/api/enums',
// Whether or not the 'enumsUrl' should be called with authentication.
needsAuthentication: true,
// The dispatch function for the Redux store.
dispatch: store.dispatch,
// A function which returns the latests EnumsStore from Redux.
enumsStore: () => store.getState().enums
The enums module must be configured before the application is rendered.
Finally you will have load the enums from the back-end using
the loadEnums
function. If in order for the constraints
to be loaded you need to be logged in, you should load the enums
as soon as you know that you are logged in:
import { loadEnums } from 'mad-spring-enum';
import { login } from 'somewhere';
class Login extends Component {
doLogin(username, password) {
login({ username, password })
.then(loadEnums); // Load enums ASAP
render() {
// Render here which calls doLogin
If you do not need a login before you can fetch the enums
simply fetch them using loadEnums
as soon as possible.
Now assuming you have an '' from the back-end and you want to use it in the front-end, you can retrieve the values of the enum by calling:
import { getEnum, EnumValues } from 'mad-spring-enum';
import type { EnumValues } from 'mad-spring-enum';
const userRoles: EnumValues = getEnum('UserRole'));
// now use userRoles as you please, it should be an array of strings.