SASS Mixins
Mobile first Sass Mixins – based on simplicity
There are a lot of Sass Mixins out there. Most of them are overdone, because they want to fit for everyone – no matter if you prefer mobile first or any other approach.
This Mixins from David Maciejwski and contributors is different. It's mobile first and will only generate classes that are really needed to do the trick.
- Highly flexible Grid with push and pull methods based on your configuration
- Effective Respond-Mixin to set `@media triggers (from, to)
- font-smoothing Mixin for better font rendering on dark backgrounds
- Flexible asset floating
- clearfix
Use Bower to download it to your project:
$ bower install macx-sass-mixins --save
Now, set your personal configuration for the Grid and import the mixins as soon as possible in your main Sass file:
@charset 'UTF-8';
// Import or set here your Grid config:
@import 'config';
// macx-sass-mixin
// (set the path to bower vendors based on your config)
@import '[path-to]/macx-sass-mixins/src/sass-mixins';
To find out the path to your Bower dependencies, type bower list --paths
in your command line.
The Grid is simple as it could be but flexible as it should be. It's based on the following configuration. The default settings are the following:
// Maximal width of your layout
$layout-max-width: 1200px;
// Number of columns you want to use
$layout-max-columns: 12;
// Set gutter width and default spacing
// to the outer areas of your layout
$layout-gutter-width: percentage(20px/$layout-max-width);
$layout-spacing: 24px;
// Set the breakpoints and the names
// you want to use for later usage
$layout-breakpoints: (
small: 480px,
medium: 600px,
large: 920px,
xlarge: $layout-max-width
) !default;
Here is simple three column layout on desktop, two column layout on tablets and one column on mobile:
<div class="l-constrained">
<div class="l-units">
<div class="l-u--12-12 l-u--medium-6-12 l-u--large-4-12">
<div class="l-u--12-12 l-u--medium-6-12 l-u--large-4-12">
<div class="l-u--12-12 l-u--medium-6-12 l-u--large-4-12">
Remeber the following syntax to set a grid column class:
│ │ │ └ max columns
│ │ └ number of columns you want to use (6/12)
│ └ name of the breakpoint
└ stands for: layout-unit
Flexible asset floating
Don't write CSS for floated assets (images for example) for every size. Use this approach to align your media – no matter of assets size.
<!-- Default usage -->
<div class="m-asset">
<div class="m-asset__element">
<img src="your-image.jpg" alt="">
<div class="m-asset__content">
This Content will always stay beside the element.
<!-- If you want to push the asset to the right -->
<div class="m-asset m-asset__pushed">