The MA agent collects data to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising.
MA Agent
The MA agent collects data to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising.
MA Agent Installation
npm i ma-agent
MA Agent initialization
es modules
import { MaAgent } from '@kosmos/ma-agent';
window.mAgent = new MaAgent({
defaultData: {client_version: '<client version>'},
url: '<url>',
token: '<token>'
From bundle
<script src="./dist/bundle.umd.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
const {MaAgent} = maAgent;
window.mAgent = new maAgent.MaAgent({
defaultData: {client_version: '<client version>'},
url: '<url>',
token: '<token>'
Sending post backs about events using the ma agent
Send visit event
After the download of your game is complete.
!!important!! This function should be called after FBInstant.initializeAsync()
import { EventTypes } from '@kosmos/ma-agent';
user_id: '<user_id|social_id>', // the user ID on the server or the id that was issued by the platform
data: {
social_id: '<social_id>', //the ID provided by the platform
is_install: 1 // if this is a new user in the game
event_type: EventTypes.visit //2
Send Transaction event
After Transaction is complete
import { EventTypes } from '@kosmos/ma-agent';
user_id: '<user_id|social_id: string>', // the user ID on the server or the id that was issued by the platform <string>
data: {
social_id: '<social_id: string>', // the ID provided by the platform
transaction_id: 'transaction123', // transaction ID provided by the platform
price: 10000.0, // purchaise price
proceed: 1000, // total income from the purchase without platform fees and local tax
currency: 'USD' // currency code
event_type: EventTypes.transaction // 1
Send Raw Transaction event without proceed field
Client Transaction
import { EventTypes } from '@kosmos/ma-agent';
user_id: '<user_id|social_id: string>', // the user ID on the server or the id that was issued by the platform <string>
data: {
social_id: '<social_id: string>', // the ID provided by the platform
transaction_id: 'transaction123', // transaction ID provided by the platform
price: 10000.0, // <optional> purchaise price
currency: 'USD', // <optional> currency code
purchase_platform: 'GOOGLE' // purchase_platform in fb receipt (string)
event_type: EventTypes.raw_transaction // 5
Send AdShow event
After the ad is shown
import { EventTypes } from '@kosmos/ma-agent';
user_id: '<user_id|social_id: string>', // the user ID on the server or the id that was issued by the platform
data: {
ad_type: 'Interstitial|rewarded|...',
revenue: 0.5, // total income from the ad shown without platform fees and local tax
currency: 'USD', // currency code
count: 1, // Number of ad impressions
client_platform: 1,
event_type: EventTypes.ad_shown // 3