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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2024 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner









arcgis api 包装 提供更高效的使用方式, 列举常用的 api

Table of Contents


npm install --save-dev m3-arcgis


yarn add -D m3-arcgis

Usage 使用


Loading m3-arcgis

for es6 module / 对于支持 es6 方式的加载

/* 引入编译好的 */
import M3Arcgis from "m3-arcgis/dist";

for ts / 对于支持 ts 方式的加载

import M3Arcgis from "m3-arcgis";

for js / 对于没有使用模块化的 js

<!-- index.html -->
<!-- 将编译好的文件拷贝到项目,然后直接引入 -->
<script src="./arcgis.js"></script>


import M3Arcgis from "m3-arcgis";

const arcgis = new M3Arcgis({
  /*  地图容器,dom-id-string | HTMLElement */
  container: 'map'

 /* 需要等待arcgis初始化完成 */
await arcgis.init("http://xxxx/arcgis_js/api/4.12/");

const { Instance } = arcgis;

  /* 业务操作 */
  ... ... ...



列举几个常用的底图,在线和本地切片,天地图,高德地图,标准的 google 切片,由 arcmap 自定义方案的切片,详见 项目通用切片

  ... ... ...

const { Instance } = arcgis;

/* 天地图 - 在线 - 矢量 - 墨卡托 */
const vectorOLBaseMap = baseLayer.customTileLayer({
  id: "vectorOLBaseMap",

/* google - 在线 - 卫星 - 墨卡托 */
const satelliteOLBaseMap = baseLayer.customTileLayer({
  id: "satelliteOLBaseMap",
  visible: false,
  urlTemplate: `http://xxx/lyrs=s@716&x={col}&y={row}&z={level}`

/* 本地切片 - 矢量 - 标准google切片格式 - arcgis16进制命名 */
const vectorBaseMap = baseLayer.customTileLayer({
  id: "vectorMap",
  getTileUrl(level, row, col) {
    return this.urlTemplate
      .replace("{level}", "L" + level.toString().padStart(2, 0))
      .replace("{col}", "C" + col.toString(16).padStart(8, 0))
      .replace("{row}", "R" + row.toString(16).padStart(8, 0));

/* 本地切片 - 卫星 - 自定义切片方案 - arcgis16进制命名 */
const tileInfo = {
  rows: 256,
  cols: 256,
  compressionQuality: 0,
  origin: { x: -20037700, y: 30241100 },
  spatialReference: { wkid: 102100 },
  lods: [
    { level: 0, resolution: 16.933367200067735, scale: 64000 },
    { level: 1, resolution: 8.4666836000338677, scale: 32000 },
    { level: 2, resolution: 4.2333418000169338, scale: 16000 },
    { level: 3, resolution: 2.1166709000084669, scale: 8000 },
    { level: 4, resolution: 1.0583354500042335, scale: 4000 },
    { level: 5, resolution: 0.52916772500211673, scale: 2000 },
    { level: 6, resolution: 0.26458386250105836, scale: 1000 },
    { level: 7, resolution: 0.13229193125052918, scale: 500 },
    { level: 8, resolution: 0.066145965625264591, scale: 250 },
    { level: 9, resolution: 0.033072982812632296, scale: 125 }
const satelliteBaseMap = baseLayer.customTileLayer({
  id: "satelliteMap",
  visible: false,
  getTileUrl(level, row, col) {
    return this.urlTemplate
      .replace("{level}", "L" + level.toString().padStart(2, 0))
      .replace("{col}", "C" + col.toString(16).padStart(8, 0))
      .replace("{row}", "R" + row.toString(16).padStart(8, 0));

view 的基本使用

主要有 缩放,中心点,属性监听,地图上的 ui 组件,截图,屏幕坐标和地图坐标转换等功能

const { view: _view } = Instance.getInstanceView();

/* 设置地图缩放约束 */
_view.constraints = {
  minScale: 300000,
  maxScale: 3600,
  maxZoom: 17,
  minZoom: 5
  ... ...

/* 设置中心点 */ = [x, y];
/* 设置缩放等级 */
_view.zoom = 8;
_view.scale = 20000;

 * 设置中心点(动画过渡)
 * @param target 支持center结合zoom scale,geometry几何及其集合,graphic图形及其集合,extent,直接用范围
 * @param option 支持animate是否使用动画,duration 时间,easing动画方式,signal销毁回调
_view.goto(target, option?);

 * @param attr  支持view的属性 例如zoom scale缩放等级
 * @param callback 回调  value => {}
 */, callback);

 * 添加ui组件
 * @param component 组件 Widget|HTMLElement|String|Object|Array 例如zoom  attribution
 * @param position 位置 bottom-leading | bottom-left | bottom-right | bottom-trailing | top-leading | top-left | top-right | top-trailing | manual
_view.ui.add(component, position);
/* 移动ui组件 同上 */
_view.ui.move(component, position)
/* 移除ui组件 同上 */
_view.ui.remove(component, position)

 * 截图
 * @param options
 * format jpg | png.
 * layers 只渲染指定的图层
 * quality 0 - 100
 * width ,height
 * area 指定区域, {x, y, widht, height}
 * ignorePadding
const { dataUrl }  = await _view.takeScreenshot(options);

/** 地图点转换为屏幕坐标
 * @param screenPoint {x, y, spatialReference}
/** 屏幕坐标转换为地图点
 * @param screenPoint {x, y, spatialReference}


    /** 测距
     * @param option  常用的有模式,平面球面  测量单位
     * mode : auto | planar | geodesic
     * unit :metric | imperial | square-inches | square-feet | square-us-feet | square-yards | square-miles | square-meters | square-kilometers | acres | ares | hectares
    const measure = Instance.getInstanceMeasure2D();
    const distance = measure.distance(option?);

    /** 测面
     * @param 同上
    const measure = Instance.getInstanceMeasure2D();
    const area = measure.area(option?);



/* 绘制工具 */
const sketch = Instance.getInstanceSketch();

/* 所有图形都有参数 
  option 绘制方式 mode: "hybrid" | "freehand" | "click"
  return {created, updated}

/* 燕尾箭头 */
const graphic = sketch.doubleArrow({ mode: "hybrid" });
graphic.created(graph => console.log("绘制成功", graph));
/* 更新函数会被下次创建的同类型图形覆盖 */
graphic.updated(graph => console.log("更新成功", graph));

/* 钳击箭头 */

/* 点线面 */

/** 图标点位
 * @param option {url, width, height}
sketch.pointImg({ url, width, height });

/* 移除所有 */

arcigs 图层

arcigs 图层有服务图层和本地数据图层


所有图层返回一个对象,两个值,addEvent,和_layer 原生图层

addEvent 监听点击和 hover 回调

原生 layer 可以直接操作属性,透明度,隐藏等,以及要素的查询操作等

const featureLayer = this.Instance.getInstanceFeatureLayer();
const { addEvent, _layer } = featureLayer.addLayer({
  url: "http://xxx/MapServer",
  id: "xxx"
/* 图层事件,只有点击和鼠标hover,获取选中属性 */
addEvent("click", data => {
  console.log("featurelayer click data", data);
addEvent("pointer-move", data => {
  console.log("featurelayer mouseup data", data);

/* 隐藏 */
_layer.visible = false;
/* 透明度 */
_layer.opacity = 0.4;

arcgis 服务图层

服务图层由 arcmap 发布, 一般有两种方式,featureLayer 和 mapImageLayer 第一种可以对象渲染元素进行操作,分析统计查询等,牺牲性能 第二种不可以进行操作,提高渲染性能,相当于栅格矢量

/* 要素服务图层,可交互,获取属性和图形等 */
const featureLayer = this.Instance.getInstanceFeatureLayer();
  url: "http://xxx/MapServer",
  id: "xxx"

/* 图形服务图层,高性能展示,无法自定义交互 */
const mapImageLayer = this.Instance.getInstanceMapImageLayer();
  url: "http://xxx/MapServer"


分为两个,graphicsLayer 和 featureLayer

graphicsLayer 简单粗暴,直接用经纬度数据绘制成点线面,

featureLayer 相对复杂,但是提供较多高级功能,数据分析 统计 筛选等,性能较好

const graphicsLayer = this.Instance.getInstanceGraphicsLayer();

 * @param option? 属性参数,一般为id,visible,opacity, max min Salce 等
 * @param graphics? 为载入的图形,也可以在后面进行添加
const { addEvent, _layer } = graphicsLayer.addLayer(option, graphics);

/* 添加图形 */
/* 移除 */

/* 获取所有的图形 */
const graphics =;

/* graphics 格式 
  graphics 是图形,里面可以存放 点线面geometry,属性attributes和对应的渲染样式symbol,以及popupTemplate
  geometry: type: 'point' | 'polyline' | 'polygon', 对应的要素是 
    point: x,y 或者 latitude, longitude 高程 z
    polyline: paths  number[][][] 二维或者三维数组, 三维数组为多个线段
    polygon: rings number[][][] 二维或者三维数组, 三维数组为多个面

    point : 
      simple-marker 纯点位渲染, 可调节size,border,color,angel, xy偏移offset,style,圆形三角形正方形等
      picture-maker 图片点位  属性有 url, width height 等
    polyline: 主要widht color 等, style支持虚线,实线,点等组合 例如 solid dash dot dash-dot
      simple-fill 纯填充,有color outline, 边界线和line一致,style支持实填充,斜线,水平,交叉等 例如           solid, cross, 用处较少,可以看详细api
      picture-fill 图片填充,url width height 偏移等,重复填充

  attributes :要素的属性, 点击可以返回

    默认弹窗,支持promise 字符串,function等,扩展性低,亮点在于跟随地图拖动,

const graphicPoint = {
  geometry: {
    type: "point",
    x: 109,
    y: 32
  symbol: {
    type: "simple-marker",
    color: "#f00",
    size: "6px"
  attributes: {
    name: "i'm line"
const graphicLine = {
  geometry: {
    type: "polyline",
    paths: [
      [109, 30],
      [109.1, 30.1],
      [109.2, 30.2],
      [109.2, 30.3]
  symbol: {
    type: "simple-line",
    color: "#f00",
    width: "6px"
  attributes: {
    name: "i'm line"

/* 获取特定要素可以根据图层的属性筛选 */ => === "xxx"); => (g.visible = false));
  /* 推荐利用数据源 载入到featureLayer */
  const featureLayer = this.Instance.getInstanceFeatureLayer();

  /* 需要属性 ,渲染方式和视觉变量较为复杂, 需要详细参见官网!!!
    spatialReference: 空间参考,
    objectIdField: 唯一值,
    labelingInfo: 要素的标签,
    source : 源数据  ,和graphic 一致,不需要sybol和poptemplate
    renderer: 图层的渲染方式,可以根据字段或者计算表达式 使用不同的渲染方式,

        id: "pointlayer",
        minScale: 3000,
        fields: [
          { name: "ObjectID", alias: "ObjectID", type: "oid" },
          { name: "plCode", alias: "plCode", type: "string" },
          { name: "expNo", alias: "expNo", type: "string" },
          { name: "id", alias: "id", type: "string" },
          { name: "lat", alias: "lat", type: "string" },
          { name: "lng", alias: "lng", type: "string" },
          { name: "appendant", alias: "appendant", type: "string" }
        spatialReference: { wkid: 4326 },
        objectIdField: "ObjectID",
        source: graphics,
        renderer: {
          type: "unique-value",
          // field: "plCode",
          // field2: "appendant",
          field: "appendant",
          fieldDelimiter: ", ",
          defaultSymbol: {}
          uniqueValueInfos: [
              value: "1",
              symbol: {
                type: 'point',
                color: "#f00",
                size: 10
          visualVariables: {
            type: 'opacity',
            // filed: 'data_opacity'
            valueExpression: "( $feature.TOT_VOTES / $feature.REG_VOTERS ) * 100",
            stops: [
               { value: 30, opacity: 0.15 },
                { value: 70, opacity: 0.55 }
        labelingInfo: [
            labelExpressionInfo: { expression: "$feature.expNo" },
            symbol: {
              type: "text",
              color: "#000"

      /* 操作数据 */
      // 查询数据,可添加查询条件
      //geometry  几何, distance 几何搜索距离,geometryPrecision 几何操作小数位数
      //objectIds id列表
      //where sql查询语句
      //returnGeometry 返回几何

      // 添加/删除/修改数据
          deleteFeatures: features,
          updateFeatures: features,
          addFeatures: features

      // 要素过滤 where ......
      _layer.definitionExpression = ''



经纬度转换 见官网


缓冲,相交,联合等 见官网

