(Incomplete) replacement for q-io
(Incomplete) replacement for q-io
This package is a replacement for the functions of q-io that I use in my projects. I have use q-io/fs
a lot since it has functions
like makeTree
, listTree
and removeTree
. Furthermore, its read
and write
function work with strings by default, which makes it easier to
read text files.
Sadly, q-io@1
depends on collections@1, which
overwrites the function Array.prototype.find
with an implementation that does not match the ES6-spec.
This causes problems in jsdoc-parse. This is another example of why modifying objects you don’t own
is a bad practice.
This problem could be solved by using q-io@2
instead of version 1. This version has other problems which were
solved in version 1. It may be a silly feeling, but version 2 of q-io
vseems not to receive too much care at the moment.
Since I do not use many functions, I have decided to write a drop-in replacement for my own purposes, and this is it: m-io
If you like this and want to provide more methods for your needs, please go ahead and make a PR.
npm install m-io
The following example demonstrates how to use this module:
var FS = require('m-io/fs')
// Create some files
.then(() => FS.write('city/germany/darmstadt.md', 'Darmstadt is nice'))
.then(() => FS.makeTree('city/usa'))
.then(() => FS.write('city/usa/new-york.md', 'New York is huge'))
.then(() => FS.makeTree('city/france'))
.then(() => FS.write('city/france/paris.md', 'Olala'))
// Existance of files
.then(() => FS.exists('city'))
.then((exists) => console.log('Directory city exists?', exists))
.then(() => FS.exists('something-else'))
.then((exists) => console.log('Directory something-else exists?', exists))
// Checking for directories
.then(() => FS.isDirectory('city/germany'))
.then((isDirectory) => console.log('Is `city/germany` a directory?', isDirectory))
.then(() => FS.isDirectory('city/germany/darmstadt.md'))
.then((isDirectory) => console.log('Is `city/germany/darmstadt.md` a directory?', isDirectory))
.then(() => FS.isDirectory('city/germany/non-existing-file'))
.then((isDirectory) => console.log('Is `city/germany/non-existing-file` a directory?', isDirectory))
// Directory listings
.then(() => FS.list('city'))
.then((list) => console.log('Directory entries of city', list.sort()))
// List files
.then(() => FS.listTree('city', (filename, stats) => stats.isFile()))
.then((filelist) => console.log('List files:', filelist.sort()))
// List dirs and files
.then(() => FS.listTree('city'))
.then((list) => console.log('List dirs and files:', list.sort()))
// Read file contents
.then(() => FS.read('city/usa/new-york.md'))
.then((nyc) => console.log('Read file contents:', nyc))
// Remove subdir
.then(() => FS.removeTree('city/usa'))
.done(() => console.log('Done'))
This will generate the following output
Directory city exists? true
Directory something-else exists? false
Is `city/germany` a directory? true
Is `city/germany/darmstadt.md` a directory? false
Is `city/germany/non-existing-file` a directory? false
Directory entries of city [ 'france', 'germany', 'usa' ]
List files: [ 'city/france/paris.md',
'city/usa/new-york.md' ]
List dirs and files: [ 'city',
'city/usa/new-york.md' ]
Read file contents: New York is huge
After deleting city/usa
, the city
-subtree looks liks this:
- fs
- .exists(existsPath) ⇒ Promise.<boolean>
- .listTree(directoryPath, filter) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<string>>
- .list(directoryPath) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<string>>
- .makeTree(aPath, [mode])
- .read(aPath)
- .write(aPath, content)
- .copy(source, target)
- .copyTree(source, target)
- .stat(aPath)
- .isDirectory(directory)
fs.exists(existsPath) ⇒ Promise.<boolean>
Custom implementation of q-io/fs#exists to avoid dependency on q-io
Kind: static method of fs
Returns: Promise.<boolean> - a promise for the existance (true/false) of the file/dir at the path
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | existsPath | string | the path to check |
fs.listTree(directoryPath, filter) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<string>>
Custom implementation of q-io/fs#listTree to avoid dependency on q-io
Kind: static method of fs
Returns: Promise.<Array.<string>> - a promise for the collector, that is fulfilled after traversal
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | directoryPath | string | the base path | | filter | function | a function that returns true, false or null to show that a file should be included or ignored and that a directory should be ignored completely (null) |
fs.list(directoryPath) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<string>>
Custom implementation of q-io/fs#list to avoid dependency on q-io
Kind: static method of fs
Returns: Promise.<Array.<string>> - a promise for the collector, that is fulfilled with a list of directory entries
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | directoryPath | string | the base path |
fs.makeTree(aPath, [mode])
Replacement for q-io/fs#makeTree
Kind: static method of fs
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | aPath | string | the directory to be created | | [mode] | number | (e.g. 0644) |
Replacement for q-io/fs#read
Kind: static method of fs
| Param | | --- | | aPath |
fs.write(aPath, content)
Replacement for q-io/fs#write
Kind: static method of fs
| Param | | --- | | aPath | | content |
fs.copy(source, target)
Replacement for q-io/fs#copy
Kind: static method of fs
| Param | | --- | | source | | target |
fs.copyTree(source, target)
Replacement for q-io/fs#copyTree
Kind: static method of fs
| Param | | --- | | source | | target |
Replacement for q-io/fs#stat
Kind: static method of fs
| Param | | --- | | aPath |
Replacement for q-io/fs#isDirectory
Kind: static method of fs
| Param | | --- | | directory |
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