Simple Angular Table Directive
Simple Angular Table Directive
This angular directive will create a html table based on the data
and columns
and other options.
We can pass html for every column, and with other angular directive, like ng-click
you can pass any function to the table to add more logic with $scope attached.
WARN: This directive only displays table data without any pagination function, do it with other plugins or by yourself
npm install ly-table
Just import 'angular.js' , 'angular-sanitize.js' and the ly-table.js
for commonjs env, just require('ly-table')
,var app = angular.module('app', ['lyTable']);
Simple usage
<ly-table data="data" columns="columns" auto-escape="false" table-class="table-hover"></ly-table>
Directive options
data: [Array] Array from $scope, just an array contains all the data,
$ = [
name: 'jason',
age: 10,
address: 'shanghai'
columns: [Array],Array from $scope, define all the columns how to display and other logic need.
$scope.columns = [
field: 'name', //which is key in 'data' of every row data object,
name: 'Age',
sortable:true, //if this column is sortable
sortBy:'' //sort by name..., if not provided, will sort by field
cssClass:'', //css in tbody td
headCssClass:'', // css in thead th
autoEscape: false, //auto escape the html in this td or not,
//if you need add other directive like ng-click in formatter,
//set it to false, default value is false
formatter:'', //string or function to call to gen the html in the td,
//which can compile the html with scope with the help of
//[bindHtmlCompile]( directive, see demo
tableClass: [String], add additional table css class
autoEscape: [String] true/false. default false, escape/unescape globally
postLinked: callback after link function
sorting: listen on the event to be notified when user click the thead td,
sort class active
, sortable
will be added to the thead > tr > th > span
element based on the sort status
$scope.$on('sorting', function(e, column) {
var by = column.sortBy;
var dir = column.sortDir; //1: desc, else asc
See the demo in demo folder