Relays log entries to the LW Logging Service. Can also be used to log Express requests.
Lone Wolf Logger
The Lone Wolf Logger relays log messages to the Lone Wolf logging service. Can also be used to log Express requests.
Tests are run using Mocha. You must install mocha globally as it's not part of this repoository. To run all tests, use the following command from the root repository folder: mocha.
Contribution guidelines
- Before any commits are done, unit tests must be written to cover any new code or challenges fixed. There should be 100% code coverage after every commit.
- To do a code coverage run, use the following command from the root repository folder: istanbul cover _mocha -- -R spec
Sample Config
"options": {
"debug": false,
"console": true,
"level": "info",
"name": "default"
"service": {
"name": "a-service",
"hostname": "localhost"
"relay": {
"host": "logging-service",
"port": 1234,
"uri": ""
Contains config for the logger itself.
options.debug (defaults to false)
If 'true', the logger itself will display any debug entries.
options.console (defaults to true)
If 'true', the log entries will be sent to the console.
options.level (defaults to trace)
The minimum level of log severity that the logger should log. Anything below this setting will be ignored.
Log Levels
- trace
- info
- warn
- error
- fatal
options.name (defaults to LWLogger)
The name of the logger. This will only appear in console logs.
Contains config for the service that is doing the logging. Various information in this config will be relayed to the logging service.
Added to the meta data as 'serviceName' when a log entry is relayed to the logging service.
Added to the meta data as 'hostId' when a log entry is relayed to the logging service.
relay (optional)
Contains config about the service that the logs should be relayed to. If the relay config is not provided relay will be disabled.
The hostname of the relay service (IE: clio). Required if relay config is provided. If not provided relay will be disabled.
relay.port (optional)
The port of the relay service. If not provided, the default of 80 will be used.
relay.uri (optional)
The URI that logs should be relayed to on the service. (IE: A setting of 'logs' will result in a relay URL of: http://clio:80/logs)
var LWLogger = require('lw-logger');
var logger = LWLogger.configure(config);
Usage With Express
var LWLogger = require('lw-logger');
var app = express();