LUNA Charts is an acronym and stands for Library for Userfriendly 'N Accessible Charts. It is a component library for creating accessible charts.
LUNA Charts
Table of contents
Luna was my family dog. LUNA Charts is an acronym and stands for Library for Userfriendly 'N Accessible Charts. It is a component library for creating accessible charts. The package has three built-in charts:
- LineChart
- BarChart
- PieChart
Important: The package is still in process
How to install
npm i luna_charts
How to use
For example pie chart:
import PieChart from 'luna_charts/src/components/PieChart.svelte';
import type { PieSeries, PieSlice } from 'luna_charts/types/series/PieSeries.Type';
import type {ChartInfo} from 'luna_charts/types/attributes/ChartInfo.types';
export let chartInfo: ChartInfo = {
title: "A typical Pie chart",
desc: "This is a accessible description. Your screenreader will read it for you.",
source: ""
} as ChartInfo
const pieSlices: PieSlice[] = [
name: 'Firefox',
percent: 0.35,
color: 'ff0000',
name: 'Chrome',
percent: 0.35,
color: 'ffff00',
name: 'Safari',
percent: 0.2,
color: 'ffffff',
name: 'IE',
percent: 0.1,
color: '000000',
export const testPieSeries: PieSeries = {
slices: pieSlices,
<PieChart chartInfo="{chartInfo}" series="{testPieSeries}" \>
How to edit a chart
LUNA Charts offers you some ready-made data types for editing charts.
// defines the description, title and source
import type {ChartInfo} from '../types/attributes/ChartInfo.types';
export let chartInfo: ChartInfo = {
title: "Revenue of three big companies",
desc: "The bar chart shows the revenue for Apple, Google and Microsoft divided in the seasons.",
source: ""
} as ChartInfo
If you want to change the labels for the axis, then you can use the data type Labels. Note: The pie chart hat no labels attribut. Example:
// defines the different labels for the axis
import {type Labels} from '../types/attributes/Labels.type';
export let labels: Labels = {x: "Seasons", y: "Euro in million", secondY: ''} as Labels;
You are not good at math? Don´t worry! With Series, LUNA will render for you every number. You need only to choose the right data type: If you want to change the labels for the axis, then you can use the data type Labels. Note: The pie chart hat no labels attribut. Example:
// Prepare the series for the BarChart
import type { BarSeries, BarValues, Bar } from '../types/series/BarSeries.type';
const appleBarValues: BarValues[] = [
value: 10,
ariaLabel: 'The revenue in 2020 for Apple is: ',
value: 20,
ariaLabel: 'The revenue in 2021 for Apple is: ',
const appleRevenue: Bar = {
name: 'Apple',
barValues: appleBarValues,
export const testBarSeries: BarSeries = {
series: [appleRevenue],
category: ['2020', '2021'],
Set width and height with dimension:
import type {Dimension} from '../types/attributes/Dimension.type';
export let dimension: Dimension = {width: "800", height: "300"} as Dimension;
Do you need more contrast? Then do this:
<LineChart hatchPatterns="true" />
Use themes
Ok, that sound good! But how i can change the color or other stuff of the chart? Also here LUNA provides suitable data types:
import { HATCH_PATTERNS } from '../types/theme/Hatch.type.ts';
import { CONTRAST_COLORS } from '../types/theme/Theme.type.ts';
import type { BarTheme } from '../types/theme/Theme.type';
export const defaultBarTheme: BarTheme = {
name: 'barDefaultTheme',
focusColor: '#66ff99',
wrapperStyles: {
backgroundColor: '#F7F7F7',
grid: {
gridColor: '',
gridSize: '',
Please note, every chart has it own theme.
We document our charts in Storybook. For more detailed information run:
npm run storybook
You want to see, how the charts look likes? Click here
Known problems
If you install the package in a svelte project, add the following line in your tsconfig.json:
"extends": "@tsconfig/svelte/tsconfig.json",
"include": ["src/**/*","node_modules/luna_charts/src/**/*"],
"exclude": ["__sapper__/*", "public/*"]
Svelte need to compile the charts in the luna_package package too.