A TypeScript API to work with Lufi upload server
Lufi API provides functions needed to interract with Lufi server in your project. It's built in Typescript and transpiled to Javascript using deno
Table of contents
You can use deno to install dependencies:
deno install
Then you can build it for browser by using:
deno task build
Finally, copy content of dist
folder to your project.
You can import lufi in your project using:
import { lufi } from "lufi"
Since Lufi is using neverthrow, you can either add neverthrow
as a dependency of your project or use types and functions of neverthrow
provided by Lufi.
import { err, errAsync, ok, okAsync, ResultAsync } from "lufi"
Upload files
You can upload one or multiple files by using the upload()
The upload is asynchronous and so this function will return a list of upload jobs (one by file).
lufi.upload(serverUrl: URL, filesToUpload: File[], delay?: number = 0, delAtFirstView?: boolean, zipped?: boolean, zipName?: string, password?: string, algo?: CryptoAlgorithm
Example using deno:
// Transform Uint8Array files provided by readFileSync() into a File API object
const files = [
new File([new Blob([Deno.readFileSync("file1.txt")])], "file1.txt"),
new File([new Blob([Deno.readFileSync("file2.jpg")])], "file2.jpg"),
// Run upload jobs and wait for each job completion.
lufi.upload("http://my.local.lufi.server/", files)
.andThen((jobs) => ResultAsync.combine( => job.waitForCompletion())))
.orElse((error) => console.error(error))
.then(() => console.debug("Success!"));
will wait for the job to terminate before executing the next task.
You can also follow the progress of the upload by using the job function onProgress()
// ...
lufi.upload("http://my.local.lufi.server/", files)
.andThen((jobs) => ResultAsync.combine( => {
job.onProgress(() => {
console.debug(`Uploaded ${job.lufiFile.chunksReady} / ${job.lufiFile.totalChunks} chunks of ${}`);
return job.waitForCompletion();
.orElse((error) => console.error(error))
.then(() => console.debug("Success!"));
This will print in the console a message each time a chunk is successfuly uploaded to the server. As you can see, you can access the lufiFile object from the job. This object contains all informations you need about your file.
If you indicate you upload your files with zipped
set on true
, Lufi API will automatically compress it in a zip before upload:
// ...
lufi.upload(serverUrl, files, undefined, undefined, true, "")
.andThen((jobs) => job[0].waitForCompletion())
.andThen((job) => {
console.debug(`File uploaded! Download link: ${job.lufiFile.downloadUrl()}`);
return okAsync(undefined);
.orElse((error) => console.error(error));
In this example, there will be only one job in the jobs array, so we don't need to map through it and directly work with the first job.
Download a file
You can download a file by using the download()
function. URL, password?: string);
const downloadDir = "./tmp/";
const lufiUrl = new URL("https://you.lufi.server/r/T_9Eaz7zcK#5EY3AekzavcUhHXmUPzgZDRC257LwfOMWzp26MsEVqI=")
const password = "My awesome and very secured password. 101z", password).andThen((job) => {
let downloadedChunks = 0;
job.onProgress(() => {
console.debug(`Downloaded chunk ${downloadedChunks}/${job.lufiFile.totalChunks}`)
return job.waitForCompletion();
.orElse(async (error) => console.error(error))
.then((job) => {
// Use Deno to write file to the system.
if (job.isOk()) {
const fileBuffer = await job.value.tmpFile.arrayBuffer();
Deno.writeFile(downloadDir +, new Uint8Array(fileBuffer));
Pause/Resume a job
You can pause/resume an upload/download job using pause()
or resume()
.andThen((job) => lufi.pause(job))
.andThen((job) => {
console.debug("Job has been paused");
return okAsync(job);
.andThen((job) => lufi.resume(job))
.andThen((job) => lufi.waitForCompletion())
.andThen((job) => {
console.debug(`Upload of ${} is now complete!`);
return okAsync(undefined);
.orElse((error) => console.error(error));
// ...
Cancel an upload
To ask Lufi server to cancel the upload you can use cancel()
// ...
lufi.upload(serverUrl, [file])
.andThen((job) => job.cancel(job))
.andThen((job) => {
console.debug(`Upload of ${} has been canceled`));
return okAsync(undefined);
.orElse((error) => console.error(error));
Retrieve informations
You can get informations about a file from the Lufi server by using infos()
.andThen((job) => {
console.debug(`The number of days after creation before the file will be deleted is: ${job.lufiFile.delay}`);
return okAsync(undefined);
.orElse((error) => console.error(error));
Zipping files
You can manually work with zips using addFilesToArchive()
and compress()
// ...
const zipName = ""
.andThen((archiveEntries) => lufi.compress(archiveEntries, zipName))
.andThen((zipFile) => {
console.debug(`Archive size is: ${zipFile.size} `);
return okAsync(undefined);
.orElse((error) => console.error(error));
Note that zipping is not working in deno
runtime for now. deno
needs to fix an issue with workers.
Unzipping files
You can decompress a Zip archive using decompress()
// ...
.andThen((files) => {
files.forEach((file) => {
console.debug(`Archive contains the file ${}`);
return okAsync(undefined);
.orElse((error) => console.error(error));
Running tests
You can run the test suite by using deno task test
Before running tests, please, think about downloading file-100mb.txt and file-1gb.txt into the test/ folder. We do not provide it to do not occupate a lot of space just for test files. You can use this website to generate it.
Note that Zipping tests are skipped until deno
fixes an issue with fflate