This SDK is designed for easy access into the https://the-one-api.dev/ APIs.
LOTR API Server-Side SDK for Node.js
This SDK is designed for easy access into the https://the-one-api.dev/ APIs.
Supported Node versions
This version of the LaunchDarkly SDK is compatible with Node.js versions 12 and above.
Getting started
Start by running the following command:
npm install launchdarkly-node-server-sdk
Next, import the LOTR client in your application code:
const LOTRClient = require('lotr-ofek');
After you install and import the SDK, create a single, shared instance of LOTRClient. Specify your Bearer token here to authorize your application to connect to the API.
const client = new LOTRClient('YOUR_API_KEY');
If you don't have an API key yet, sign up here: https://the-one-api.dev/sign-up
All SDK methods are asynchronous and return a Promise, here is an example of how to use the SDK:
const response = await client.getBooks()
For more examples see the examples folder in this repository
For a full list of the SDK capabilities see LOTRClient in lotr-client
Pagination, Sorting, Filtering
The SDK supports pagination, sorting, filtering throughout the API using the params objct.
Using limit, page and offset, you control the content you'll receive from the API.
Here is an example:
await client.getMovies({ params: { pagination: { limit: 20, page: 2}}})
Results can be sorted according to any provided key that exists in the database.
The sort can be either ascending or descending and are accessed via LOTRClient#SortingOptions
await client.getChapters({
sorting: { key: 'chapterName', type: client.SortingOptions.DESC },
You can filter out results according to the strategies in FilterOptions.
Here is an example of how to find all movies with budget of 200 million and above:
await client.getMovies({
filtering: [{ key: 'budgetInMillions', type: client.FilterOptions.GREATER_THAN, value: 200 }]});
Here is an example that showcases pagination, sorting and filtering altogether:
await client.getQuotes({
pagination: { limit: 20, page: 1},
sorting: { key: 'dialog', type: client.SortingOptions.DESC},
filtering: [{ key: 'dialog', type: client.FilterOptions.INCLUDE, value:['Aragorn','You lie.'] }],
Learn more
Check out the complete API docs here: https://the-one-api.dev/documentation
Next steps
- Add more unit tests, mainly around params-resolver
- Add more corner cases checks in params-resolver