Loopin is a free, open-source visual creative coding system. The Loopin stack allows you to create and deploy simple, GPU-driven applications with built-in web-based controls.
Loopin is an on-going experiment, but has deployed with high success in several pieces of illuminated art.
Loopin is the brain child of Vancouver-based creative technologist Samm Zuest Cooper, in association with HFour Design Studio.
Getting Started
Fork the project loopin-base for setup instructions.
See The Loopin Cookbook for documentation.
A properly developerized Mac, Linux or Windoze machine for development, and optionally a Raspberry Pi deployment.
Knowledge of the following languages, or a willingness to learn, should be considered prerequisite to Loopin use:
- GLSL : Shader code. This is where the magic happens.
- YAML : Patches and presets, controlling the structure of Loopin applications.
- Markdown : Control configuration and documentation.
- node.js : Project boilerplate and higher level logic.
Loopin is a multi-tiered system, consisting of several loosely-coupled modules:
loopin ( root project ) contains node.js code to orchestrate projects.
loopin-native implements a low-level, natively compiled rendering machine named ofxLoopin
loopin-shaders is a the shader loading system.
loopin-server delivers a RESTful interface to Loopin internals and hosts controls.
horten-control implements an expressive, realtime, easy to use web based control system for Loopin applications.
Nympheas Generative Painting by HFour Design Studio. Loopin used to create an interactive, generative interpretation of Monet's lily pads.
'Pride Obelisk', 2017. Loopin controlled, audio-reactive WS2811 LEDs.
Example output from loopin-starter project.
Simple, customizable, web-based controls available in every Loopin project.