Definite clause grammars for logic.js
logic.js definite clause grammars
This library is a DCG package for logic.js (not LogicJS!). Its functionality is similar to Prolog's DCGs.
npm add logic_js_dcg
The equivalent of ,//2
and ;//2
are and_
and or_
. There is no need for -->
, just use and_
, or_
, or phrase
if there is just one argument. You can specify terminals in []
just as in Prolog.
import { run, lvar } from "logic_js"
import { and_, or_, phrase } from "logic_js_dcg"
verb = phrase(['chases']),
noun = or_(['cat'], ['mouse']),
det = or_(['the'], ['a']),
noun_phrase = and_(det, noun),
verb_phrase = and_(verb, noun_phrase),
sentence = and_(noun_phrase, verb_phrase)
const x = lvar('x')
run([x], sentence(x, []))
// => [ { x: [ 'the', 'cat', 'chases', 'the', 'cat' ] }, { x: [ 'the', 'cat', 'chases', 'the', 'mouse' ] }...
If you want your productions to have arguments, or you need to declare local logic variables, turn them into functions. For conditions, no need for Prolog's {}
, just use a logic value as it is:
import { run, lvar, eq } from "logic_js"
import { and_, or_ } from "logic_js_dcg"
det2 = (num) => or_(
and_(eq(num, 'sg'), ['a']),
and_(eq(num, 'pl'), []),
noun2 = (num) => or_(
and_(eq(num, 'sg'), or_(['cat'], ['mouse'])),
and_(eq(num, 'pl'), or_(['cats'], ['mice']))
noun_phrase2 = (num = lvar()) => and_(det2(num), noun2(num))
const x = lvar('x')
run([x], noun_phrase2()(x, []))
{ x: [ 'the', 'cat' ] },
{ x: [ 'the', 'mouse' ] },
{ x: [ 'the', 'cats' ] },
{ x: [ 'the', 'mice' ] },
{ x: [ 'a', 'cat' ] },
{ x: [ 'a', 'mouse' ] },
{ x: [ 'cats' ] },
{ x: [ 'mice' ] }
Productions are two-argument functions returning a logic value, the two arguments are the difference list just like in Prolog (but in Prolog the two arguments are appended to the explicit arguments, and here they are curried to a separate function call)
const num = lvar('num')
run([num, x], det2(num)(x, []))
So the different types you can pass into phrase
or any argument of and_
and or_
// list of terminals
and_(['a', 'cat'], /* ... */)
// logic value
and_(eq(a, b), /* ... */)
// production (possibly returned by a factory)
and_(det, /* ... */)
and_(det2('pl'), /* ... */)
// nullary function returning a logic value, possibly with optional arguments
and_((x = lvar()) => eq(x, a), /* ... */)
// nullary function returning a production, possibly with optional arguments
and_((x = lvar()) => det2(x), /* ... */)
Also, just like in logic.js, you can pass a number as the first argument of or_
to limit the number of solutions.
run([x], or_(2, noun_phrase2)(x, []))
// => [ { x: [ 'the', 'cat' ] }, { x: [ 'the', 'mouse' ] } ]
Note that you don't need to call the nullary noun_phrase2
as it appears as an argument to or_