This library is just for all JS lovers out there to see the logs in style
This library is just for all JS lovers out there to see the logs in style. All React-Native developers, try this on your debugger
$ npm install logdecor
Import stylelog
import $ from 'logdecor'
Available Methods
$.log() Parameters: text ,color-code
$.log("Log this text") //Simply logs the content
$.log("Log this text","#00bcd4") //Logs it in specific color code
$.logAll() Last argument must be a color code (optional)
$.logAll("Log this text",{name:"Sync"},$.color.chocolate)
//Logs the text in chocolate color and logs the rest of the elements
$.logTitle() Displays the text in stylelog logo style
//Logs the text in styleog logo style
$.logLego() Displays the text in stylelog logo style but in custom color
//Logs the text in styleog logo style (custom color)
$.logImage() Displays the image in log. It supports both PNG, JPEG & GIF
//Displays the image in chrome console
$.logImage("Show Text","http://domain.com/img.png");
//Pass text as optional
$.logInStyle() Pass the text to display and CSS Style
$.logInStyle("text to display","font-size: 50px;color:'#00bcd4'");
//This will show the text in given style
$.logTable() Displays the JS object & array in table format
$.logTable([{name:"Anooj",department:"Mobile"},{name:"Sarthak",department:"R & D"},{name:"Jyothi",department:"Mobile"}])
$.logObjectJSON() Converts object to JSON string and logs it in style
//Displays the stringified version of object in console
$.logJSONObject() Converts JSON string to object and logs it
//Displays the parsed version of json string in console
$.logObjectKeys() Displays all keys in an object
//Displays the array of keys in console
$.flipObject() Flips keys to values & values to keys
//Displays the array of keys in console