A powerful modular logging facility for node.js
A powerful modular logging facility for node.js
Core features:
- Completely modular: log messages are packed into JSON objects and can be sent anywhere
- Routing: log messages with different levels can be sent to different targets
- Log source: log messages are tagged with the file and line where it was created
- Configurable output: the output of messages can be limited to certain levels
- Namespaces: all messages are part of user defined namespace which can be used for filtering
Using Logd
In the main file of your application or library, import the module, define a namespace and set a transport for the log output.
import logd from 'logd';
import ConsoleTransport from 'logd-console-transport';
// if this isn't code loaded by another application
// you should define a transport that is used for output
logd.transport(new ConsoleTransport());
// define the module we're logging from
const log = logd.module('my-service');
// start logging
log.info('some information');
// you may pass as many arguments as you like
// to the log methods
log.error('something went wrong', err, {some: 'data'});
// if you just want to output temporary logs to the console
// that are not sent to any transport you may pass
// directly data to the module by invoking it directly
log(err, {an: 'object'}, 'direct to console logging ftw ;)');