Structured Logger for Node
Structured and opinionated log output in either CSV or JSON to various endpoints. Currently supporting log files, ElasticSearch and Cloudwatch Logs.
var Logback = require('logback');
var c = new Logback('app name', 'location/of.log', 'csv');
//appends string to log file
c.a('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet');
//shortcut of console.log()
c.a('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet');
npm install logback --save
simple usage
const Logback = require('logback');
const c = new Logback();
c.a('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'); //appends string to log file
//include module
const Logback = require('logback');
//the name of the application you are creating the log for
//string, required
const appname = 'app name';
//location of the log file to append to.
//string or object
//optional, default: current directory
const location = {
file: {
location: 'location/to.log',
level: 0 //custom events, info, warning and errors
file: {
location: 'location/to.log',
level: 1 //info, warning and errors
elastic: {
endpoint: 'url/of/elastic',
level: 2 //warnings and errors (json only)
cloudwatch: {
level: 3 //Errors only,
region: 'eu-west-1',
logGroupName: '',
logStreamName: '',
accessKeyId: '', //optional
secretAccessKey: '' //optional
const location = '/var/log/app.csv';
//type of output (json, csv)
//string, optional, default: json
const outputType;
//create instance of class
const c = new Logback(appname, location, outputType);
Append to log file
//the message you want to send to your log
//string, required
let message = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet";
//the type of log that is being written. This can be a custom string or an int
//string/int, optional, default: info
//0: info, 1: warning, 2: error
let type = "Parsed";
//the identifier can be any string to identify the module, method, line or function
//string, optional, default: null
let identifier = "index";
//method to append to log file
c.a(message, type, identifier);
The output of the log will have the date the log was created, and an id that was created when the instance of the class was created.
Console log shorthand
// shorthand for console.log();
c.l([msg][, ...]);
// shorthand for console.info();
c.i([msg][, ...]);
// shorthand for console.warn();
c.w([msg][, ...]);
// shorthand for console.dir();
c.d(obj[, opts]);
npm test