Simple stream-based logging with a console-like interface.
Log Ride
Simple stream-based logging with an API similar to Node's console. Log Ride exposes a stream property that can be piped into Transform streams for filtering or output formatting. Log Ride is nothing fancy, just merely a no-hassle approach for logging with streams.
npm install log-ride
Use default (singleton) logger piped to JSON.stringify()
const log = require('log-ride').defaultLogger();
const json = new require('stream').Transform({objectMode: true});
json._transform = (chunk, encoding, callback) => {
json.push(JSON.stringify(chunk) + '\r\n');
log.info('Logging %s message to stdout', 'information');
log.error('Logging %s message to stdout', 'error');
log.error('Logging %s to stdout', new Error('Fabulous'));
// Produces:
// {"info":{"message":"Logging information message to stdout"}}
// {"error":{"message":"Logging error message to stdout"}}
// {"error":{"message":"Logging Error: Fabulous to stdout"}}
Define a custom log method
// Shorthand way to obtain the defaultLogger()
const log = require('log-ride')();
log.verbose = (lineNumber, longMessage) => {
log.custom('verbose', {
lineNumber: lineNumber,
longMessage: longMessage
log.verbose(123, 'A very verbose message');
// Produces no output since you still need to pipe it!
Module interface
const logRide = require('log-ride');
— Factory method to obtain a default (singleton) Logger. Options to configure the singleton are only recognized on the first call. Note thatlogRide([options])
is a shorthand way to obtain the default Logger.logRide.createLogger([options])
— Factory method to create a new Logger instance with options.logRide.Logger
— Exposes the Logger class that can be instantiated vianew Logger([options])
const logRide = require('log-ride');
const log = logRide.defaultLogger(); // Obtain the default Logger
const log = logRide(); // Obtain the default Logger
const log = logRide.createLogger(); // New Logger instance
// New Logger instance
const Logger = require('log-ride').Logger;
const log = new Logger();
Class: Logger
A Logger object provides the method interface for queuing log entries to an underlying Readable stream that can be piped for output.
new Logger([options])
Constructor. Creates a new Logger with options. The options object is forwarded to the underlying HookedReadable stream.
options (Object)
(Function) — A callback to invoke every time a log entry is pushed into the stream. Courtesy of HookedReadable.Example:
// Add a 'timestamp' property beforePush: function(data) { data.timestamp = new Date(); return data; }
(Number) — The maximum number of log entries to store in the internal stream buffer. Default is 16.
Returns a Readable stream that can be piped. Streamed log entries are JavaScript objects, and must undergo a transformation for output to the console.
logger.custom(key, object)
Queues a custom log object {key: object}
which can be transformed for output downstream. This method is a thin wrapper around the stream's push() method. To implement a custom log method, decorate a Logger instance with a function that calls logger.custom()
log.verbose = (lineNumber, longMessage) => {
log.custom('verbose', {
lineNumber: lineNumber,
longMessage: longMessage
// Now use your method
log.verbose(76, 'A very verbose message');
logger.error([data | error][, ...])
Queues an 'error' log entry. Similar to Node's console.error()
, multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).
As a convenience, you can also pass an Error object as the first (and only) argument; in which case the error's message becomes the primary message.
logger.info([data][, ...])
Queues an 'info' log entry. Similar to Node's console.info()
, multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).
logger.log([data][, ...])
This is an alias for logger.info()
logger.warn([data | error][, ...])
This is an alias for logger.error()