locize connector
locizer.js is lightweight client to access data from your locize project and use that inside your application (eg. passing that to polyglot, formatjs).
Getting started
Source can be loaded via npm or downloaded from this repo.
Or load it from the offical npm cdn:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/locizer/locizer.min.js"></script>
fallbackLng: "en",
referenceLng: "en",
projectId: "[your project id]"
.load("translation", function(err, translations, lng) {
// feed the translations to formatjs, polyglot,...
Init options
IMPORTANT make sure you do not add your apiKey in the production build to avoid misuse by strangers
lng: 'en', // optional if set we won't detect language of user
fallbackLng: 'en',
referenceLng: 'en',
loadIfTranslatedOver: 0.1, // default 1 - we only load lngs that are fully translated, lower this value to load files from languages that are just partially translated
projectId: 'c8038fbe-7be8-4f96-9692-943b3333185b',
apiKey: '27e9ecff-8926-43b0-80fd-e683abe49297', // only needed if you want to add new keys via locizer - remove on production!
version: 'latest', // version to load from locize
private: false, // set true if using locize private publish
// hostnames that are allowed to send last used data
// please keep those to your local system, staging, test servers (not production)
allowedHosts: ['localhost'],
// hostnames that are allowed to add, update keys
// please keep those to your local system, staging, test servers (not production)
allowedAddOrUpdateHosts: ['localhost'],
// language detection options:
// order and from where user language should be detected
order: ['querystring', 'cookie', 'localStorage', 'sessionStorage', 'navigator', 'htmlTag'],
// keys or params to lookup language from
lookupQuerystring: 'lng',
lookupCookie: 'i18next',
lookupLocalStorage: 'i18nextLng',
// cache user language on
caches: ['localStorage', 'cookie'],
// optional expire and domain for set cookie
cookieMinutes: 10,
cookieDomain: 'myDomain',
// optional htmlTag with lang attribute, the default is:
htmlTag: document.documentElement
Example usage
vue-i18n (Vue v3)
The full example can be found here.
import { createI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
import locizer from 'locizer'
projectId: '1fb2c780-f038-4ffe-b988-5d9fe2e3ba2d'
export const i18n = createI18n({
locale: locizer.lng, // set locale
fallbackLocale: 'en' // set fallback locale
// If you need to specify other options, you can set other options
// ...
// called from within setup hook in App.vue
export const loadMessagesPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
locizer.loadAll('messages', (err, messages) => {
if (err) return reject(err);
Object.keys(messages).forEach((l) => {
i18n.global.setLocaleMessage(l, messages[l])
// gives the language provided in options or detected from user compared to languages existing in your project (see also init option: loadIfTranslatedOver)
locizer.getLanguage((err, lng) => {));
// if you want the language detected but unfiltered against what your project provided
var loc = locizer.detector.detect();
// gives you all languages supported in your project
locizer.getLanguages((err, lngs) => {));
// something like:
"en": {
"name": "English",
"nativeName": "English",
"translated": {
"latest": 1
"de": {
"name": "German",
"nativeName": "Deutsch",
"translated": {
"latest": 0.19999999999999998
// load a namespace from locize in the lng provided in options or detected from user
locizer.load("namespace", (err, res) => {});
// load in different lng
locizer.load("namespace", "de", (err, res) => {});
// load a namespace from locize in all languages
locizer.loadAll("namespace", (err, res) => {
// res:
// {
// en: {
// hello: "hello world"
// },
// de: {
// hello: "hallo welt"
// }
// }
// add a new key
locizer.add("myNamespace", "myKey", "myValue", "context information");
// add a new key
locizer.update("myNamespace", "myKey", "myValue", "context information");
setting last used info
// add a new key
locizer.used("myNamespace", "myKey");