file based database system
local-json-cache (Powered by kvertex.com)
File system as database (mongodb) with query used for cache
With help of file system this is a package for
- Using file as database (query same as mongodb)
- Cache system as array based db
- Creates a folder name data in your local and fileName for its operations
Index Document operations
1)create Document 2)save New Document 3)find Document 4)update Document 5)delete Document 6)removeById Document 7)removeByKey Document 8)flushAll Document 9)deleteDB Document
Index List operations
1)arrPush List 2)arrPop List 3)arrFindAll List
Required Environment Variables
Example (JSON DB)
//*********************** Document's *************************
let obj = require("local-json-cache");
const filename = "collection";
// Create a new Document (similar to table)
obj.create("collection", (err, result) => {
console.log(err,result); // null 'success'
// ---- ES6 Version - use with async function------
await obj.createPromise("collection");
//**************** CRUD ********************
// Insert your first record / collection / entry (Create new record)
obj.save("collection", {type: "user1", name: "parthu"}, (err, result) => {
console.log(err,result); // null 'success'
// ---- ES6 Version - use with async function------
await obj.savePromise("collection", {type: "user1", name: "parthu"});
// Find your records (Retrive)
obj.find("collection", {type: 'user', salary:3000}, (err, result) => {
console.log(err, result); // null {...}
// ---- ES6 Version - use with async function------
await obj.findPromise("collection", {});
// Update your data / record
obj.update("collection", {type: "user"}, {x: "my name"}, (err, result) => {
console.log(err,result); // null 'success'
// ---- ES6 Version - use with async function------
await obj.updatePromise("collection", {type: "user"}, {x: "my name"});
// Delete your data / record
obj.delete("collection", {type: "user"}, {x: 1}, (err, result) => {
console.log(err,result); // null 'success'
// ---- ES6 Version - use with async function------
await obj.deletePromise("collection", {type: "user"}, {x: 1});
// Delete your data / record by its Unique Id
obj.removeById("collection", {objID: 1577183582289}, (err, result) => {
console.log(err,result); // null 'success'
// ---- ES6 Version - use with async function------
await obj.removeByIdPromise("collection", {objID: 1577183582289});
// Delete your data / record by its any key value
obj.removeByKey("collection", {type: "user2"}, (err, result) => {
console.log(err,result); // null 'success'
// ---- ES6 Version - use with async function------
await obj.removeByKeyPromise("collection", {type: "user2"});
// Delete all your data / record from document
obj.flushAll("collection", (err, result) => {
console.log(err,result); // null 'success'
// ---- ES6 Version - use with async function------
await obj.flushAllPromise("collection");
// Delete your Document
obj.deleteDB("collection", (err, result) => {
console.log(err,result); // null 'success'
// ---- ES6 Version - use with async function------
await obj.deleteDBPromise("collection");
Example (For Arrays)
let obj = require("local-json-cache");
const fileName = "nodeConf"; // Used as reference of you file / document
//************************* ARRAY's***************************
// bulk Insert as Array
obj.arrPush(fileName, ["item1", "item2"], (err, result) => {
console.log(err,result); // null 'success'
// ---- ES6 Version - use with async function------
await obj.arrPushPromise("collection", ["item1", "item2"]);
// Insert as Array
obj.arrPush(fileName, "item1", (err, result) => {
console.log(err,result); // null 'success'
// ---- ES6 Version - use with async function------
await obj.arrPushPromise("collection", "item1");
// Delete Array item
obj.arrPop(fileName, "item1", (err, result) => {
console.log(err,result); // null 'success'
// ---- ES6 Version - use with async function------
await obj.arrPopPromise("collection", "item1");
// Get all Data
obj.arrFindAll(fileName, (err, result) => {
console.log(err,result); // null ["item1", "item2"]
// ---- ES6 Version - use with async function------
await obj.arrFindAllPromise("collection");