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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2024 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Signs/checks message signatures like core-lightning checkmessge or lnd signmessage.





NPM version

A simple library to recover Lightning Network node ids from signed messages. No need to run a Lightning Network node. Everything is done in js. Also supports signing.

Tested implementations:

  • lnd
  • core-lightning
  • eclair
  • LDK (react-native)

Basically, all implementations that follow the specinatweet and output zbase or hex are supported.


npm i ln-verifymessagejs


Verify Message

Check if a signature and message has been signed by a specific node.

import { verifyMessage } from "ln-verifymessagejs";

const messageThatHasBeenSigned = "helloWorld"
const zbaseSignature = "ry13r8phfdyt3yukuft4m8s5tq4kgbfmpnn9a54akrar7waxjooi1h1nsp8uzsf5t6fcctupzhhte1y388d19jwobz5bwh5rybs5wrb7"
const expectedNodeId = "02fbbee488a01cc8a9b429b6c4567e0ce7a43a2778d60729d5c4c67dcb9a34a898"

const isValid = verifyMessage(zbaseSignature, messageThatHasBeenSigned, expectedNodeId);
  • signature: string Signature to verify.
  • message: string Plain text message that has been signed.
  • nodePubkey: string Node id of the node that signed the message.
  • options Optional arguments.
    • options.prefix: string Message prefix. Default is Lightning Signed Message:.

Derive Node Id

Recover a node id from a signature and message.

import { deriveNodeId } from "ln-verifymessagejs";

const messageThatHasBeenSigned = "ln-verifymessagejs";
const zbaseSignature = "rynmoqhhadjsttaracxgo9nhkoioi6peib8k18dekrih4hxpp36zcbgc6ntyrggc11uhjcb9prcx5py6qo16bk89i458r4n51ghggnxc";

const derivedNodeId = deriveNodeId(zbaseSignature, messageThatHasBeenSigned);
console.log("Message has been signed by", derivedNodeId);
  • signature: string Signature to verify.
  • message: string Plain text message that has been signed.
  • prefix?: string Message prefix. Default is Lightning Signed Message:.

Be aware: deriveNodeId does it check if the node exists.

Sign Message

Sign a message with a private key.

import { signMessage, utils } from "ln-verifymessagejs";

const {privateKey, publicKey} = utils.generateKeyPair(); // Generate a keypair or use your own private key.

const messageToSign = "helloWorld"
const signature = await signMessage(messageToSign, privateKey.hex);
  • message: string Plain text message to sign.
  • privateKey: Uint8Array | string Private key either as bytes array or hex string.
  • options Optional arguments.
    • options.signatureFormat: "hex" | "zbase" Output encoding. Default is zbase.
    • options.prefix: string Message prefix. Default is Lightning Signed Message:.

Derive shared secret

Derive a shared secret between a private key and a public key. Two parties deriving a secret with their respective private key and the partners public key generate the same shared secret.

import { generateSharedSecret } from "ln-verifymessagejs";

const myKeys = utils.generateKeyPair(); // Generate a keypair or use your own key.
const partnerNodeId = '0200000000a3eff613189ca6c4070c89206ad658e286751eca1f29262948247a5f';

const secret = generateSharedSecret(myKeys.privateKey.hex, partnerNodeId)
  • privateKey: Uint8Array | string Private key either as bytes array or hex string.
  • nodePubkey: string Node id of the partner node.
  • derivationName?: string Optional derivation name to create a unique secret. Double sha256(baseSecret + derivationName).

Sign with a Lightning Network node

Node operators can sign messages with Thunderhub or Ride the Lightning. If a user has access to a terminal messages can be signed directly with the cli.

lnd signmessage

lncli signmessage --msg MyMessageToSign
# {
#     "signature": "rynmoqhhadjsttaracxgo9nhkoioi6peib8k18dekrih4hxpp36zcbgc6ntyrggc11uhjcb9prcx5py6qo16bk89i458r4n51ghggnxc"
# }

core-ightning signmessage

lightning-cli signmessage MyMessageToSign
# {
#    "signature": "ddd47bc1398327e98775b27cc575fce1df2464c382549eacebc7233c1cbc4b430f8ee4d654719a1bc281f51b030ba9fa8bf95032c26abfe6e56bb282a9065332",
#    "recid": "01",
#    "zbase": "rdq7e66b8gb1x4c8qs383tmi9uo76jdraqbfj8ic7xd1gxyhztfwgdhqhumfehc4dxbed7e5ycf4u6wm9fedfoukz9uqk471okwocw31"
# }

# Use the zbase field

eclair signmessage

eclair-cli signmessage --msg=$(echo -n 'MyMessageToSign' | base64)
# {
#   "nodeId": "02ca7361934233f6d4defd4d792fb2ce2cd0b50c7605e6c5cd16006bcd5be2bf70",
#   "message": "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQK",
#   "signature": "1f730dce842c31b692dc041c2d0f00423d2a2a67b0c63c1a905d500f09652a5b1a036763a1603333fa589ae92d1f7963428ff170e976d0966a113f4b9f9d0efc7f"
# }

# Use the signature field. It's hex

react-native-ldk signmessage

const res = await ldk.nodeSign({
  message: 'MyMessageToSign',
  messagePrefix: 'Lightning Signed Message:' //Optional with default
if (res.isErr()) {
