lnd accounting reports
LND Harmony Accounting
Show LN sends and receives in Harmony format
Get an accounting summary of wallet
Note: Chain fees does not include chain fees paid to close channels
[after]: <Records Created After ISO 8601 Date>
[before]: <Records Created Before ISO 8601 Date>
[category]: <Category Filter String>
currency: <Base Currency Type String>
[fiat]: <Fiat Currency Type String>
lnd: <Authenticated LND gRPC API Object>
[network]: <Network Name String>
[rate]: <Exchange Function> ({currency, date, fiat}, cbk) => (err, {cents})
[rate_provider]: <Fiat Rate Provider String> coindesk || coingecko
request: <Request Function>
@returns via cbk or Promise
[chain_fees]: [{
[amount]: <Amount Number>
[asset]: <Asset Type String>
[created_at]: <ISO 8601 Date String>
[external_id]: <External Reference Id String>
[from_id]: <Source Id String>
[id]: <Record Id String>
[notes]: <Notes String>
[to_id]: <Destination Id String>
[type]: <Record Type String>
[chain_fees_csv]: <CSV String>
[chain_sends]: [{
[amount]: <Amount Number>
[asset]: <Asset Type String>
[created_at]: <ISO 8601 Date String>
[external_id]: <External Reference Id String>
[from_id]: <Source Id String>
[id]: <Record Id String>
[notes]: <Notes String>
[to_id]: <Destination Id String>
[type]: <Record Type String>
[chain_sends_csv]: <CSV String>
[forwards]: [{
[amount]: <Amount Number>
[asset]: <Asset Type String>
[created_at]: <ISO 8601 Date String>
[external_id]: <External Reference Id String>
[from_id]: <Source Id String>
[id]: <Record Id String>
[notes]: <Notes String>
[to_id]: <Destination Id String>
[type]: <Record Type String>
[forwards_csv]: <CSV String>
[invoices]: [{
[amount]: <Amount Number>
[asset]: <Asset Type String>
[created_at]: <ISO 8601 Date String>
[external_id]: <External Reference Id String>
[from_id]: <Source Id String>
[id]: <Record Id String>
[notes]: <Notes String>
[to_id]: <Destination Id String>
[type]: <Record Type String>
[invoices_csv]: <CSV String>
[payments]: [{
[amount]: <Amount Number>
[asset]: <Asset Type String>
[created_at]: <ISO 8601 Date String>
[external_id]: <External Reference Id String>
[from_id]: <Source Id String>
[id]: <Record Id String>
[notes]: <Notes String>
[to_id]: <Destination Id String>
[type]: <Record Type String>
[payments_csv]: <CSV String>
Get chain transactions, including sweep fees
[after]: <Records Created After ISO 8601 Date>
[before]: <Records Created Before ISO 8601 Date>
lnd: <Authenticated LND Object>
request: <Request Function>
@returns via cbk or Promise
transactions: [{
[block_id]: <Block Hash String>
[confirmation_count]: <Confirmation Count Number>
[confirmation_height]: <Confirmation Block Height Number>
created_at: <Created ISO 8601 Date String>
[description]: <Transaction Label String>
[fee]: <Fees Paid Tokens Number>
id: <Transaction Id String>
is_confirmed: <Is Confirmed Bool>
is_outgoing: <Transaction Outbound Bool>
output_addresses: [<Address String>]
tokens: <Tokens Including Fee Number>
[transaction]: <Raw Transaction Hex String>
Parse a described amount into tokens
amount: <Amount String>
[variables]: {
<Name String>: <Amount Number>
tokens: <Tokens Number>
Rate provider source options
[<Rate Provider Name String>]
[<Rate Provider Name String>]