An extensible virtual DOM library for lightweight use in a variety of environments.
➿ lithent
An extensible JSX-based virtual DOM library for lightweight use in a variety of environments.
- Manual
- Korean Manual
- Home Page - (This page is written in lithent.)
Lithent were developed to make it easy to insert Virtual DOM component fragments into pages already drawn with SSR, and are intended to be used lightly in a variety of situations.
(lithent.mjs 14.25 kB │ gzip: 4.49 kB │ map: 59.74 kB)
(lithent.umd.js 10.39 kB │ gzip: 4.03 kB │ map: 58.16 kB)
🚩 Table of Contents
- Thanks for the introduction
- Why Use Lithent
- Basic Guide
- Lithent Ssr Boilerplate
- How To Install
- Examples
- Related Projects
- Develop Guide
- Test
Thanks for the introduction
Why use Lithent?
Lithent have the bare minimum of necessary functionality, with no unnecessary features.
In a real-world development environment, you may want to use Virtual DOM lightly, with only the bare minimum of core functionality.
"Lithent" makes it easy to add, remove, and update virtual DOM to specific parts of a pre-drawn SSR page.
"Lithent" has implemented the bare minimum functionality needed to create and update virtual DOM in general (we only need to know 'render', 'mounter', 'updater', 'renewer', 'mountCallback', and 'updateCallback').
We provide code in the form of 'helpers' that extend the basic functionality, but using the helpers is only optional and users can extend and develop custom helpers for their own projects.
Approach with the developer-friendly concept of closures between "component mounter" and "renderer"
JavaScript users are used to using closures and love to develop with them.
"Lithent" provides a familiar approach to my JavaScript development, as it leverages the properties of higher-order functions and closures to define and recycle the state of a component.
Basic Guide
Lithent Ssr Boilerplate
is a boilerplate designed for building server-side rendering (SSR) websites using the Lithent UI library.
npx create-lithent-ssr@latest
How To Install
pnpm add lithent
Or Use CDN
- UMD :[email protected]/dist/lithent.umd.js
- UMD-HELPER:[email protected]/helper/dist/lithentHelper.umd.js
- UMD-FTAGS:[email protected]/ftags/dist/lithentFTags.umd.js
- UMD-TAG:[email protected]/tag/dist/lithentTag.umd.js
- ESM :[email protected]/dist/lithent.mjs
- ESM-HELPER:[email protected]/helper/dist/lithentHelper.mjs
- ESM-FTAGS:[email protected]/ftags/dist/lithentFTags.mjs
- ESM-TAG:[email protected]/tag/dist/lithentTag.mjs
It's easier to use lithent with JSX or HTM.
With JSX
- Lithent is built on top of JSX.
You don't need to use h functions or JSX, you can call functions to mark them up.
When creating a component, use fMount
instead of mount
When creating a fragment, use fFragment
instead of Fragment
/* ESM */
import { render, h } from 'lithent';
import { fTags, fFragment, fMount } from 'lithent/ftags';
const { section, div, p, br, strong } = fTags;
/* UMD
<script src="[email protected]/dist/lithent.umd.js"></script>
<script src="[email protected]/helper/dist/lithentHelper.umd.js"></script>
<script src="[email protected]/ftags/dist/lithentFTags.umd.js"></script>
const { render } = lithent;
const { fTags, fMount, fFragment } = lithentFTags;
const { section, div, p, br, strong } = fTags;
const fTagComponent = fMount<{ firstProp: number }>((_r, props, children) => {
return () =>
'first inner',
div({ style: { border: '1px solid red' } }, 'second inner'),
div('The props argument can be omitted.'),
{ firstProp: 3 }, // The props argument can be omitted.
div({ style: { border: '1px solid green' } }, `Fchildren1`),
With HTM
import { lTag } from 'lithent/tag';
const destroy = render(lTag`<${Component} />`, document.getElementById('root'), document.getElementById('#insert-before-this-element'));
With ESM
import { h, render, mount, Fragment } from 'lithent';
import { lTag } from 'lithent/tag';
import { state } from 'lithent/helper';
const Component = mount((renew, _props) => {
const count = state(0, renew);
const change = () => {
count.value += 1;
// Updater
return () => lTag`
<li>count: ${count.value}</li>
<button onClick=${change}>increase</button>
// appendChild or insertBefore
// The third argument is an optional value for insertBefore.
const destroy = render(lTag`<${Component} />`, document.getElementById('root'), document.getElementById('#insert-before-this-element'));
With UMD
<script src="[email protected]/dist/lithent.umd.js"></script>
<!--script src="[email protected]/helper/dist/lithentHelper.umd.js"></script-->
<script src="[email protected]/tag/dist/lithentTag.umd.js"></script>
<!--script src="[email protected]/ftags/dist/lithentFTags.umd.js"></script-->
<div id="root"></div>
const { h, Fragment, render, mount } = lithent;
const { lTag } = lithentTag;
// const { state } = lithentHelper;
const Component = mount(renew => {
count = 0;
const change = () => {
count += 1;
// Updater
return () => lTag`
<li>count: ${count}</li>
<button onClick=${change}>increase</button>
// appendChild or insertBefore
// The third argument is an optional value for insertBefore.
const destroy = render(lTag`<${Component} />`, document.getElementById('root'), document.getElementById('#insert-before-this-element'));
Related Projects
- htm - making Hyperscript Tagged Markup possible
Develop Guide
It's open source, so you can develop and contribute together.
pnpm install (this project was created using pnpm.)
npm install -g pnpm
project install
git clone
cd lithent
pnpm install
project build
pnpm build
Running the development environment
pnpm dev // or pnpm dev:core
To fully test everything, including plugins like helper and ftags, a build is required.
pnpm install
pnpm build
pnpm test