Declarative way of routing for lit powered by pwa-helpers and redux
Lit Redux Router
Declarative way of routing for lit powered by pwa-helpers and redux.
A minimal router solution (~1.7 kb Gzipped) that consist in using lit-route
elements and connecting them to the store.
The routing approach is based on the PWA Starter Kit.
Install this library and its peer dependencies
npm i lit-redux-router lit pwa-helpers redux
Firstly ensure that the redux store has been created with the lazyReducerEnhancer
, which allows for reducers to be installed lazily after initial store setup.
import { createStore, compose, combineReducers } from 'redux';
import { reducer } from './reducer';
import { lazyReducerEnhancer } from 'pwa-helpers';
export const store = createStore(reducer, compose(lazyReducerEnhancer(combineReducers)));
Then the router needs to connect to a redux store.
import { LitElement, html } from 'lit';
import { connectRouter } from 'lit-redux-router';
import store from './store.js';
component can render the components when the path attribute matches. The corresponding active lit-route
element will reflect the active attribute.
class MyApp extends LitElement {
render() {
return html`
<div class="app-content">
<lit-route path="/" active><h1>Home</h1></lit-route>
<lit-route path="/about"><h1>About</h1></lit-route>
customElements.define('my-app', MyApp);
Ideally all content would be in a component and can be passed to lit-route
through a component attribute.
class AppHome extends LitElement {
render() {
return html`<h1>Home</h1>`;
customElements.define('app-home', AppHome);
class AppAbout extends LitElement {
render() {
return html`<h1>About</h1>`;
customElements.define('app-about', AppAbout);
class MyApp extends LitElement {
render() {
return html`
<div class="app-content">
<lit-route path="/" component="app-home"></lit-route>
<lit-route path="/about" component="app-about"></lit-route>
customElements.define('my-app', MyApp);
can map path variables and inject them in the provided component.
class AppProduct extends LitElement {
static get properties() {
return {
id: String,
render() {
return html`<h1>Product with id: ${}</h1>`;
customElements.define('app-product', AppProduct);
class MyApp extends LitElement {
render() {
return html`
<div class="app-content">
<lit-route path="/products/:id" component="app-product"></lit-route>
customElements.define('my-app', MyApp);
When no path attribute is provided to lit-route
, it will render when no route matches (404)
class MyApp extends LitElement {
render() {
return html`
<div class="app-content">
<lit-route path="/"><h1>Home</h1></lit-route>
<lit-route><h1>404 Not found</h1></lit-route>
customElements.define('my-app', MyApp);
To trigger navigation without using a link element, the action navigate
can be imported and triggered with the wanted path
import { navigate } from 'lit-redux-router';
import store from './store.js';
class MyApp extends LitElement {
goTo(path) {
render() {
return html`
<div class="app-content">
<button @click="${() => this.goTo('/about')}">learn more about us</button>
customElements.define('my-app', MyApp);
To lazy load a component on route change and optionally show a loading component while waiting for the import to resolve
import { navigate } from 'lit-redux-router';
import store from './store.js';
class MyApp extends LitElement {
render() {
return html`
<div class="app-content">
.resolve="${() => import('./docs.js')}"
customElements.define('my-app', MyApp);
class MyLoading extends LitElement {
render() {
return html`
h1 {
margin-top: 0;
margin-bottom: 16px;
customElements.define('my-loading', MyLoading);
The window will scroll to top by default, to disable add the attribute scrollDisable
<lit-route path="/whatever" component="my-whatever" scrollDisable></lit-route>
To scroll to the route element on load, you can set the scrollIntoViewOptions object in the attribute .scrollOpt
.scrollOpt="${{behavior: 'smooth', block:'end', inline:'nearest'}}"
Check a more comprehensive example in
Start server with example and watch mode for building the library
npm run start
Run lint and test tasks
npm run test
npm run lint
Build the library
npm run build
Check the full size of the library
npm run size
Built with
- regexparam - A tiny utility that converts route patterns into RegExp
- lit - Lit is a simple library for building fast, lightweight web components
- pwa-helpers - Small helper methods or mixins to help you build web apps
- Redux - Predictable state container for JavaScript apps
Contributors ✨
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!
MIT (c) 2018 Fernando Pasik