ListX - Shopping Lists on another level
ListX - Shopping Lists on another level
A free Tool to create Lists for every occasion.
These are the Developer Docs, if you were looking for the App itself, click here.
Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
What things you need to install the software and how to install them:
- NodeJS A JavaScript runtime, in this case used as the Server side
- NPM The Node Package Manager, you will need it to install all the Modules required to run the App
- A Webserver, even if it's just your Laptop, you need something to run Node with
- MongoDB A JSON based NoSQL Database, which I happen to like alot
You can use NPM to handle the installation for you, just type
$ mkdir ListXClone
$ cd ListXClone
$ npm install --save listx
into your servers terminal.
If you want to do it the old way, you can! (yippieee)
Again, open your servers terminal and use the following commands:
$ wget -O
$ unzip
$ cd ListXClone
$ npm install
TODO: deploy unit testing and continous integration
All releases are essentially ready-for-deployment. To run the App, you'll need a MongoDB Server up-and-running and you need to edit the file test.config.json
the following way:
"domain":"YOUR_DOMAIN", <-- The domain, that will be used in emails
"devMail":"YOUR_EMAIL", <-- An email address to let the developer know when the app restarts
"cookieSecret":"SOME_RANDOM_TEXT", <-- The cookie secret, for the randomness, I recommend LastPass:
"mailgun": {
"privateKey":"YOUR_MAILGUN_KEY", <-- Set up an account with Mailgun and the the docs to find these:
"mongo": {
"address":"YOUR_MONGO_ADDRESS" <-- this is the address of your MongoDB Server, including any authentication
"reCaptcha": {
"privateKey":"G_RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY" <-- set up an account with Google reCaptcha:
After that, rename the file to config.json
To then run the app, make sure you have a directory for MongoDB, ListX uses /var/data
npm start
This will make sure, that MongoDB is started correctly, and if not, start it.
Built With
- WebStorm - The IDE used to code the project
- Postman - A big helper in my life as a Developer
- Nodemon - Node Command Line tool that automatically restarts my App
- i18n - Translation Toolset
- Chrome My browser of choice. It always supports the newest of the newest features
We use GitHub for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Luca Kiebel - Website
ListX is digital property of Luca Kiebel, Copyright © 2017
- Hat tip to anyone who's code was used, especially to all the NPM Package authors
- Inspiration
- Feedback from my family and friends who tested the app in Alpha stage