pre-baked dataset of 2600+ ETF profiles
pre-baked dataset of ETF profiles from Yahoo Finance with basic information and approximate price/volume for each ticker
Symbol list based on 2600+ most liquid ETFs according to firstRateData.
This is meant to assist in basic sorting/clustering of stock tickers, not for up-to-date information.
This is not necessarily a complete or accurate dataset, use at your own risk!
Because this was made by passing the FRD symbol list to Yahoo Finance, it is possible there are collisions/errors in the data -- Note the frdName
vs longName
fields and if they seem to be different.
Data last updated Jan 12th 2023
npm i list-of-etfs-profiles
var profiles = require('list-of-etfs-profiles').loadProfiles(); //decompress dataset
console.log(profiles["AADR"]); //any symbol from NYSE or NASDAQ [see npm list-of-stocks]
// {
// shortName: 'AdvisorShares Dorsey Wright', //short name according to yahoo finance for this symbol
// longName: 'AdvisorShares Dorsey Wright ADR ETF', //long name according to yahoo finance for this symbol
// frdName: 'AdvisorShares Dorsey Wright ADR ETF', //name according to firstRateData for this symbol
// longBusinessSummary: `The fund seeks to achieve the fund's investment objective by selecting primarily a portfolio of U.S.-traded securities of non-U.S. organizations, most often American Depositary Receipts ("ADRs"). It will invest at least 80% of its total assets in ADRs and in securities that have economic characteristics similar to ADRs.`,
// price: 49.5499,
// navPrice: 48.95,
// fiftyDayAverage: 48.2946,
// twoHundredDayAverage: 50.4676,
// pe: null,
// volume: 373,
// averageDailyVolume10Day: 1920,
// bid: 49.39,
// ask: 49.59,
// bidSize: 1800,
// askSize: 800,
// ipoDate: '2010-07-21' //guess at ipo date from FRD data range
// }
//note -- missing/undefined values are replaced with -1
// other than PE / beta / ipoDate, which are replaced with null