Simple way to integrate lipa na mpesa to your app
simplifies lipa na mpesa integration to your javascript app
Following the docs for daraja api is challenging and overwhelming. I spent a whole day trying to figure out what the workflow. After overcoming the struggle, i felt like its something that can be simplified.
How it works
Safaricom documentation requires a couple of steps -format time -creates password required for the transaction
- constructs auth url that is passed in Authorization headers -obtain access token required to initiate a transaction -finally initiates a transaction -
However, i have composed the whole workflow, meaning you only require 2 simple steps to get up and running
first import the package
const lnp = require('lipanampesa_simplified')
Required credentials
- You can use the test shortcode and passkey obtained from this site -
- consumer_key and consumer_secret are provided after you register your app in daraja api portal
- AccountReference is name that appears on pop up alert on phone ('keep it to max of 12 characters)
- TransactionDesc - Description of your transaction (max of 13 characters)
- CallBackURL - This is a route you specify to receive transaction response from safaricom (like transaction was completed or incomplete transaction incase of failure, safaricom have good error response so it will be clear)
(You would probably put the credentials in .env file and import them)
credentials parameter
const credentials = {
ShortCode: "174379",
passkey: "bfb279f9aa9bdbcf158e97dd71a467cd2e0c893059b10f78e6b72ada1ed2c919",
PartyB: "174379",
CallBackURL: "",
AccountReference: "Easy Shop",
TransactionDesc: "Products",
consumer_key: "EoDJq6WpLOmDXxRgGRLcBtsJdguSE4vy",
consumer_secret: "hDL7TyheQSxzrbox"
setup your credentials
const initiate_transaction = lnp.transact(credentials);
//fork method runs the transaction. -it requires two functions on left and right (both methods receive a response from safaricom api) - you can choose how to handle each case
- on the left you handle error - this could be like display an error
- on the right you handle success - this could be like send a success msg -(transaction loading)
provide phonenumber and amount of the client
initiate_transaction({ PhoneNumber: "254714415603", Amount: "1" })
moment - for date formatting node-fetch - for handling requests on nodejs
The package removes obvious code and gives you minimal and necessary input to achieve your goal I do not work at safaricom and may have missed something. Its open, you are welcome to contribute
Reach out to me or [email protected]
Have fun Hacking!!