An extension to the LeaderLine project: adding parent element,scroll position, absolute parent positioning and more
What is this ?
This project is an extension to the original leader-line project v1.0.7.
Why using it ?
The original LeaderLine class lacks: |Feature|Description| |--|--| |parent option|The original leaderline class always inserts the line svg element in body. In some cases, inserting the line in a specific element is required.| |element property|The LeaderLine instance lacks the element property, that points to the line's svg element in the DOM| |scroll positioning|If you create a line using the original class and then drag one of its connected elements (start/end) to the end of its parent's offset, causing the parent to become scrollable, the positioning of the line becomes incorrect| |absolute positioning|When you create a line and append it to a draggable element, making the draggable element the parent node of the line SVG element in the DOM, the positioning of the line becomes incorrect if you subsequently drag that element|
What's new ?
This library tackles all the issues mentioned above and provides more options and properties to the LeaderLine instance : |New Options|Description| |--|--| |parent|where to insert the line element, default to document.body in <1.2.0 and to the line's end element parentNode in >=1.2.0 | |minGridLength|The minimun line length (default to 40). Only applied to grid-pathed lines [>=1.6.0]|
|New Properties|Type|Description| |--------------|----|-----------| |element|SVG Element|The line svg element| |removed|boolean|Indicates whether the line was removed (line.remove was called) or not [>=1.5.0] |standalone|boolean|Indicates whether the line is directly instantiated or not (ex: belongs to a LinkerLineChain instance) [>=1.5.0]|
Changes :
- pointAnchor, areaAnchor, mouseHoverAnchor are renamed to PointAnchor, AreaAnchor, MouseHoverAnchor.
- CaptionLabel and PathLabel are merged into Label. The Label has an option named "on" that takes as a value either "path" or "element".
- animation object "timing" property is renamed to "easing".
- dash "len" property is renamed to "length".
Check source code.
How to use it ?
Just install the package using npm or any package manager of your choice :
npm install --save linkerline
And then use it in your code as follows :
import LinkerLine from "linkerline";
const line=new LinkerLine({
parent:HTMLElement,// this is the new parent option
//line.element => returns the line svg element
Version 1.5.0 add-ons
|Static Method Name|Return Value|Description| |-----------|------------|-----------| |removeAll()|void|removes all standalone lines at once| |getLineChain(line:LinkerLine)|LinkerLineChain | null|returns the LinkerLineChain instance the line belongs to if any|
LinkerLine Chain [1.3.0]
new LinKerLine.Chain(nodes,options):LinkerLineChain;
|Param Name|Type|Description| |----------|----|-----------| |nodes|HTMLElement[]|The chain nodes| |options|object|The chain options|
Chain Options :
|Option Name|Type|Description| |-----------|----|-----------| |linkingDuration|number|The line draw animation duration, default to 500| |linked|boolean|specifies if the chain is initially linked or not, default to false| |lineOptions|LinkerLineOptions|The line options| |onLinkChange|(context : object) : void|Called on each node-to-node connection change|
onLinkChange Context :
|Property Name|Type|Description| |-------------|----|-----------| |line|LinkerLine|The connection line| |startNode|HTMLElement|Same as line.start| |endNode|HTMLElement|Same as line.end| |nodesLinked|boolean|Indicates whether the nodes are linked or unlinked| |hopIndex|number|The hop index [>=1.4.0]|
|Name|Type|Description| |-------|-----|-------| |nodes|HTMLElement[]|gets the chain target nodes| |lines|LinkerLine[]|gets the chain lines| |linked|boolean|true if all nodes are fully linked, false otherwise| |partiallyLinked|boolean|true if at least one line is visible, false otherwise| |link|() : void|links the chain nodes| |unlink|() : void|unlinks the chain nodes| |pushNode|(node:HTMLElement) : void|appends a new node to the end of the chain| |unshiftNode|(node:HTMLElement) : void|adds a new node at the start of the chain
Additional properties are added to nodes: |Property Name|Type|Description| |-------------|----|-----------| |outLine|LinkerLine | undefined|The linkerline instance exiting the node| |inLine|LinkerLine | undefined|The linkerline instance entering the node|
Illustration code :
const chain=new LinkerLine.Chain(nodes,{
const color=nodesLinked?line.color:null;;;
positionAll [1.2.0]
A new static method LinkerLine.positionAll() : void that updates all the lines'positions at once.
Custom Plugs [1.1.0]
It allows defining custom plugs via the static method LinkerLine.definePlug( options : object ). |Option Name|Type|Description| |-----------|----|-----------| |name|string (required)|plug name| |shape|enum "rect","ellipse"|defines a plug via a shape| |svg|string | (color:string,weight:string)=>string|defines a plug via an svg string| |src|string|defines a plug via an url or base64 string| |width|number|sets the plug base width| |height|number|sets the plug base height| |margin|number|margin between the plug and the start/end element| |rotatable|boolean|indicates whether the plug should have a fixed orientation or rotate accordingly|
<svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="${color}" stroke-width="${weight}" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round">
<path d="M8.243 7.34l-6.38 .925l-.113 .023a1 1 0 0 0 -.44 1.684l4.622 4.499l-1.09 6.355l-.013 .11a1 1 0 0 0 1.464 .944l5.706 -3l5.693 3l.1 .046a1 1 0 0 0 1.352 -1.1l-1.091 -6.355l4.624 -4.5l.078 -.085a1 1 0 0 0 -.633 -1.62l-6.38 -.926l-2.852 -5.78a1 1 0 0 0 -1.794 0l-2.853 5.78z"/>
const line=new LinkerLine({
For svgs, when a function is specified, the color and the weight params will respectively make sure that the plug will match the line color (or start/endPlugColor if specified) and thickness.