Helps creating a symbolic link to a (binary) executable in .bin during a package postinstall phase.
Link Executable to .bin
Helps creating a symbolic link to a (binary) executable in .bin
during a package postinstall phase.
Works well with grab-github-release, if you want to download a binary executable from a GitHub release.
A script to install to .bin
by an entry in bin
in package.json
#!/usr/bin/env node
import { runAndReplaceLink, reportError } from 'link-bin-executable'
try {
await runAndReplaceLink({ name: 'myexecutable' })
} catch (err) {
A script to install to .bin
by an entry in scripts.postinstall
in package.json
import { installLink, reportError } from 'link-bin-executable'
try {
await installLink({ name: 'myexecutable' })
} catch (err) {
This package is usually installed as a local dependency:
$ npm i link-bin-executable
Make sure, that you use Node.js version 18 or newer.
interface InstallLinkOptions {
// primary name of the symbolic link to create and default executable name
name?: string
// names of the symbolic links to create; if not specified, `name` will be
// created, otherwise only the specified names will be created
linkNames?: string[]
// package directory where the postinstall script runs
packageDirectory: string
// path to the executable to create the link to; if not specified, the file
// named by `name` will be looked up in the package directory
executable?: string
// log debug messages on the standard output instead of being enabled
// by the DEBUG environment variable and log on the standard error
verbose?: boolean
// creates a symbolic link in the `.bin` directory to the executable available
// usually in the package directory
// @param options see properties of `GrabOptions` for more information
export function installLink(options: InstallLinkOptions): Promise<void>
interface RunAndReplaceLinkOptions {
// primary name of the symbolic link to replace and default executable name
name?: string
// names of the symbolic links to replace; if not specified, `name` will be
// replaced, otherwise only the specified names will be replaced
linkNames?: string[]
// bin directory where the javascript stub runs
scriptDirectory: string
// path to the executable to create the link to; if not specified, the file
// named by `name` will be looked up in the package directory
executable?: string
// log debug messages on the standard output instead of being enabled
// by the DEBUG environment variable and log on the standard error
verbose?: boolean
// replaces the just executed symbolic link to a javascript stub in the `.bin`
// directory by a link to the executable available usually in the package
// directory and delegates the process to the executable with the same arguments
// @param options see properties of `GrabOptions` for more information
export function runAndReplaceLink(options: RunAndReplaceLinkOptions): Promise<void>
// prints the error message on the console and sets the process exit code
// if `runAndReplaceLink` failed; supposed to be called from a catch block
// @param err error thrown from `runAndReplaceLink`
export function reportError(err: Error)
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Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Ferdinand Prantl
Licensed under the MIT license.