The Playground is just a simple [Parcel]( app, you can deploy it anywhere you would normally deploy that. Here are some guidelines for **manually** deploying with the Netlify CLI (`npm i -g netlify-cli`):
Deploying the Example Playground
The Playground is just a simple Parcel app, you can deploy it anywhere you would normally deploy that. Here are some guidelines for manually deploying with the Netlify CLI (npm i -g netlify-cli
cd example # if not already in the example folder
npm run build # builds to dist
netlify deploy # deploy the dist folder
Alternatively, if you already have a git repo connected, you can set up continuous deployment with Netlify:
netlify init
# build command: yarn build && cd example && yarn && yarn build
# directory to deploy: example/dist
# pick yes for netlify.toml
Named Exports
Per Palmer Group guidelines, always use named exports. Code split inside your React app instead of your React library.
Including Styles
There are many ways to ship styles, including with CSS-in-JS. TSDX has no opinion on this, configure how you like.
For vanilla CSS, you can include it at the root directory and add it to the files
section in your package.json
, so that it can be imported separately by your users and run through their bundler's loader.
Publishing to NPM
We recommend using np.
Design System Config
- Colors | Typography | Icons
- Documentando seu front-end com Storybook (link)
- Documentação Storybook
- Figma