Brings back the old way of hiding and displaying what is now called the portlet decorators. With this themelet you will be able to get the functionality by extending your themes.
Classic Portlet Decorator Themelet
Brings back the old way of hiding and displaying what is now called the portlet decorators. With this themelet you will be able to get the functionality by extending your themes.
Liferay 7.0 and 7.1
Getting Started
- Node.js
- Yeoman
- gulp
- Liferay Theme Generator
Information/guide on how to install the Liferay Font-End ecosystem:
You also will need to add these lines just before the closing body tag in the theme's portal-normal.ftl:
<!-- inject:js -->
<!-- endinject -->
Otherwise the themelet js will not be injected.
npm module
You can install the themelet from the npm registry using the Theme Generator.
Install locally
This is a themelet, so you will need to install it into to you existing theme(s).
- Navigate to your theme’s root folder and run the following command:
gulp extend
- Choose Themelet as the theme asset to extend
- Select Search globally installed npm modules (cloned from github) or search the npm registry
- Highlight your themelet, press spacebar to activate it, and press Enter to install it
- Run
gulp deploy
to build and deploy your theme with the new themelet updates