This library includes the geocoding, carrier mapping and timezone mapping functionalities that are available in some of googles libphonenumber libraries but not in libphonenumber-js (a port of libphonenumber).
Phonenumber geo-, carrier- and timezone infos
This library includes the geocoding, carrier mapping and timezone mapping functionalities that are available in some of googles libphonenumber libraries but not in libphonenumber-js (a port of libphonenumber).
To reduce the amount of data that needs to be loaded to geocode / carrier map a phonenumber for each mapping only the relevant number prefixes are loaded from a binary json file (BSON).
When the prefix could not be found in the provided locale the library tries to fallback to en
as locale.
The library supports Node.js only at the moment.
npm install libphonenumber-js libphonenumber-geo-carrier
yarn add libphonenumber-js libphonenumber-geo-carrier
The available methods are:
geocoder(phonenumber: PhoneNumber, locale?: GeocoderLocale = 'en'): Promise<string | null>
- Resolved to the geocode or null if no geocode could be found (e.g. for mobile numbers)carrier(phonenumber: PhoneNumber, locale?: CarrierLocale = 'en'): Promise<string | null>
- Resolves to the carrier or null if non could be found (e.g. for fixed line numbers)timezones(phonenumber: PhoneNumber): Promise<Array<string> | null>
- Resolved to an array of timezones or null if non where found.
import parsePhoneNumberFromString from 'libphonenumber-js'
import { geocoder, carrier, timezones } from 'libphonenumber-geo-carrier'
const main = async () => {
const fixedLineNumber = parsePhoneNumberFromString('+41431234567')
const locationEN = await geocoder(fixedLineNumber) // Zurich
const locationDE = await geocoder(fixedLineNumber, 'de') // Zürich
const locationIT = await geocoder(fixedLineNumber, 'it') // Zurigo
const mobileNumber = parsePhoneNumberFromString('+8619912345678')
const carrierEN = await carrier(mobileNumber) // China Telecom
const carrierZH = await carrier(mobileNumber, 'zh') // 中国电信
const fixedLineNumber2 = parsePhoneNumberFromString('+49301234567')
const tzones = await timezones(fixedLineNumber2) // ['Europe/Berlin']