Provides vue components for phone input, autocomplete and country selection using libj-vue-comp-dropdown
Part of libj tools
Provides vue components for phone input, autocomplete and country selection using libj-vue-comp-dropdown
npm install libj-vue-comp-autocompletes
import 'libj-vue-comp-autocompletes/dist/libj-vue-comp-autocompletes.default.min.css'
import 'libj-vue-comp-autocompletes'
//Now, j-phone-input, j-phone-display, j-autocomplete components are available globally
- value (Object) | default: null selected option
- visible (Boolean) | default: false if dropdown is visible or not
- id (String|Number) | default: null id of selected option
- getId(Function(item) => [id of item]) | default: a => a a function to get the id from an item
- serverSide (Boolean) | default: false whether the autocomplete needs to connect to server or not
- getItems Function(query: String, done: Function(result: Array)) | default: (query, done) => { done([]); } when serverSide prop is set to true, then set this prop to a function to get items from server
- options (Array) | default: [] when serverSide is set to false, set this prop to all items to be searched for
- searchProperties(Array) | default: [] when set to a value other than null or undefined or empty array, will indicate property names of objects that we want to search (in options prop) the user's input
- placeholder
- delay (Number) | default: 500 debouncing delay for searching user's input
- clearable (Boolean) | default: false whether or not the user can remove the selected item
- disabled (Boolean) | default: false set to true to disable the component
- input which updates the value
- searched (items: Array) is called when searching (both client-side or server-side) is done. returned items are passed to event handler
- searchTextChanged (query: String) is called when user is typing to search. the user input is passed to event handler
- change (id: (String|Number)) is called when user selects an item. the id of that item is passed to event handler
- placeholder slot for placeholder. default value is the placeholder prop
- result slot for the selected item. slot-scope is: { option, id }. option is the item and id is its id extracted via getId prop
- header header slot for dropdown
- footer footer slot for dropdown
- option slot for an item in dropdown. slot-scope is: { option, id }. option is the item and id is its id extracted via getId prop
- toggle() toggles the visibility of dropdown
- clear() clears the selected item
- value (String) | default: '' selected country code (two-letter country code)
- displayField (String) | default: null it can be 'code', 'name' or null. 'code' and 'name' are country properties and null indicates that a fullname property must be shown for a country. country fullname is 'code' - 'name'
- placeholder (String) | default: null placeholder for underlying autocomplete
- delay (Number) | default: 500 debounce delay
- clearable (Boolean) | default: false if set to true, the user can clear selected country
- disabled (Boolean) | default: false if set to true, the component is disabled
- value (Object) | default: {phone: '', countryCode: 'US'} selected phone object
- inputName (String) | default: '' phone input name
- countryCodeInputName (String) | default: '' phone country code input name
- disabled (Boolean) | default: false if set to true, the component is disabled
- Run this in a separate command line to start node server
node server.js
- Run one of the following to re-create bundles
npm run dev
npm run dev:watch
- Navigate to http://localhost:3000
npm run build
npm run build:watch