Make functional programming fun!
Make functional programming fun!
Libfun provides you with the following (🌳 shakable) primitives:
Out of all functional libraries, LibFun finally provides you with monads done the JavaScript way! This means 100% compatibility and interoperability with native promises!
// TypeSafe!
await maybe(42) // Monad<number, [Maybe]>
.then((x) => Promise.resolve(x * 2)) // Monad<number, [Maybe, Future]>
.then((x) => x + 1) // Monad<number, [Maybe, Future]>
.unwrap(); // Promise<number>
LibFun gives you a flexible primitive to easily make you own monads, as well as gives you some common ones out of the box (these might be used as examples or inspirations for you application specific implementations). Built-in monads are:
maybe(null).catch(() => 42).unwrap() // 42
spread([1,2,3]).then((x) => x + 1).unwrap() // [2,3,4]
const numbers = stream(1)
.then((x) => x * 2)
.then(console.log); // Logs: 2
numbers.push(2); // Logs: 4
numbers.push(3); // Logs: 6
const unsafe = () => { throw new Error(); };
wrap(unsafe)().catch(() => 42).unwrap() // 42
Or you can make your own:
const logger = monad((value, fn) => {
const updated = fn(value);
return updated;
Naming stuff is hard. This is why we love pipes! Here are some reasons why you should love them even more:
const transform = pipeline(
(x: string) => x.toUpperCase(),
(x) => x.split(" "),
transform("hello world");
pipe("hello world")(
(x) => x.toUpperCase(),
(x) => x.split(" "),
await pipe(Promise.resolve([1,2,3]))(
(x) => x + 1
) // [2,3,4]
(x) => x.toString(),
// ^ number
(x) => [x]
// ^ string
const unsafe = () => { throw new Error(); };
fallback((e) => e.message), // Can accept a function
fallback("oops"), // Or just a value
(x) => x.toUpperCase()
); //OOPS
...expose // Creates a discriminated union:
); // { data: undefined, error: Error }
Pools are LibFun's event handling solution. Here is a basic example:
// Get `pool` from global controller
const { pool } = pools();
// Register an event with id `event`
const event = pool<(x: number) => number>("event");
// Add an `event` handler
event((x) => x * 2);
// Call the event
const result = event(42);
// Result is an asynchronous iterator
for await (const item of result) {
console.log(item); // 84
Why should you use pools? Let's look at a more complex example:
// More global controls
const { pool, count, close } = pools();
// Advanced pool options
const event = pool("event", {
concurrency: 1, // One execution at a time
timeout: 3000, // Max execution time (in ms)
rate: 25, // Max number of calls per minute
cache: 3, // Cache last 3 calls
// First class generator support
event(function *() {
yield 1;
// Safe asynchronous workflow
const number = yield* async(fetch(...));
yield number;
yield 2;
// Register multiple handlers
event(() => 42);
// Useful generator helpers
await first(event()); // 1
await take(event()); // [1, 42, *number*, 2]
// Can be resolved as a promise
await event(); // [1, 42, *number*, 2]
event.abort(); // Abort execution at ANY TIME!
count(); // 1
event.close(); // Close current pool
close(); // Close ALL the pools
count(); // 0
Still not convinced? Let's look at all the features in more detail:
const event1 = pool("event");
const event2 = pool("event");
// Pools are distinguished by id
event1 === event2 // true
const stuff = pool("stuff");
// Pools use generators instead of asynchronous
// functions to be abortable at any time
stuff(function *() {
// Instead of `await /* promise */` you do:
const awaited = yield* async(/* promise */);
// Note: this does NOT actually yield out of the generator.
// You can yield the value yourself if you want to:
yield awaited;
stuff().then(x => /* [] */)
// Result will be empty, ↑
// since we have aborted immediately:
const api = pool("api", { concurrency: 1 });
api(function *() {
yield* async(/* expensive api call */);
api().then(/* do stuff */);
api().then(/* this will not resolve until the first call finishes */);
const api = pool("api", { rate: 10 });
api(function *() {
yield* async(/* expensive api call */);
// The api will get called NO more than 10 calls per minute!
while (true) { api(); }
const task = pool("task", { timeout: 5000 });
task(function *() {
yield* async(/* long task */);
// The pool will abort if the task takes longer than 5 seconds
const init = pool("init", { group: "main" });
// Sometimes it's useful to split a pool into groups
const plugin1Init = init.bind({ group: "plugin1" });
const plugin2Init = init.bind({ group: "plugin2" });
init(function *() {/* main init stuff */});
plugin1Init(function *() {/* plugin 1 init stuff */});
plugin2Init(function *() {/* plugin 2 init stuff */});
init(); // Main starts ALL the initializations
// You can use groups to filter your actions:
init.abort({ group: "plugin1" }); // Abort all "plugin1" execution
init.abort({ handler: "plugin1" }); // Abort executions handles by plugin1
init.abort({ caller: "plugin1" }); // Abort executions called by plugin1
const all = pools();
all.pool(id); // Create a pool
all.schedule("*", when); // Schedule execution for all pools
all.status("event"); // Get a status of the pool with id "event"
all.abort(); // Abort all the executing pools
all.drain(); // Drain (abort + cancel pending) all the pools
all.close(); // Close (drain + clear handlers) all the pools
all.count(); // Count all the pools (with handlers)
all.catch(handler) // Catch errors from all the pools
const bad = pool("bad");
bad(() => { throw new Error("oops"); });
bad.catch((e) => console.error(e));
await bad(); // Does NOT throw, resolves with: []
const first = pool("first");
const second = pool("second");
second(() => { throw new Error("oops"); });
first(function *() {
// We use the `map` helper instead of `for await`
yield* map(second(), (item) => {
yield item;
// When we catch an error, we know what pools have called us:
second.catch((error) => {
error.trace; // ["first", "second"]
const lookup = pool<(query: string) => Data>("lookup", {
cache: 10, // Cache last 10 queries
lookup(function *(query) {/* some expensive lookup */});
lookup("hello"); // lookup is called
lookup("world"); // lookup is called
lookup("hello"); // from CACHE!
const task = pool<(data: any) => any>("task");
task(function *(data) {/* some task */});
// Execute after a second
task.schedule({relative: 1000})(data);
// Execute at 6 am
task.schedule({absolute: new Date().setHours(6)})(data);
// Execute every day at 10 am
const day = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
const time = new Date(0).setHours(10);
task.schedule({absolute: time, interval: day})(data);
const { pool, status } = pools();
const a = pool.bind({ scope: "a" });
const b = pool.bind({ scope: "b" });
const event1 = a("event"); // Creates "event" pool in scope "a"
const event2 = b("event"); // Creates "event" pool in scope "b"
status(); // [ {id: "a/event"}, {id: "b/event"} ]
const event = pool("event");
event.bind({ group: "1" })(() => { ... }); // Only this gets called
event.bind({ group: "2" })(() => { ... });
// Execute only handlers from group `1`
const event = pool("event");
// Setup an event with group `1` and some context
const event1 = event.bind({ group: "1", context: { val: 42 } });
event1(function* () {
// We can access the context from `this`:
this.val; // <- number (it's TypeSafe!)
// We can update the context at any time
event1.context({ val: 10 });
const event2 = event.bind({ group: "2" });
event2(function* () {
// Events from different groups have different contexts!
this.val; // <- undefined (TypeScript error)
const event = pool("event");
event(function* () { ... });
const generator = event();
generator.executor; // This has some info about the executing generator
generator.executor.controller; // Abort controller; // Pool's group
generator.executor.tasks; // A set of tasks (executors for each listener)
// This is still a normal generator
for await (const item of generator) {
// Do stuff...
const event = pool("event");
const a = event.bind({ group: "a" });
const b = event.bind({ group: "b" });
a(function* () { ... });
b(function* () { ... });
// Split generators by groups and call them
const map = event.split()(); // Map<string, AsyncGenerator>
for await (const item of map.get("a")) {
// Stuff from group "a"
for await (const item of map.get("b")) {
// Stuff from group "b"
// This pool will transform all its output to `string`
const mapped = pool<() => Mapped<number, string>>("mapped", {
async *transform(generators, task) {
for await (const x of merge(generators, task)) {
yield x.toString();
mapped(function* () {
yield 1;
yield 2;
for await (const item of mapped()) {
// "1", "2"