A WCS (Web Coverage Service) client library for JavaScript.
Libcoverage.js is an extensible client library for the Open Geospatial Constortium (OGC) Web Coverage Service 2.0+ interface standard using a MIT style license.
It features means to create requests from parameters and parse the results returned from a WCS service.
You can use libcoverage.js either via npm:
npm install libcoverage
Or as a pre-bundled package:
<script src="path/to/libcoverage.min.js"></script>
Loading the modules (When not using the pre-bundled Version)
var parse = require("libcoverage/src/parse");
var kvp = require("libcoverage/src/kvp");
var eoParse = require("libcoverage/src/eowcs/parse");
var eoKvp = require("libcoverage/src/eowcs/parse");
Installing EO-WCS parsing extensions
Creating a GetCapabilities KVP request
var url = kvp.getCapabilitiesURL(baseUrl, {
updatesequence: "someupdatesequence",
sections: ["ServiceIdentification", "Contents"]
Creating a DescribeCoverage KVP request
var url = kvp.describeCoverageURL(baseUrl, [
"coverageA", "coverageB"
Creating a GetCoverage KVP request
var url = kvp.getCoverageURL(baseUrl, "coverageId", {
format: "image/tiff",
subsetX: [3.15, 3.25],
subsetY: [22.28, 23.00],
size: [100, 700],
interpolation: "nearest"
Full GetCapabilities round-trip
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', kvp.getCapabilitiesURL(baseUrl), true);
xhr.onload = function(e) {
var capabilities = parse.parse(this.response);
For compatibility reasons, the pre-bundled version of libcoverage.js exports a
object object in the global scope (the window
) with the following
sub-elements, mapping to the respective modules:
To get a complete picture of all available functions and parameters, please refer to the API docs.
Note: libcoverage.js does not have any further dependency but relies on the XPath API, and thus needs a browser that correctly supports it.
Extending libcoverage.js
Since WCS 2.0 uses a Core/Extension approach it is vital for a client library to be extensible to easily adapt new extensions. This is mostly important for parsing service responses.
Libcoverage.js allows the registration of new parsing functions for the node name of the elements it shall parse. The results of all registered functions for the same tag are deep-merged together, so the extending parse functions should only parse information not yet included in the main parsing result.
To extend the core parsing capabilities with some specific functionality, one first has to design the parsing function which always takes the XML DOM node as parameter:
var parseExtendedCapabilities = function(node) {
return {
// parse data and insert it here
specialData: someFinder(node, "SomePath").text
Then, the function has to be registered for the node name (without the namespace prefix):
WCS.Core.Parse.pushParseFunction("Capabilities", parseExtendedCapabilities);
Example extension: EO-WCS
Libcoverage.js ships with a client extension for
Earth Observation (EO-WCS).
It provides a new function for generating requests
) and new element parsing functions for
, CoverageDescriptions
and EOCoverageSetDescriptions
which are registered once the module is loaded.
The extended Capabilities
parse function extends the parsed object with
additional information about advertised dataset series. The
objects, on the other hand, are extended by the time
interval and the footprint.
Currently there is only one integration, namely for the MVC framework
Backbone. The integration provides the
models Service
and Coverage
and the collection CoverageSet
. If the
EO-WCS extension for libcoverage.js is also available, then the EOCoverageSet
is included aswell. The models integrate seamlessly within Backbone and can be
used alongside other models and object synchronization.
Unfortunately, as with the current status of Web Coverage Service - Transactional (WCS-T) it is not possible to integrate creation or modification of coverages within backbone and thus all related function calls will fail. This may change once the transactional interface extension for WCS 2.0 is specified.