<img src=""/> <img src=""/> <img src=""/> <img src="
!! Big Refactoring !! Framework not operational.
clone realease 2.0.0-stable
clone master => 2.0.0-stable
Stream feature is disable in develop branch
ads :
Lucas and Eric both are developer. Lucas use lib-utils-ts :registered:, and on the other hand Eric use basic javascript in his web browser. Development codes of Luca's are clean and structured, Lucas wins much precious times and can eat a little cake with a cup of tea :cowboy_hat_face::tea:. When with him Eric is a labyrinth developer, his code look like foam ball, result he is lost and upset :confused:. Lucas use power of the stream object, He optimizes his code and boost these performances. Actually, Eric read a big book how Javascript bêta work ed. 1995 for dummies, that grandfather gave him, but he has a lot of trouble understanding subtlety of javascript in all these pages :sweat:. Today Lucas has wins the better coding champion league of the world :sunglasses:, Eric resign finally oneself to give up and pass to HTML :disappointed:. Don't be like Eric make rather like Lucas and use lib-utils-ts
:registered:. A career may be played on a byt(e), Let's reveal together the power of your development. ( * ) You come from to Java, you want improve your javascript structure, learn object language easily with little framework below, it implements some Java7 & 8 classes like ArrayList, Properties, lombok. :P :sweat_smile:
This framework has been created only for Typescript projects, it's possible to use it for javascript project but is not really adapted for this, cause generics is not support by the native javascript.
Dev : :star::star::star::star::star:
When i have start to my job, I had to work with the Java, but Java is was't been my favorite language buts with time i learned to love it. in the beginning develop sometimes it was really hard ... after, i had to work with Typescript, JS a language i master it really well, but its language too permissive not enaugth strcutured. And i had discover Typescript who allows to strucutred Js developpment in real. In first i have decide to implement a speudo code of Stream in typescript JS, more later, I have decide to implement some elements to Java. that allows to learn Java easly without compilation error. navigation betwenn the a permissive language & typed lanuage that is allows too to see how Java work. I try to be iso Java but sometimes its not possibles
Set up
npm i lib-utils-ts
Native Extension
Importation : import "lib-utils-ts/src/globalUtils"
For enabled this framework you need to import globalUtils to you root project,
This import provides access to the methods of these native objects that have been extended Object
, FunctionA
, Number
, String
, Date
, Boolean
And so many others :
Instanced Object :
getClass<T>(): Class<T>
: seeequals( object: Object ): boolean
Static :
isNull() : boolean
: obj can be null or undefinednonNull(obj:Object):boolean
: check if an element is nullrequireNotNull<T>( other: T, message?: string ) :T
- NullPointerException
compare( o1:Object, o2: Object ): number
equals( o1: Object, o2: Object ): number
deepEquals( o1: Object, o2:Object ):boolean
class<T>(): Constructor<T>
: see
equals( value : number ) : boolean
compareTo( other : number ): number
isPrime( ): boolean
Static :
of( value: Object) : number
compare( o1: number, o2: number ): number
quals( value :string ) : boolean
equalsIgnoreCase( value : string ): boolean
contains( value: string ) : boolean
isEmpty( ) : boolean
regExp( regExp : RegExp, callback : FunctionA ) : string
repeatString( char : String, loop : number ) : string
format( ... args : any[] ) : string
exec( regExp : RegExp ) : String[]
explodeAsList( ) : ArrayList<string>
orDefault( value : string ): string
compareTo( other : string ): number
Static :
compare(o1:String ,o2:String):number
plusDays( days : number ) : Date
lessDays( days : number) : Date
plusYears( years : number ): Date
lessYears( years : number ) :Date
dateFormat( pattern : string ) : Date
elapsedTime( date : Date ) : number
Static :
dateFormat( pattern : string ) : Date
compare(o1:Date ,o2:Date):number
equals(o: Array<T>): boolean
Static :
asList<T>( value: T[] ) : ArrayList<T>
newList( ... value: T[] ) : ArrayList<T>
list( ... value: T[] ) : ArrayList<T>
sum( ) : number
state( expectTrue : any, orElse : any ) : any
equals( value: boolean ) : boolean
compareTo(obj: boolean): number
Static :
of( value: Object) : Boolean
Importation : import "lib-utils-ts/src/Interfaces"
You will find all the interfaces in this file. All interfaces name are in lowerCase
Interface :
Class :
public class Constructor extends Function implements constructor<T>
As in javascript an object is also a function, these class depict a next future instanced object
getName( ):string
getType( ):string
getEntries( ): [any, string ][]
getKeys( ): string[]
cast( other: Object ):T
newInstance( ...args : Object[] ) :T
getResourcesAsStream( name: string): InputStreamReader
Fix :
< 1.3.1
. getType → MyObj>= 1.3.1
. getType → Object
Static :
forname<? extends Object>( ...args : Object[] ) :T
class foo{
public value:string;
constructor( value:string ){
this.value = value;
public getValue( ):string{ /*...*/ }
let a: foo = new foo(125); // Ok
let b: Constructor<foo> = new Constructor(foo);
let c: foo = b.newInstance( 125 ); // OK
console.log( c.getValue( ) ); // 125
let d: Constructor<foo> = foo.class();
let e: foo = d.newInstance( 255 );
console.log( e.getValue() );
let f: foo = foo.class<foo>().newInstance(80);
console.log( f.getValue() );
Another example :
let str : Constructor<String> = new Constructor<String>(String);
console.log( str.newInstance("hello").toUpperCase() )
Old class was been FunctionA, it was been deprecated
Interface :
classLoader<T>, Function
Class :
class ClassLoader<T> extends Constructor<T> implements classLoader<T>, Function
constructor :
- ( name: string, constructor: Function ) : FunctionA
Interface functionA<T>
setPrototype(proto: Function | Object): ClassLoader<T>
setPrototype(proto: Function | Object): ClassLoader<T>
instance(...argArray: Object[]): T
Usage :
interface MyInterfaces{
let fc : ClassLoader<MyInterfaces> = new ClassLoader(function(s){
this.value= s||"success";
getValue: function(){ return this.value; }
fc.instance("Hello world !").getValue();
- class<T extends Object>( ) : Constructor<T>
Object.class().newInstance(); // Object
Number.class().newInstance(255); // Object
String.class<String>().newInstance("foo").equals("bar"); // with generic
(<MyObj>MyObj.class().newInstance()); // cast
Interface :
Class :
class Class<T extends Object> implements classInterface<T>
getEntries( ): [any, string ][]
getType( ):string
getKeys( ): string[]
getInstance( ):T
cast( other: Object ):T
notNullProperties( ) : MapType<string, Object>
newInstance( ...args : Object[] ) :T
getResourcesAsStream( name: string): InputStreamReader
class foo{
public value:string;
constructor( value:string ){
this.value = value;
public getValue( ):string{ return this.value; }
let a: foo = new foo(125); // Ok
a.getClass().getType( ); // => foo
Class forname :
Package pattern
replace all /
or \\
character by .
dot character in your package path.
If your Class file contain several class, the package pattern will look like:
import {Constructor} from "./Class";
interface IMyInter{
getValue( ):string
Interface :
Class :
class Comparator<T> implements comparator<T>
Method :
compare(o1: T, o2: T ): number
: To overridereversed?( ) : Compartor<T>
thenComparing?( comparator: comparator<T> ): comparator<T>
class Test extends Comparator<Developer> /** implements comparator<Developer>*/{
public compare = (o1: Developer, o2: Developer): number =>{
return o1.getAge().compareTo( o2.getAge() )
//return o1.getAge() - o2.getAge();
//return o1.getSalary().compareTo(o2.getSalary())
nullsFirst<T>( comparator: comparator<T> ): Comparator<T>
nullsLast<T>( comparator: comparator<T> ): Comparator<T>
naturalOrder<T extends comparable<T>>( ): Comparator<T>
comparing<T,U extends comparable<T>>( comparatorFn: comparatorFn<T,U> ): Comparator<T>
comparingA<T,U extends comparable<T>>( comparatorFn: comparatorFn<T,U>, comparator: comparator<T> ): Comparator<T>
- Class :
static abstract class Comparators<T>
Method static :
Reversed<T> implements comparator<T>
: Object to instancedNaturalOrder<T> implements comparator<comparable<Object>>
: Instanced ObjectNullComparators<T> implements comparator<T>
: Object to instanced
Interface :
Class :
Consumer<T> implements IConsumer<T>
Class :
IntConsumer implements IConsumer<number>
Class :
BiConsumer<T,P> implements biConsumer<T,P>
Method to implemented for consumer:
type ofconsumerFn<T>
is a simple function(value:T) => void
let consumer: Consumer<string> = Consumer.of(value=>console.log(value));
let consumer1: Consumer<string> = new Consumer();
consumer1.accept = value=>console.log(value);
class Test implements IConsumer<string>{
accept = value=>console.log(value);
new Test().accept("Accepted");
Method to implemented for biconsumer:
type biConsumerFn<T,P>
is a function (o:T,v:U) => void
let consumer: BiConsumer<string[],string> = BiConsumer.of((o:string[],value:string)=> o.push(value) ),
tab:string[] = [];
consumer.accept( tab,"Accepted");
let consumer1: BiConsumer<string[],string> = new BiConsumer();
consumer1.accept = (o:string[],value:string)=> o.push(value);
consumer1.accept(tab, "Accepted-1");
class Test implements biConsumer<string[],string>{
accept = (o:string[],value:string)=> o.push(value)
new Test().accept(tab, "Accepted-2");
- Class :
abstract class Enum
Static method :
Decorator : @
args( ...args:Object[] ):any
class TestDevice extends Enum{
static IOS:TestDevice;
static WINDOW:TestDevice;
private readonly device:string;
private readonly width:number;
private readonly height:number;
private constructor(device:string, width: number, height:number) {
this.device = device;
this.width = width;
this.height= height;
public getDevice():string{return this.device;}
public getWidth():number{ return this.width; }
public getHeight():number{ return this.height; }
let window: TestDevice = TestDevice.valueOf("WINDOW");
let ios: TestDevice = TestDevice.valueOf("IOS");
Method static :
Public static Collections
static sort<T extends comparable<T>>( list : List<T> ): void
static sortA<T>( list : List<T>, comparator: comparator<T> ): void
static swap<T>( list: List<T>,i : int, j: int ): void
static shuffle<T>( list: List<T>, rand: Random ): void
static replaceAll<T>( list: List<T>, oldVal : T, newVal: T ): void
static reverseOrder<T extends comparable<T>>():Comparator<T>
import {comparable} from "lib-utils-ts/src/Interface"
class Test implements comparable<Test>{
public n: number = 0;
public str:string;
constructor(n:number,value:string) {this.n = n; this.str=value;}
public compareTo(o: Test): number {
return this.n - o.n;
let l: List<Test> = new ArrayList();
l.add(new Test(55,"aaa"));
l.add(new Test(5,"aa"));
l.add(new Test(1,"z"));
l.add(new Test(125,"zzzzzzzz"));
l.add(new Test(0,"def"));
l.add(new Test(56,"lkjhg"));
l.add(new Test(2,"lkmlpolo"));
l.add(new Test(255,"aztgrbcekielflflf"));
Test { s: 0, str: 'def' },
Test { s: 1, str: 'z' },
Test { s: 5, str: 'aa' },
Test { s: 55, str: 'aaa' },
Test { s: 2, str: 'lkmlpolo' },
Test { s: 56, str: 'lkjhg' },
Test { s: 125, str: 'zzzzzzzz' },
Test { s: 255, str: 'aztgrbcekielflflf' }
import {comparable} from "lib-utils-ts/src/Interface"
class Test implements comparable<Test>{
public n: number = 0;
public str:string;
constructor(n:number,value:string) {this.n = n; this.str=value;}
public compareTo(o: Test): number {
return this.str.compareTo( o.str );
/* .... */
Test { s: 1, str: 'z' },
Test { s: 5, str: 'aa' },
Test { s: 55, str: 'aaa' },
Test { s: 0, str: 'def' },
Test { s: 56, str: 'lkjhg' },
Test { s: 2, str: 'lkmlpolo' },
Test { s: 125, str: 'zzzzzzzz' },
Test { s: 255, str: 'aztgrbcekielflflf' }
hasNext() : boolean
next() : E
- NoSuchElementException
hasPrevious( ) : boolean
nextIndex( ) : number
previous( ) : E
- NoSuchElementException
set( e : E ) : void
add( e : E ) : void
let lit_s : String[] = [];
lit_s[0] = "some text 1";
lit_s[1] = "some text 2";
lit_s[2] = "some text 3";
lit_s[3] = "some text 4";
let itr_a : Iterator<String> = new Iterator<String>(lit_s);
while( itr_a.hasNext() ){
console.log(" iterator a = "+;}
let lit_s : String[] = [];
lit_s[0] = "some text 1";
lit_s[1] = "some text 2";
lit_s[2] = "some text 3";
lit_s[3] = "some text 4";
let itr_la : ListIterator<String> = new ListIterator<String>(lit_s);
while( itr_la.hasNext() ) {
console.log(" iterator value => "+;}
while( itr_la.hasPrevious() ){
console.log(" iterator value => "+ itr_la.previous()); console.log(" hasPrevious => "+ itr_la.hasPrevious());}
( value : E ) : Optional<E>
get( ) : E
equals( obj : Object ) : boolean
isEmpty( ) : boolean
isPresent( ) : boolean
orElse( other : E ) : E
orElseThrow( other : E ) : E
filter( predicate : predication<E>) : Optional<E>
map( callback : lambaStream<E> ) : Optional<E>
mapTo( callback : lambdaType<E,U> ) : Optional<U>
Static :
of<T>( value : E ) : Optional<E>
- NullPointerException
ofNullable<E>( value : E ) : Optional<E>
let returned : boolean = Optional.ofNullable(null).isEmpty();
console.log("returned value => ", returned );
let value : String = Optional.ofNullable(null).orElse("default value");
console.log("value equals to =>", value);
Optional.ofNullable(null).orElseThrow(new Error("Failed error")); // throw
public Interface predicate<T>
test( value : T ) : boolean
and( Predicate : predicate<T>) : predicate<T>
or( other : predicate<T> ) : predicate<T>
negate(): predicate<T>
Typescript is not java so, fit us :
Public class Predication<\T> implements predicate<T>
usage :
let pobj0 : predicate<string> = new Predication();
let pobj1 : predicate<string> = new Predication();
let pobj2 : predicate<string> = new Predication();
pobj0.test = value => value.startWith("f");<
pobj1.test = value => value.endWith("oo");
pobj2.test = value => value.equals("Hello World !");
console.log( pobj0.and(pobj1).test( "f1oo" ) ); // true
console.log( pobj0.and(pobj1).test( "Hello World !" ) ); // false
console.log( pobj0.and(pobj1).or(pobj2) ).test( "Hello World !" ) ); // true
let p: predicate<string> = Predication.of(( value ,key)=> value==="foo");
let pobj0 : predicate<string> = new Predication();
let pobj1 : predicate<string> = new Predication();
let pobj2 : predicate<string> = new Predication();
pobj0.test = value => value.startWith("f");
pobj1.test = value => value.endWith("oo");
pobj2.test = value => value.equals("Hello World !"); pobj0.and(pobj1).or(pobj2) );
- type predicateFn<T>
let pfn : predicateFn<String> = value=> value.equals("azertyuiop");
public PredicationConstructor<String>
- constructor : ( value : T, key?: ascii ) : boolean
test( value : T ) : boolean
and( Predicate : predicate<T>) : predicate<T>
or( other : predicate<T> ) : predicate<T>
negate(): predicate<T>
let p : PredicationConstructor<String> = value => value.equals("azertyuiop");
static sort<T extends comparable<T>>( list : List<T> ): void
static sortA<T>( list : List<T>, comparator: comparator<T> ): void
static swap<T>( list: List<T>,i : int, j: int ): void
static shuffle<T>( list: List<T>, rand: Random ): void
static replaceAll<T>( list: List<T>, oldVal : T, newVal: T ): void
Interface Iterable<E>
iterator( ): Iterator<T>
Interface Collections<E>
public interface Collections<E> extends Iterable<E>
add( value : E ) : boolean
add(...value: E[]): boolean
addAll( collection : Collections<E> ) : boolean
clear( ) :void
contains( o : object ) : boolean
containsAll( collection : Collections<E> ) : boolean
equals( o : object ) : boolean
remove( key : E ) : boolean
isEmpty( ) : boolean
size( ) :number
toArray( ) : array<E>
Interface List<E>
get( index : number ) : E
indexOf( value : object ) : number
lasIndexOf( value : object ) : number
set( index : number, element : E): E
listIterator( ) : ListIterator<E>
subList( from : number, to : number ): List<E>
stream( ) : Stream<E>
Interface Cloneable<E>
clone( ) : ArrayList<E>
public abstract class AbstractCollection<E> implements Collections<E>
public abstract class AbstractList<E> extends AbstractCollection<E> implements List<E>,NativeExportable<E>
public class ArrayList<E> extends AbstractList<E> implements Cloneable<E>,List<E>,ArrayListInterfaceA<E>
( value : array<E> ) : ArrayList<E>
add(...value: E[]): void
addAll( collection : Collections<E> ): boolean
clear( ) : void
contains(o: Object): boolean
containsAll(collection: Collections<E>): boolean
equals(o: object): boolean
get( key : number ) : E
- indexOfBoundException
isEmpty(): boolean
size( ) : number
iterator(): Iterator<E>
listIterator( index number): ListIterator<E>
isEmpty( ) : boolean
stream( ) : Stream<E>
remove(key: E): boolean
indexOf( object : Object ) : number
lasIndexOf(value: object): number
set(index: number, element: E): E
subList(from: number, to: number): List<E>
shift( ) : E
pop( ): E
clone( ) : ArrayList<E>
toArray(): array<E>
of<E>( list : array<E> ): List<E>
import {List,List,LinkedList,HashMap} from 'lib-utils-ts';
let boolList : List<Boolean> = new List<Boolean>();
let stringList : List<String> = new List<String>();
let numberList : List<Number> = new List<Number>();
let objectList : List<Object> = new List<Object>();
// boolList.add("string foo"); --> compilateur error
stringList.add("a simple string");
// stringList.add(true); --> compilateur error
//numberList.add("a string"); --> compilateur error
//objectList.add(true); --> compilateur error
let link : LinkedList<String> = new LinkedList<String>();
let map : HashMap<Number> = new HashMap<Number>();
class Personal{
readonly p : number; readonly q : number;
let personalList : List<Personal> = new List<Personal>();
personalList.add(new Personal());
public interface Set<E> extends Collections<E>
public abstract class AbstractSet<E> extends AbstractCollection<E> implements Set<E>
public class SetList<E> extends AbstractSet<E>
( ) : SetList<E>
Interface Map<E>
clear( ): void
containsKey( key : K ) : boolean
containsValue( value : V ): boolean
entrySet() : Set<MapEntries<K,V>>
equals( o : Object ) : boolean
get( key : Object ) : V
isEmpty( ) : boolean
keySet( ) : Set<K>
put( key : K, value : V ) : V
remove( o : Object ): V
size( ) : number
valueCollection( ) : Collections<V>
each( callback : streamLambda<V> ): void
public class MapEntry<K,V> implements MapEntries<K,V>
(key: K, value: V) : MapEntry
getKey(): K
getValue(): V
AbstractMap<K extends string|number,V>
public abstract class AbstractMap<K extends string|number,V> implements Map<K,V>
public class HashMap<K extends ListKey,V> extends AbstractMap<K , V>
( ) :
put(key: K, value: V): V
get(key: Object): V
containsKey(key: Object): boolean
containsValue(value : V): boolean
keySet(): Set<K>
entrySet(): Set<MapEntry<K, V>>
equals(o: Object): boolean
remove(o: Object): V
count( ) : number
each(callback : streamLambdaK<V,K>): V
size( ) : number
valueCollection(): Collections<V>
clear() : void
static of<V>( list : {} ):
import {HashMap} from 'lib-utils-ts';
let list : HashMap<String,string> = new HashMap({});
let hMap : HashMap<string, string> = new HashMap({ foo:"123",bar:"4545",});
// let setHMap : Set<MapEntries<string, string>> = ghj.entrySet();
let ItrHMap : Iterator<MapEntry<string, string>> = hMap.entrySet().iterator();
while (ItrHMap.hasNext()){
let mapentry : MapEntry<string, string> =;
// OR
Public class Stream implements ArrayStream,OptionalMapInterface<T,Stream>
( value : Array<T> ) : Stream<T>
each( callback : streamLambda<T> ): Stream<T>
mapTo<U>( callback : lambdaType<T,U> ): Stream<U>
- indexOfBoundException
map( callback : streamLambda<T> ): Stream<T>
mapToInt( callback : streamLambda<T> ) : Stream<Number>
filter( callback : predication<T> ): Stream<T>
limit( limit : Number ): Stream<T>
findFirst( ) : Optional<T>
findAny( ) : Optional<T>
allMatch( callback : predication<T> ): boolean
anyMatch( callback : predication<T> ): boolean
noneMatch( callback : predication<T> ): boolean
hasPeer(): boolean
count(): number
sum( ) : Optional<Number>
count(): number
sort( comparatorFn: comparator<T>):Stream<T>
sorted( compareFn: (a: T, b: T) => number ) : Stream<T>
min(): Optional<Number>
max() : Optional<Number>
getList( ) : ArrayList<T>
toArray() : array<T>
iterator(): Iterator<T>
listIterator(): ListIterator<T>
of<T>( list : array<T> ): Stream<T>
let stream : Stream<String> = new Stream<String>();
mix List & Stream
import {List,List,Stream} from 'lib-utils-ts';
let list : List<String> = new List<String>();
list.add("some text");
list.add("some text");
list =
.filter(value=>value.length>0) .map(value=>value.equals("some text")) .getList();
import {List,List,Stream} from 'lib-utils-ts';
let list : List<String> = new List<String>();
list.add("some text");
list.add("some text");
let predicate : predicateFn<String> = ( value : String, key ) => value.length>0;
// Accepted
list =
.mapTo(value=>value.equals("some text"))
list =
.mapTo(value=>value.equals("some text"))
public export interface IPropertiesFile<K extends string|number,V>
setProperty( key : K, value : V ) : void
- NullPointerException : if key is null
getProperty( key: K, defaultValue?: V ) : V
- NullPointerException : if key is null
public interface properties<V> extends IPropertiesFile<string, V>
hasKey( key : string ):boolean
load( input : InputStreamReader ) : void
- NullPointerException
- IOException
stringPropertiesName( ) : Set<string>
store( output: OutputStreamWriter ) : void
update( ) : void
- NullPointerException
- IOException
public Abstract class AbstractProperties<V> implements properties<V>
public class PropertiesA<V> extends AbstractProperties<V>
let prop : PropertiesA<string> = new PropertiesA<string>();
public class Properties extends AbstractProperties<Object>
let prop : Properties = new Properties();
public class PropertiesJson extends AbstractProperties<Object>
let prop : PropertiesJson = new PropertiesJson();
prop.setProperty("foo",true); FileWriter("./foo/bar.json"));
:checkered_flag: FLombok
A testing feature, be careful when using this method. make sure you have defined "experimentalDecorators" property to "true" in your tsconfig.json. This functionality may be changed in a future version.
- version
FakeLombok is a decorator annotation, for use this
usage getter & setter properties annotation
class Test{
@flombok.GETTER( )
@flombok.SETTER( )
public fooS :string;
@flombok.GETTER( )
@flombok.SETTER( )
protected fooN : number;
@flombok.GETTER( )
@flombok.SETTER( )
protected fooMO : MyObjectInterface;
public getFooS: flombok.getStringFunc;
public setFooS: flombok.setStringFunc;
public getFooN: flombok.getNumberFunc;
public setFooN: flombok.setNumberFunc;
public getFooMO: flombok.accessorGetFunc<MyObjectInterface>;
public setFooMO: flombok.accessorSetFunc<MyObjectInterface>;
let test : Test = new Test();
test.setFooS( "bar" );
console.log( test.getFooS( ) );
let mo : MyObjectInterface = test.getFooMO( );
usage enumerable properties/method annotation
ENUMERABLE( enumerable: boolean, defaultValue: any = null )
- For apply this annotation to your class good way to use it is to no define value, but define 'defaultValue' in your annotation
ENUMERABLEFUNC( enumerable: boolean)
class Test{
@flombok.ENUMERABLE( flase, "foo" )
public fooS :string;
@flombok.ENUMERABLE( true, 5 )
protected fooN : number;
@flombok.ENUMERABLE( flase ) // default null
protected fooMO : MyObjectInterface;
console.log( ( new Test() ).getClass().getEntries() ); // []
Public Interface restHttp :
getProto( ): string
getHeaderAsObject( ) : HashMap<string,any>
getDataAsObject( ) :any
getData( ): string
setData( data : string ) :void
setHeader( header: HashMap<string,any> ):void
request( ) : Promise<Response>
setEncoding( encoding:BufferEncoding):restHttp
getEncoding( ):BufferEncoding
setLoader( pipe:loader): restHttp
getLoader( ):loader
RestHttp & RestHttps
- static
options( ) : HttpOptions<RestHttp>
import {Response,RestHttp} from "lib-utls-ts/src/net/Http";
import {Cookie} from "lib-utls-ts/src/net/Cookie";
let q : Response = RestHttp.options()
let cookie: Cookie = q.getCookies()
.filter(value=> value.getName().equals("foo"))
- Old versions are deprecated
- 2.0.0-stable :
- Fix : Linux/Unix importation, Windows build some files in lowercase ( Stream → stream ), Now every release will be packaged in a Docker alpine:3.12 from a Jenkins pipeline
- Implement job jenkins
- 2.1.0-stable :
- 3.0.0 :
- Refactoring ArrayList :
- AbstractCollection
- AbstractArrayList
- ArrayList
- Refactoring Native of the extensions
- Implements Arrays, Collections classes
- Refactoring Optional
- Refactoring ArrayList :